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Everything posted by tomazbodner

  1. And that's just at the door steps of Ministry of Health...
  2. Most IoT devices that have no input to enter passwords, etc. are connected by using a phone to connect to them, to configure them. So on the box, when you reset it (press power and back button) the Wifi icon starts to blink. On your phone with Mi Home app installed and logged in, add filter in the app, which will ask you to change the Wifi to that of the air filter. It suggests how the name would look like. In Wifi menu select the air purifier's network. Once you've done that, app will ask you which Wifi network you wish to connect your box to, select your 2.4 GHz network, and enter password for it. Once it connects, it'll ask you to flip your phone back to your usual Wifi network to continue setup. I've had same kind of setup for Wifi cameras, washing machines, air conditioners, etc., so it seems to be pretty standard. Some others have own web server in them, so you need to connect to their network, then open a web page like (listed in installation manual), where you configure the network settings. Obviously that's necessary as the device itself has no user interface allowing you to select the network and enter password for it. Hope this helps.
  3. The amount of data that flows through the Wifi from air purifier would work fine on 56 kbps modem from 1990.
  4. I've bought (alas never moved into, the lady just kept it for 6 months since buying new) a place that had the blue book completely empty. Only when someone moves their permanent address (as a Thai or foreign PR holder in Thailand to blue book) then that person's infomation will be printed in the blue book. If for example a foreigner buys a new unit and doesn't enter any Thais or PR holders on the blue book, then it will remain empty. Blue book comes with every condo, but yellow book is optional and only required for a foreigner. So in your case - if you enter your girlfriend in there - which will have her previous address, the date when she moves in... and her next address and date she moves out listed, if she moves address elsewhere - then the blue book would have entries that it has now (if any) plus her entry. But if you don't enter her, nothing gets added and it remains as it is now.
  5. On Xiaomi, they are at the back of the box, having a fan that draws in ambient air separately from the main air intake. If you use their Home Gateway, you can add their air quality sensors and make rules based on their readings as well. But in automatic mode, the air purifiers will adjust the speed of the fan based on their own sensors at the back of the boxes.
  6. True. Most IoT appliances only support 2.4 GHz network. Most if not all Wifi routers that support 5 GHz network also support 2.4 GHz, just needs to be enabled, if it's not.
  7. How much for property damage?
  8. No. Titanic is nowhere near 1800 years old.
  9. Air purifiers don't need to run 24/7. If you get Xiaomi (I have these so I'm confident, but I would bet some others have the same), they are Wifi connected and controlled from mobile phone. On the phone, you can select schedule, and if you take whole home automation set, with air quality sensors, you can make even a lot more detailed automation of when to run, like when you're on the way home, turn it on 30 minutes before you arrive, etc. I have one air purifier in each room. Set the bedroom ones to work overnight, and living/working room ones to work over the daytime but turn off at night. That can be easily overridden if pollution outside is really bad and a single air purifier can't handle it by simply turning others on by app or touch button on the box. I prefer Xiaomi not only because they are cheap, but because they have air quality sensors and display with current information, can be controlled from phone, and have easily obtainable filter cartridges which cost about 800-900 baht each and last (in my case) about 9 months with schedule enabled, or about 6 months if running 24/7. One word of caution with XIaomi - they have global and China versions. They use different cloud locations. So if you have China version, all is in Chinese and App has to be set to mainland China. I have all items Global versions, so I can control them all from same app. You'd need 2 phones if you had a mix. Chinese versions are usually a little cheaper than Global version.
  10. At my condo they would cut off the water if any fees (water or maintenance) are over 6 months overdue and charge a fee to reconnect them. I see warnings in lifts and condo app all the time so I am sure there are people who are overdue. Some tenants also caught in that - asking about why there is no water and then finding out unit owners didn't pay bills for many months. Hence I know they actually do follow through on threats. Electricity is, however, paid directly to MEA and as such condo management has nothing to do with it, nor can they touch it.
  11. Sure, if it's your condo, you should. You just can not be entered into the blue book, but it still belongs to owner of condo.
  12. She's Thai so her name could only be in blue book. If you don't have PR/are Thai national, your name can only be in yellow book.
  13. Strange headache, all belongings gone and credit cards maxed out?
  14. I need to talk to True. Not like I ever watch TV but have Platinum TrueVisions and 1Gbps/1Gbps upgraded to 2.5/2.5 Gbps (that's charged separately) but my internet and TV come to about 3500 THB/month. Admittedly I was too lazy to go to their shop when they cancelled pretty much anything I was watching, but I think it might be time, given I'm paying 4x more for the same thing!
  15. Quite a good site with most information on the train lines: https://futuresoutheastasia.com/bangkok-mass-rapid-transit-system/ And a map to visualise (sort of) what they are talking about in OP:
  16. You will. I identify as immortal. Kidding. I meant not as we here, but as a human race. But good point.
  17. And where was the excellent device you typed that comment on manufactured? And most of parts for it?
  18. And when it happens, we'll all act surprised.
  19. It's cold weather inside that train...
  20. I hear crocodile farm is low on frozen chicken... maybe I have an idea for alternative feed...
  21. That's not exactly a 100% fool proof way of checking it. Ultrasound does a better job!
  22. Possibly because there may be someone in the shadow (or rather in hospital) pulling his strings...
  23. Wonder what the plane is called... Flying Zebra? Jailbreak? Striped Can?
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