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Posts posted by pipkins

  1. Good.

    Carry on the good job boys and girls.

    Won't be long before we get rid of them.

    "WE"? Y did you join the fray Costas? I think you maybe at home watching happily the terrorism plaguing Bangkok at present. Very sad.

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Must be enjoying the TV maps as well - 4 districts in bangkok and a handful of problems in the south.

    Meanwhile Suthep is being asked why he organised an armed militia to shut down Cheang Wattana. Other than the army turning out firing, most of Bangkok would have voted.

    Another deadline, another failure. The picnic is not getting much press either. Is that because it also failed and they don't want to highlight it. I am scouring the internet for millions of bangkokias picnicing and blocking polling. Cant' find them

    Perhaps one of the 6 million who is there could put up a few selfies!!!


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  2. Again the media are trying to portray this as a victory for Suthep. They closed very few, are very thin on the ground and Din Daeng has re-opened. The fascist have had their day and Yingluck stays on as Caretaker for another 6 months!!!

    I also thought those whisling lunatics had been ordered to a picnic to make bangkok a car park. Lead by the ugliest ladyboy ever. Foul foul people. They won't picnic as they may get sun on their expensively skin whitened bodies.

    the didn't beseige this man.

    remember, a vote any vote is a vote for Yingluck. So with Sutheps words and threats ringing in his ears General Prayuth goes for the PT way!!!


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  3. Thought I'd read the Nation (was feeling over eductated by foreign media and thought I needed a bit of dumbing down)

    they managed a few pages of drivel about Lak Si today and managed, not one single pic of a gun!!! Just the voters bashing the army chiefs car.

    The image they are showing is that the reds were not armed. so they wern't.

    If I ever decide to live my life in blissful ignorance, at least I'll be able to read their paper!!! :)

  4. All the stops being pulled out tonight on the red side. Pic after pic and I hope they can finally nail this coup.

    Shouldn't laugh as it is very serious, but their pistol man looks like a medic... Maybe got sick of sexist comments and decided to see what life is like away from the surgery.

    Lot more to come here as Suthep got up on stage before all this hit the web. When he calms down and stops taking his big cheques. he might have a shock at his evening debrief.

    Big cheques tonight. Really ready for Chalerm to nail anybody that could put this armed mob out there on a saturday afternoon. And chalerm speaks the same language as Suthep, so maybe a new bed for him to hide under. The Army can't say they are defending the country whilst they let this happen, they' have to really disgrace them selves and coup, or pull the plug on Suthep... and very soon.


    didn't you say a few pages back you weren't going to post anymore pictures?! wai2.gif

    Got to make sure we all know what is going on here. Election day is still on tomorrow despite the best efforts of Suthep.

    My dearest wish is that he is one day held to account for this. I think today with the emergence of this mob, he is finished. Tonight he is down to a few airheads from TV telling everyone to have a picnic.

    Quite the reverse image is portrayed now to the world from what he set out to show. All the "educated" thai mass uprising.

    What we see and what he is proving is that he has a few thousand of Thailand worst educated people hanging round him. At the least sign of hearing anything they dont' like, they blow whistles. The myth of this educated uprising is shattered here today.

    Worrying for the elites behind this... it they are outed in no uncertain terms. Thaksin will have seen this and there will be much more to come from this. You think anybody is going to say this armed militia taking up positions with soldiers amongst then is the work of anybody other than Suthep/elite/dem/backers.

    It's horrific and they should all be jailed for life at the very least.

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  5. All the stops being pulled out tonight on the red side. Pic after pic and I hope they can finally nail this coup.

    Shouldn't laugh as it is very serious, but their pistol man looks like a medic... Maybe got sick of sexist comments and decided to see what life is like away from the surgery.

    Lot more to come here as Suthep got up on stage before all this hit the web. When he calms down and stops taking his big cheques. he might have a shock at his evening debrief.

    Big cheques tonight. Really ready for Chalerm to nail anybody that could put this armed mob out there on a saturday afternoon. And chalerm speaks the same language as Suthep, so maybe a new bed for him to hide under. The Army can't say they are defending the country whilst they let this happen, they' have to really disgrace them selves and coup, or pull the plug on Suthep... and very soon.

    EDIT.... The post above this one with the Student gang... He was filmed shooting at the BBC.... You could not make this up.

    PDRC lovers. these guys are your next police force. How many people beaten to death everyday for coughing, dropping a fag end, farting in public. Thats always been a mystery how any falang could support fascism.


    Wife tells me this is on tv. What they pointing out is how the PDRC gunmen are taking up shooting positions along with the Army.

    Are the Army staying neutral..... sorry, just having a laugh.

    On the other hand... not funny. The PDRC have threated Nik Nostiz in writing!!! not that is so clever and a sure fire way to get the press on your side.

    Today, wear the green bands and sashes of Journalists, shoot and them in the police box, and the threaten to kill them on twitter. Am I the only one that can't keep a straight face when I read that these are the self procaimed Intellegent Thais.?

  6. Needless to say BlueSky have been taken off air

    They have jazz musicians on now, no mention of these incidents at all...

    Meanwhile every airhead that ever there was will gather her for certain because todays the day the idiot have thier picnic.

    Suthep needs all the help he can get so I'm plugging his picnic day. Mainly because it is the biggest colletcion of jerks I have ever seen assembled. Enjoy

    Suthep is now relying on these people. Bad as it looks from the still on the front, belive me it gets much worse. talk about brain drain!!

  7. wow. There is a full video of the men with the machine guns on matichon website.

