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Posts posted by faraday

  1. 3 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    This is fake. They're boyfriends. Look at around 0:27 sec. He says I'm going to choke you again. Ready? The Thai bloke nods yes. Also there is no struggle at all when the choke lock is released.

    Yes, I suspect the same; when the choke is released, the Thai man smiles quite cheekily, & not from relief.. which probably came later.





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  2. 21 hours ago, Crossy said:

    Rather than dig everything up (you really can't tell much just by looking), find a sparks with a proper earth resistance tester and test what you have, it could be just fine.


    Otherwise just bash in a second rod >2.4m long and wire it together with the existing rod (I would wire it to the board itself as if there was no existing rod). In reality this is likely the cheapest and easiest solution.


    Not that I doubt you Crossy, but why does the rod need to be more than 2.4metres?



  3. 3 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    Seems to many pies from UK are very thick tasteless pastry with v. limited filling.


    On the other hand Australian Pies and pasties now ere talking


    Quite a range of good pies and pasties in Chiang Mai supermarkets, especially the Rimping chain. mde locally, good taste. good prices too.

    Got some 'Nannas' apple pies from Villa last weekend: gorgeous things. The BlackBerry & Apple one's had a whole Berry in them.


    Can you recommend others?

  4. 1 hour ago, Tropposurfer said:

    anything else you forgot ? ... your mind lol lol. Other than your razor and toothbrush why carry all that stuff. Vuill;a has all the marmite and vegemite you could possibly want.

    Drugs aplenty and cheap as chips in LOS.

    As are pork pies and other disgusting English fair that is passed off as food ... hahahahaha



    Off with his head!!!



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  5. 2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    LOL. No one is forcing you to have a conversation, but I know why you are doing so. 

    You are actually just as committed to your view point as a certain other poster to the opposite, and just as irrelevant to the conversation, but don't let me put you off posting- You are quite amusing.

    I think that someone perhaps might change his name to 'Dogmatic'. :laugh:



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  6. 11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    A hard lesson I have learned is that if one does not have family, one has no reason to hang around. Whatever I do is just for myself- no one else cares, and it's all a bit pointless. When I die, everything I care about will be burnt/ dumped or sold to strangers.

    I find myself in God's waiting room.

    Different when young as there's always the hope that eventually one will meet the right person and that will give life meaning in old age, but when one picks the wrong one and it's too late to start again what does one do then?

    You keep going forward, & make the best of what you have.




    You give up.


    Take the first option, please. You'll have brighter days, I promise.

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