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Posts posted by faraday

  1. 4 minutes ago, ezzra said:

    Rubbish... i had several of them in Oz looking at my bladder and kidneys, painful procedure if you are not under, asked to be put under at any cost and you'll feel a thing, ask the urologist to lubricate the instrument well so it will not scar your urine tubes and save you bleeding and burning sensations when peeing..

     Please note the fourth word in my first sentence.


    There are two types of Cystocopy:




    That's why your comment is not only rude, but inaccurate.

  2. I had a flexible Cystocopy in the UK about 10/11 years. Anaesthetic isn't needed, & apart from a little discomfort - & no pain, it was all straitforward. 


    Bit of blood in my urine afterwards. 

    Don't be scared, it's no big deal. 


    Chok Dee!



    • Thanks 1
  3. Simon, yup I certainly agree that social media is responsible for a lot of stress.


    To a degree, we all look for self validation in a healthy way, but the 'craving' for 'likes' has become overwhelming, which in my opinion, turns into a competition almost. The desire to become better than our peers.


    I sought counseling to address my mood swings  successfully. It taught me perspective & how to develop my coping mechanisms further. Whereas my GP just wanted to hand out SSRI's which didn't address the real issue.


    Ofc, pharmaceutical companies want to make even more money, so promoting their compound as an easy fix, rather than counselling for example, I think appeals to those people who want instant results. A form of gratification? I dunno.


  4. 1 hour ago, simon43 said:

    Well, having 'suffered' with an extremely bipolar Thai wife, I'd say there is some truth in his comments.  When her crazy behaviour finally broke our marriage, I refused to act on my emotions any longer, and completely ignored her weird actions.  How surprising that she suddenly stopped being bipolar when I was around.... Her new western boyfriend was at his wit's end trying to deal with her mental illness, whereas she was now no longer mentally ill when I was around...


    In any case, I take the (perhaps harsh) view that any illness - mental or physical - needs to be considered in the context of evolution theory, that a species grows stronger with the natural removal of the weakest of it's species.  

     My comment on his post was that true bipolar caused by a chemical imbalance, would not be solved by a "slap" 


    As for your second paragraph, that sounds a bit - or a lot, harsh, Simon.


    In my opinion -&  this is not a Thai bash, that Thai people don't have the coping strategies to deal with emotions, due to perhaps 'face', upbringing or whatever.


    Having said that, the West is way too combative, to say the least.


    In farangistan, as you know we have considerable more help, & a different culture in dealing with emotions: Generally.

    Talking therapies don't seem to exist here really.


    Maybe Ryan is able to expand on this?



  5. 16 hours ago, Crossy said:


    Interesting indeed, will throw it at the tech chaps, not that they will take any notice of a humble mod.


     But Crossy, you have such power at your fingertips....!


    Hopefully not 220v though.



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