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Posts posted by faraday

  1. 2 minutes ago, stanleycoin said:

    Yes it is, one avenue that should be looked at..

    Yes they would stop, if there was no money in it.

    Money is why they went into it,  in the first place !!!!!!!!!!!!.

    But again, there is only one way to think, right. 



    'Pipe & Slippers' - what an absurd comment. :cheesy:


    The suppliers, who probably have more influence than we will ever know, would stymie it.


    Guess you'd be happy with Class A drugs being even more available to all?




  2. 3 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

    If you read post 8,  that should answer your question.


    Just for a minute,  i thought you were starting to sound like the guys in charge banning drugs around the world, who,  have totally lost the war on drugs,  but keep flying the flag at all the small battles they win. :whistling:

    Legalization is not the answer.


    Do you really think that the cartels & etc, would suddenly stop selling, if they became legal?





  3. 27 minutes ago, stanleycoin said:

    I doubt it, but the notion that you will stop people taking drugs

    is just incredible stupid and way way out dated.


    Ps,  A drug user,  is not a drug addict. 





    If one uses any drug too frequently, the usage, becomes a compulsion, & then is addictive, which in turn can sometimes & does lead to, addiction.


    Do you think that legalization of Narcotics is a good idea?


    If not, then which one's?



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  4. 1 minute ago, Kasane said:

    As long as countries have laws banning this, banning that they encourage criminals to make a quick buck to satisfy an artificially created demand. 

    The Greeks used to use Opiates.....




    It's all about one's Drug Of Choice....beit money/sex/power

  5. Any comments on The Virtues....?


    The acting was first class, plot nothing special, & I didn't find it 'gripping' at all.


    It was good, but not 5*, as all the reviews gave it.


    Still, I think many reviews are just 'toadying' - not wanting to give an objective opinion, for fear of not being popular.


    Look at how 'The Bodyguard' was lauded: It was not really much cop.


    Ok, moan over.



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