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Posts posted by pipkins

  1. Why would any sensible citizen donate hard-earned cash to a person with this curriculum vitae ??? The history prior to 1995 is that he made his family fortune logging forests in Surat Thani Province. A recent study found that the deforestation that resulted was "ecological Armageddon" for wildlife and biodiversity. He is hardly a pillar of society, or the environment so unfortunate he has turned out as the champion of what may otherwise be a worthy cause.

    I don't think sensible citizens are donating to him

    Suthep using all of Musollinis tactics has whipped a bunch of easily lead and soft willed people into a frenzy of hatred and nationalism.

    Lets hope there are sensible people in thailand who can pull some of them away from him and back into the middle.

    The sheer brass neck of Suthep to have his son lined up as the PDRC leader is breathtaking. But, at least his brazeness allows people to clearly see then nature of the man.

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  2. It's public knowledge on the Internet that Suthep has already been implicated in giving land to 11 wealthy families in Phuket as part of the 1995 Land Reform Scheme in 1995. This caused him to launch a demonstration to counter the charges which later resulted in collapsing the government , the party and the resignation of Chuan Leekpai.

    Other public information has it that many members of Suthep's own party have long been suspicious of his corrupt and unethical behavior. yet he is the supposed leader of a "reform" group that seeks to appoint 185 "privately selected people to head the council that develops the reform strategy.

    The first part for sure. It was never reported fully as anybody doing so wold be bumped off. I was there when they tried to pin them down in 2005/06 but they were lucky that they managed to get a coup off the ground.

    DSI were there again last year to look into that and "Influential figures" in Phuket. This is why PDRC raided the DSI in Bangkok. Bet they knew exactly which papers to look for and destroy there.

    Your second para came to light because of wkileaks and was a leaked report from the US Embassy. Democrat Politicians had voiced concerns at the Embassy during normal course of meetings.

    These are much stronger than rumours. It is well reported in real media as well!!!

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  3. One cannot expect some of the good people down south to support a political party with a Shinawatra in it, for those who don't understand why, just phone Thaskin Shinawtra in Dubai , I am sure Thaskin will be only to glad to enlighten you , that's if he bothers to tell the story correctly.bah.gif

    Do you dream of Thaksin? Just asking.

    Bad situation in the South and it is totally out of control.

    This is why the army can't help Suthep and his band of 200 anymore. They can't cope down there and would be even more lost if they tried to control BKK and the North.

    Sorry to disturb your disturbed dreams.

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  4. She is safe as houses.

    Could not be much clearer this week with the strong wording of the US, UN and EU to name but a few. That was some of the strongest diplomatic language I've heard here in over 20 years.

    They said, DON"T coup and they directed this at everybody in Thailand and went out of their way to mention that it was directed to EVERY part of Thai Society. They know it's a judicial coup and Thailand is a backwater if they do push Yingluck out.

    Day one of the new gov. The country if broke due to the whistle mob, they have the farmers on their doorstep, they can't sell the rice as they pissed off the chinese etc. etc. So a Junta would be starting from a much lower point even than the Government is now.

    Add to this it is illigitimate judicial coup, will attract sanctions and scare off business with the Red shirts protesting and it's a recipie for disaster.

    Which explains why the Army have cold feet and even some of the court cases have gone PT way!!

  5. He does keep old Suthep on his toes though. Bet he jumps at the sight of his own shadow.

    I remember the police in england on Crime watch saying that they (the Police) can make many mistakes, chase many blind leads and still get their man in the end.

    The Criminal only needs to get it wrong once and he's toast. Not a race to arrest them now as that could turn into sympathy supporters spending more of their coffee breaks protesting with him.

    Did notice the Police have 4 gunmen already arrested and in custody. They been picking them up away from the rally sites. Well done BIB. Pics are on FB for those who like that kind of thing.

