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Everything posted by tomazbodner

  1. I know it's a 2 storey, 4 bedroom detached house with a pool outside, but don't know the rest of details. It was a lease over many years. I don't know how much of that was actual taxes, and what was fines and interest. The point however was that while probably most rent places out without declaring income, all it takes is one upset or jealous neighbour to give you a lot of trouble with authorities.
  2. Rent below 30 days (a'la AirBnB) is illegal as it competes with hotels. There may be large posters at the condo entrances stating just that. Neighbours could report you and get police to harass your tenants, drag them to police station, etc. Google up stories from C condo in Ekkamai to see how that looks like. Long term it is allowed to rent but there could be restrictions put in place by the condo committee. In general the focus would be on not allowing any activities that would degrade the value of the units of condo owners. Our condo has smoking on balconies banned with fine for every report. On the flip side, if it is a longer term rental, juristic office handles everything. They check the person in, do the reporting, arrange cleaning, room inspection, handle payment, even advertise property and show it to potential tenants. AFAIK they don't charge for that. Finally on taxes - as you're private owner, you were supposed to add the income from rent into your annual tax report under other earnings, then pay tax on it per progressive scale. Given the size of unit, if that was only income you had, you'd not reach any tax even you rented it out the whole year. But I don't know what other complications that can bring as you would have income in Thailand... obviously you would need tax ID but would there be any other consequences? Don't know.
  3. I know someone who got reported by a jealous neighbour, had a tax department visit where tenant showed contract and how many years they stayed there - owner got slammed with over 3 million baht in back taxes and fines. That happened in Chonburi province. To a Thai.
  4. So today is second day of non-mandatory masks outside. Went to have a haircut and observed people on the way to barber and back. Except a couple of shop keepers that even previously didn't bother wearing them while sitting alone in shop, everyone else was masked up. That was a surprise, actually, given how much complaining over wearing masks there was in the past... or maybe that was only in farang population on this forum?
  5. Mine is Tefal... the square one. It is OK, but as others state, it's not for everything and it's not 100% the same as oil fried stuff, but passable. It really is an awesome mini oven though, and for that it's much more useful than I thought when buying it. Just wish I took Philips as far more accessories for baking all kinds of stuff are available for it than for Tefal. Overall, not a bad thing to have. One thing though - the health benefits are wiped out in comparison with oil frying because of much higher concentrations of acrylamide that it causes in food due to high temperatures, so I remember Philips suggested air frying longer time at lower temperature and just finishing last few min at higher temperature... Not very practical. I was trying to find that article (it was titled Do air fryers cause cancer), some time late last year I think. Can't remember from where. Try Googling...
  6. Those buses have a green line around them, which means they are government owned buses. The private ones have different coloured line.
  7. Hopefully this will slow these people down, these drivers are a hazard on the road with there high speed and dangerous passing. @ukrules Yellow plates are not just for motorbikes but for every public transport (buses, vans, taxis, motorbikes). The change of plate colour doesn't automatically mean that they would change their driving style for the better, more likely to the worse. As they'd be paying more than when using white plates, it's far more likely they'll try to drive even faster to make as much as possible each day, making them even more dangerous.
  8. Most of the time, 12-15 baht is added to my deliveries from about 2-3 km around my place. Previously, with other services, standard delivery fee was 50 baht. It makes very little sense to order 50 baht dish with 50 baht delivery fee for most Thais. So in my opinion the number of deliveries will drop, and the restaurants, who benefited from not only serving local walk-ins, will get significantly impacted by loss of clientele since their coverage area will decrease significantly. Maybe good news for 7-11, but surely not for drivers, food shops nor end-customers. And Ralf, with cost of gasoline (and you can't convert it to run on gas), 12k a month is a pittance, for a very dangerous gamble of being on Thai roads... on a motorbike... from dawn to dusk. I can nearly guarantee you wouldn't last a month doing it.
  9. Did he have gloves on? If not, there are his fingerprints all over the stones...
  10. OK, then send them to their new home in Vietnam restaura.... erm, dog shelter.
  11. Darn it! Anyone interested in 580245 masks and COVID test kits? Erm.. Asking for a friend... Just kidding!
  12. Please keep mask mandate for a few more years. Bought several 100 of them by mistake.
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