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Posts posted by faraday

  1. 28 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

    What's the yellow on his uniform? It's not egg that has dribbled from his face is it?


    Really can't post my thoughts about this.


    If one was to consider ethnicity, one might make a guess - albeit the wrong one. :wink:


    I think it's called a 'Lanyard' innit ? Never seen such a big 'un - or is it coz he's a person of diminutive stature?

    • Haha 2
  2. 4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    It was as nothing compared to the cash the divorce judge threw at my (former) Brit bride.

    I know mate, & I had to <deleted> sit there with the lawyer, & watch myself get shafted.


    It wasn't the best day of my life, but as I'm writing this I'm laughing at the insanity of it all.



    • Like 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, Captain 776 said:

    I have always liked Prayut and think he has done a great job.


    LOLOL I liked him since the early days when he was doing a nes conference and the same reporter kept asking the same question until Prayut said.....I am not answering and if u ask me again, I am coming over there and punch u in the mouth.


    Same thing Trump should do to everyone at CNN and MSNBC.


    Trump is the absolute best President in my 66 years.


    When he finishes in 2024

    Then 8 yrs of Don Jr

    Then 8 yrs of Ivanka as first female Prez

    By then Baron will be old enough for his 8 yrs


    By then USA will be the MEGA power of the world, there will finally be true world peace, prosperity on a scale that has never been envisioned and the entire world will finally be the place it should be.


    Thanks for listening~~~!!!!!


    What is that popping sound?.   Oooops it’s democratic liberal heads exploding......GOOD~!!

    Oh yes, a man with true insight.


    May I just add Tony Blair & Margaret Thatcher as well to this fine list.


    Bravo Captain, bravo.


    *not a dry leg on ThaiVisa*





    • Haha 2
  4. 25 minutes ago, SteveK said:

    I started watching that and gave up, apologies for this but I thought it was crap.


    However, I've just binged watched the first 4 episodes of the new "Chernobyl" TV series, and found it fascinating. I've always very interested in the Chernobyl disaster, so seeing it from the Russians' point of view is captivating. Highly recommended. Apologies - I see that this has already been mentioned, but there are too many posts to read so would just like to add my +1.


    Also enjoyed "The Mule", which stars a very aged Clint Eastwood, not amazing by Hollywood standards but a very enjoyable movie with some very sad moments.


    Black Mirror is coming on 5th June - can't wait!

    Same day as The Handmaid's Tale season 3!!

  5. 2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    For reasons which remain unclear some very powerful people want Gallagher released/pardoned. No cost or effort is too much apparently.


    Former AG Mike Mukasey's son, Marc is representing Gallagher; he is also representing trump in the Deutsche BankCapital One "case", and is a law partner to rudy guiliani.



    Would you say the same about Gallaghers seven SEAL team members who turned him in? And often tried to stymy his murderous ways by messing with his rifle scope so he couldn't snipe women and children?




    Ok, didn't know about that.

  6. 40 minutes ago, BestB said:

    Would love to know how they determined he was Russian from

    this video ?


    he was not wearing Speedo’s or captains hat or Navy shirt or holding Russian flag or carrying bottle of vodka 

    I'm damn sure he's not British though; we wouldn't dream of being like that. :laugh:


    On second thoughts, maybe he is Blitish; Brexit has messed up the £ & we can't afford Robster.....

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, plachon said:

    Do you mean "soya milk", rather than tofu? Whichever, these two products are remarkably unhealthy and not a good substitute for dairy milk, on a number of scores. Anti-nutrients and high levels of oestrogen and progesterone being amongst them, as well as the numerous agri-chemicals commonly used in growing soy beans and likelihood it is a GMO variety. 

    These arguments aside for not consuming soya prodcts, I also would not be an advocate for Thais consuming more dairy, given their propensity to lactose intolerance and the crappy additives put in the milk products here. There are numerous other alternatives to dairy milk, however, with far more healthy properties. ????

    I'd really like to see where you got this information from.


    In fact, back up your post with detailed science.



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