  6. In the shot of the gun van, I've circled the PDRC campaign truck, so you're clear these gunmen are with PDRC.


    But you can also see the flag and the previously identified gun man with green paper bag

    Have we seen the white van at any stages recently? Easy to spot, but don't have plates by the look of it. I'll be keeping an eye out as I go there most days to meet clients.

    fingers crossed, lets hope they off the streets soon

  7. in a normal country this would be enough to nail people on dozens of charges ... i bet half have been named already smile.png

    Pantip are looking for names and twitter has a lot of pics of these guys with their masks off so they are easily identiable.

    To many to post here, but they really are outed and I bet they were told behind the scenes to get out of Cheang Wattana and lat Prao or be shot. they have moved quickly from there.

    Time will tell, but lets hope the drive against the fascists picks up. In a normal country you could not find a few thousand people to sit down and have a picnic with the organisers of this.

    But, thailand seems to have a middle class that is positively awash with shallow none thinking people. And they want to give up their votes to nobody need vote again, in order that Suthep can lead them.... Into what? Civil war you would think... but as often here, nobody is looking beyond the next meal or party.

    Shame, but at least today we see that these none thinkers are really the minority. Nice to see all the pics on pantip and twitter. These guys may already have been named, but i can't read it.

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  8. It does say something about the Country that Abhisit and Co can seill be involved in Politics after all the strokes they have pulled.

    Just a small effort to appeal to the country and have policies that did not just involve giving money to army and Gov posts to backers, and they may have been electable.

    But no, they think they are above having to think and work on policies and their privilidged background prepares them in thailand for a life of having everything given to them.

    I agree with above. This is a Judicial, Coup but for them to do it is too blatant... even for them I think. In the unlikely event of doiing it, they would need the Army to enforce it and they are not interested.

  9. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif you reckon and cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif what democracy you mean taksin 1party state cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Looks like Suthep and his lackeys failed to stop democracy!

    And how many party state is it with Sutheps 300 good Poodles Council.

    Think we outed some "educated" thais posting on here in support of Suthep at all costs.

    Hillarious ignorance on many posts here. But I note 4 -5 of the preceeding posts all say the same thing basically.

    Team suthep at work. IF you can't block democracy with guns, the army won't help, maybe the Thaivisa Troll army can do a PR job for us.

    So funny if democracy was not so badly under threat.

  10. Suthep just announced that his movement has grown so massively from the 6,000,000 he had in December that he now needs to close and dismantle 2 stages. Cheang Wattan and Lad Prao going....

    This mob is toast. BBC were interviewing PDRC today at Lak Si and Din Daeng and they told him they could not discuss what they were doing as their orders came direct from Suthep.

    We knew they were brainless sheep, now they admit it in an interview.

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  11. In reaction to the Democrat leader's statement that the election was unconstitutional, caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said she discounted Abhisit's remarks as the 2007 Constitution was not written by her government but by the coup-maker-sponsored government.

    So if WE didn't make the law...then WE don't need to follow it? Interesting times ahead.


    What she is saying is the election was organised totally under the terms of the constitution which he and his friends wrote.

    The EC were by law required to do this, and all the dates and proceedures were there's to follow.

    Government just going along with Abhisit the Hypocrits laws. She didn't write the law, he did!!!

    Thailand must get this goon, the Dems and Suthep out of the system or they are ruined. We are now promised more blackading of Bangkok by the 200 marchers that are left.

    Army really do seem to be staying out and no sign of a coup. Good review in stasiatimes today. They think the Army know the games up for coups and is letting the people sort it out. Maybe hoping for the Thai electorate on both sides to mature.

  12. Question of the day.- Did Prayuth vote today...?

    Well, a vote is a vote for Yingluk...

    His disguise as good as his army shrubbery collection yesterday on Cheang Wattana..

    Just can't see them coming out for Suthep now,,, so Bangkok is going to have to live with the fat idiot and his 200 marchers until somebody realises that the whole country lose out with the PDRC.

