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Everything posted by sead

  1. So you want free sex?
  2. How to get rid of competition lol
  3. Why would anyone agree? You can have land without any cost. That's how the rich keeps their land. If you never have to pay tax then it can just sit there
  4. Must been hard to find that guy. If police reads this then I'm Happy to help them locate 500 more.
  5. Please understand that you need to ask for only labour cost. Since tikes are so different
  6. I can recommend you my wife's brother. He works in BKK on working site but he have made my house. Can show you pictures. It for sure will be under a 3rd for that for labour
  7. Many times the Free shipping is for their area only. Believe it or not
  8. If someone killed any of my family member by DUI there could only be one way to settle this in Thailand. Pay someone 10.000 USD and put him in the trunket.
  9. And here it goes. Screw the middle classes.
  10. If there was so many foreigners then the customers have changed. I visited that place before and there were not more than 20 foreigners when it was full
  11. I want to know what more is missing
  12. So i guess he has to give back the watches to the deceased and it has to be included when they split the Household to Family
  13. It's even more sad that after all millions he made he couldn't afford a good insurance. Or am I missing something
  14. Can own house. Can not own land. You don't call those houses with 51/49 a condo do you?
  15. Same as condominium you have areas with hundreds of houses where the same rules apply with the 51/49 percent. Meaning you can have a house in your name.
  16. He doesn't need WP or Thaiwife or company to buy condo or house in hus name. <deleted> is all these people telling that?
  17. And my gf was so happy 2 months ago. Celebrating that he will finally go away. I told her he is not going anywhere.. Oh yes she said , he can't stay because I read and now all Thai people are soo happy. I just laughed and said that it's sad that I know more about Thai politics than her and her friends. And I told her it's a sad story how hiso are pissing at the Thai People. They are playing around with them like they are dogss
  18. And my gf was so happy 2 months ago. Celebrating that he will finally go away. I told her he is not going anywhere.. Oh yes she said , he can't stay because I read and now all Thai people are soo happy. I just laughed and said that it's sad that I know more about Thai politics than her and her friends
  19. Better to hire 2 Muay Thai bodyguards. I've seen some in Pattaya. Not to be messed with
  20. ROFL. I want to see the bieffects from all those promoting covidshots and now this is available.. Can see people keeping spraying it every 10min
  21. Nononono. You have not understood any of it
  22. Won't the Koh Samui maffia and police be <deleted> now?.. This place is ruled by these gangster families since long back
  23. Or the USA and NATO could say we won't expand more. Or Zelenskiy could say we are not interested in a NATO membership as they could have said before even 1 person got killed. It's all about how you look at it isn't it?
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