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Posts posted by faraday

  1. "Take the last train to Clarksville 

    And I'll meet you at the station"


    When I first heard it, so very long ago, not listening closely to the lyrics, I thought it was just a happy pop song.


    The last two lines of the song though, reveal the sadness, the reality of that dreadful time.


    "And I don't know

     if I'm ever coming home"



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  2. 1 hour ago, Brierley said:

    government hospitals nearly always have the best medical staff, the doctors and surgeons at the private hospitals

    Absolutely; I was recently quoted 50k for a Microdisectomy at a government hospital, or if I go to a private hospital with the same Spinal surgeon, 150k.

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  3. 24 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Every country has funny slang words for schmeckels, mate.

    Had to look that up JT.


    One definition on 'Urban Dictionary' describes it as - & I'll be circumspect...


    hitting another person on the head with one's err.. 

    Captain Standish



    Funny old world, really.????


    Back on topic....????


    Halfway through The Virtuoso.


    A rather odd movie, can't work out if it's any good or not.


    Anybody watched it?


    Line Of Duty s06e06 was rather spiffing, na?


    Anna Maxwell Martin is quietly menacing...


    Great actress - or should I say actor...?

  4. 1 hour ago, Pmbkk said:


    In who's opinion - yours, did they not consult you first for clarification?

     I think that people not wanting this Vaccine because 6 women died out of 6.8 million doses given, qualifies as 'totally irrational'.



    What do you think?


    But to address JT's question.


    J&J have 9 million one shot doses 'ready to go' & if American people don't want it, Thailand should get in there & buy the flipping stuff.


    Don't just be an 'Action Man' prayut, do something proven to work.



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  5. I think it's perfectly daft, for most of the reasons mentioned on here.


    What I do remember when 'all this Covid malarky' started, was the huge -  & very often vehement discussions on wearing the correct mask. 


    The zealots on here, you know the ones who'll be defending this latest rule, argued like fury about how only N95 masks were any use, & shoving in sly digs.


    Now, it seems just about any old mask'll do.


    In my opinion, this is yet another control being introduced.


    But let's just see who 'shoots me down'


    If I was able to elaborate on that, I would.....????





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