    PLEASE: There is a massive thing out there called "The Internet" millions of people posting pics live... many cameras now upload direct as you take it. Things like twitter and FB have thousands of pics all weekend.

    In the good old days, Sutheps thugs would take your camera and rip the film out. These days it is "Click" Upload!! They all out there if you like pics


  13. When will the unpaid rice farmers see the color of their money I wonder?

    It is a foregone conclusion that Red party preferred candidates will hold power but - wouldn't it be funny if some whacky no hoper party got up and nbeat ol Yingluck so she was relelgated to the back benches and some other nut case was PM.

    How wonderful that would be to the THAKSON supportive fools

    Ah, we are getting there.

    Yes, I agree, it would be great. Thailand needs more parties independent of both sides or it will never leave this cycle.

    IF elected.. brilliant, if through mob violence No chance.

    One thing I read today was that Thai Society is waking up to the facts that you can riot, commit crimes and fire guns in the street with imputity if you have the right connections. Some are fearing a more general break down in law and order as people lose respect for Gov agencies, Police and Courts.

    Whilst the Police have always been known to be corrupt, that the Courts all chose to behave in the same way and try it on with a Judicial Coup, just leads the country downhill. NACC Chairman in a moment of madness in front of reporters said today, "I'll sort the problem out, I'll get her out on therice scheme charge" Luckily it found it's way onto Pantip and Twitter... more problems for the Dems side!!!

    Lot of these old judges just not up to speed on social media and hand held phones are they. Much better when they could just write a little note to the army, telling them who to get rid of.

    Third hand theories are now outed as BS we saw quite clearly yesterday that it was PDRC armed and on the streets. NOt to protect themselves, but to stop voters releasing the ballot papers.

  14. Pipkins hasn't posted for 22 minutes ... is that a record ....

    Took the wife to vote and stayed on to watch and take pics. Thaksin forgot to pay any of us, but we still voted as thats what it is a about.

    No idiots this far south in Bangkok. lots of locals on look out incase they were crazy enough to march on the edge of Klong Toey.

    Didn't hear a peep from the whistle blowers here. Nice to be missed though and thanks.

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  15. Meanwhile - 4 more dead in Pattani overnight, proving once more the army cannot control squat. Are Suthep and his followers really sure they could rule thailand through the Thai Army?

    They sat and did nothing yesterday and I can only hope that their do nothing approach will scare some of Sutheps more moderate support to the middle ground.

    Maybe even some on the Reds side will come to the middle as they are not getting the numbers either.

  16. My bet is this election will be discarded for whatever reason they can make up with, then YL will be charged with the rice scheme corruption case before the next election date, ousting her from politics and so on. The question is who's going to take care of governing for the next half year.

    Under the laws they wrote to keep her out.... Yinkgluk stays on.

    that the Courts moved on her and left Abhisit is widely spread around the globe.

    Many now calling for total scrapping of Thai Court and start from fresh. Thailand cannot reform and leave these dinosaurs in place!!!

    Your law, and Yingluck stays. I really think they will physically have to right their way into power this time as Sutheps coup and picnic have failed and the Courts Judicial coup is too blatant even for some of their own... and that is saying something.

    Can I be the first to say that this next pic of Prayuth shows a distinct lack of zombie whislte blowers. shrieking badly educated middle class BKKians and armed PDRC guards. Wonder why.

    PS, your attempt to disguse is as bad as the army in Bangkok dressed up as shruberrys. Ni NI NI


    Your blatant lies are beyond belief. There was widespread internet in 2010 & Abhisit has already made an appearance in court.

    really coming down hard on him arn't they.?? real dogged persuit and we already know they back him so nothing will happen.

    Just more conniving from the backers. Nice this weekend that Thailand and the world saw in full view, on TV and in every paper and internet social media this fact.

    Coup plotters/suthep/Dems will unleash heavily armed mobs onto the street to get their hands on power.

    Not seen any effective spin on it yet. They probably think it will go away, Yeah.. Like the journalists in the police box will forget they were sprayed with bullets for filming them. BBC and reuters in there.

  17. The west judges the current situation on the assumption that a stable, just, democracy exists. This is not the case. Thus the foreign press incorrect reports the situation, and paints the anti government protestors as the bad guys. The reality is these protestors are middle class, educated and largely non violent people who are fed up with a corrupt and dictorial government.

    however they judge the underlying problems (which affect every Thai and is self imposed) of corruption, they got the right angle on the storyies and the pics prove.

    Suthep is the figurehead of a final elitest putch - for reasons we cannot go into.

    That this Elite/Amart/Army/Courts are quite prepared to let armed militia run the streets in order to get what they want.

    Number painfully low and falling

    Suthep is an unstable, two faced fascist who will spew dictats from the stage based on his mood at the time. What is very scary is that this is the way policies will be formed under the 300 good Poodles Council.

    The anti-fascist organisations in the west are picking up on it... I know, I've talked with some :) and they will pressure gov and media in the west to fight against Suthep.

    He can't win now, even if the army went mad and rolled out the tanks, they could do nothing.

  18. I keep reading this nonsense, its also too late, the election is a farce, no court i s ever going to say its valid. Whilst that is played out in court , the shins willl be facing multiple corruption and abuse charges.

    So you are basically agreeing that it is part of a pre (badly)planned judicial coup.

    Suthep and the Armed Milititia go out and block voting, hijack, burn and dump into canals millions of ballot boxes and then you think the Court can conjure up some magical judgement that blames the people who didn't do this.

    The Courts have lost their backers now with the army staying out and will be re thinking how they proceed in the future.

    stasisatimes is reporting that Army determined this time that the people sort it out as they really learned from past mistakes.

    If this is true, it means no Coup for Suthep. which means Yingluk in power until recified.

    All of which means, if Suthep looses, the Courts could be disbanded this time and with no tanks to protect them, they would have to go as they are a few old men trying to force out a popular government.

  19. 67 out of 76 provinces reporting no issues (based on various twitter reports), and much of Bangkok is okay too. I guess the picnic fizzed. What's the next 'final' date Suthep?

    I've just been to vote, they are just not having a vote in the South. No protestors but no vote either. The people in the town hall say there's no vote today with no explanation. Looks like political orders.

    An obvious question, if Suthep can snap his fingers and get no election down here, then what stops him snapping his fingers and getting a fake election result?

    I'll get the popcorn!!!! Becareful what you feed them though, you'll have suthep round blaming you for the loss of yet another fascist.

    I like the guys trolling with the Guy Fawkes masks. So intellegent are they that they didn't know yesterday was the aniversay of the date that GF was hung drawn and quartered.

    So these educated people have idols like musollinnis and Guy Fawkes and don't realise they were traitors who were executed very brutally due to their unpopularity.

    Just hope I don't ever have to teach such a blinkered lot in my profession.

  20. For those trying to vote today, grab as much footage of those obstructing the ballot boxes, and especially the armed PCAD militants. Videos, photos, etc that can identify the people responsible for this.

    Then, submit online and to the police, hopefully they can be identified and one day brought to justice.

    no they wont as they will go to dubai with the other liar and cheat

    Lost the plot have we? 1507625.GIF

    Luckily for CMPO, they are much smarter that the average (man in dubai whoo ho hoh laugh for one minute) posters.

    People really are spreading pics all over fb, twitter and instagram. All these clever whistle blower must realise that a staute of limitations of 10 years applies.

    Meaning, the police can wait up to 10 years to grab these idiots and the charges stay live. Meaning, You're nicked sonny, but just cause we didn't catch you red handed does now mean you got away with it.

    The beautiful irony is that many of their own selfies will be used against them. AND even better news is that screen dumpnt captures these images and the poster loses control of them. FB posters get a reality check next week and clear the pics off the FB. hehehehe.. does not good, the Police have allready trawled internet and have copies of them

    Educated. no danger

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