    Interestingly it was shot from within the police box..... and the police box is the one that the journos were in that got shot up.... by!!!! gues who... PDRC

    So, Sutheps mob finally out in the open. Plenty of stills and video now. Very good quality this one and it looks pro tv footage.

    It explains why the press in the pollice box were repporting they were shot at.

    Way to go Suthep. way to go. really lost the plot there didn't you.

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  8. Ohhh no time for a mask, just so many things to do when you going out hijacking ballot papers. never enough time to cover up.

    Have to make the front page of the papers with no mask and my PDRC membership card hanging round me neck.

    Lets also pause for thought her as well This is the Student arm, who many of us for month have been saying are not students. They are the military wing, staffed, supported and protected by the army

    Last pic from me. Anybody want to see hundred and hundreds of pieces of incrminating evidence and unbiased reports will have to fine them for themselve. It is not difficult


  9. Not Nation pic but as it is Reuters, some of us feel it could be genuine, unless the photographer is a thaksinisa on the dubai payroll. smile.png Quite clearly the PDRC are a paramilitary operation.

    Come on Army. In US or Europe the army Would, 100% of shot all of them who did not immediately surrender. Thai Army Mai Pen Rai - we all the same Suthep gang.


    That gun he's firing is a Tavor assault rifle, which just happens to be the new assault rifle of the Royal Thai Army.


    Oh dear. That is bad news for the coup. Can't wait for the spin on this one. No wonder the army boss looks so damned happy tonight.

    So, the Thai army bought this tavor and now somebody on PDRC side, with army protecting them, is firing one in the streets of Bangkok in order to stop voters from voting. Hmmm what will obama et al make of that.

    Its an asault rifle that is really going to take some explaining away by the army

    Here is a pic of the peaceful machine that PDRC saw fit to unleash on Bangkok. there were at least two as the one everybody was desdribing as looking as if the butt had been sawn off was also one of these.


    I disagree. The Travor doesn't make such a big flash. The sound from a Travor higher pitch than the low solid boom from the video. I think its a shot gun.

    a single barrel shotgun with the barrel end lathed to resemble a tavor. Calibre? all my shot guns are massively wider bore than this.

    Length too short for shotgun or you telling us it is sown off? and at which ends/

    And what is his left hand grasping inside the bag? His sandwiches. Look again. Its a tavor in a bag and his left hand is gripping the bottom of the clip.

    Diameter wouldn't let many pellets out. :) Give it up why don't you

    Am so happy, this is the first time I have gotten involved in one of these gun argument. Must have been a darn bad gun point you made for me to be chipping in. I really know nothing at all about guns and even I can take your argument totally to bits.

  10. Good news is they are homing in on one of the riflemen. Been taking pics of themselves. Name not far away now.

    How many thousands of the followers will now regret those selfies. they best hope Suthep has something up his sleeve to get the coup on quick or there are going to be thousands of knocks on thousands of doors... Then we'll see the police in action.

    But for now, they have to let this garbage run wild. Step in, and its Coup time. 10 years they now have, and you can take pics of facebook, but they are easily copied!! and I know how they do it. 10 years dreading every knock on the door. Now why ever did I go with Suthep.

    So, remove all those incriminating pics from facebook. But the DSI know screen dumps and have them all copied already... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Print_screen

    Big group of hard men. Hard men, hard time, hard floor when they are in prison


  11. CNN is reporting the gunfire came from anti-government protestors.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Everybody is mate. I've seen this reported



    Straights Times

    NY Times


    Nation not having it and that other paper that helps out the Elites when the chips are down had the wrong captions on them. Now they know they are PDRC they took one off!!!! So balance are Thais, but the funny thing is, they think nobody notices. :)

    The pics are all genuine, all from foreign media and all pointing at PDRC.

    We are hoping (the wife is a bit of a red) that some names will be put to some of them as there is a massive amount of sharing going on at Pantidotcom, FB etc.

    I think there could be names and even army serial number attached to some of the PDRC gunmen today.

    Whatever happens. I can't see the Junta explaining it away anytimg soon. Could a change in the air though as the Courts just approved arrest warrants for 3 of the leaders.!!! Hope they put them in Dusit zoo where we can feed them falang food via catapult!!

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  12. As I get more than my share of flames here. BBC just tweeted and their guy took this pic of PDRC in action.

    Get over it you guys, This is the PDRC, they are armed and there are army personel amongst them. This is so out in the open and everybody.... and I do mean everybody, is printing these pics of PDRC fully armed, holding ballot papers hosgage.

    People are bleating about the reds confronting them. It was PDRC laying seige to the ballot papers that started this. The the army are once again being photo'd working with the fascists, the game is up. Can be no pretence tonight from the stage, The Great Suthep is again revealed as a two faced, lying fascist fraudster who changes his rants every night to fit his unstable mood.

    @BBCBreaking @pakhead outrageous that these protesters are wearing armbands that are the same color as TJA armbands for journalists!


    Yes PIpkins, they are absolutely armed. Tired of being shot at and having grenades thrown at them, continually dying while the police have been watching and doing nothing like last Sunday, they are now absolutely armed. It is sad that it had to come to this.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Good comment and they are going to find soon that there are many many more times this amount of armed people that will want a pop at them....

    Could you care to comment on them laying seige to the ballot papers though. If you did that in most countries in the world, there would be much more lead flying... and without the army protefing them, they would be finished.

    Totally shot is Sutheps coup. They just need to clear him and his backers out now.

    Army. usual stuffed shirts. Best they take all their billions of dollars and spend it shooting up Pattani where they still can't calm the locals.

    What was hilarious about the army today (i was there BTW) was the camoflage. They stood right out. Oh,,, a big thicket of shrubs in the middle of Cheag Wattana :) Not one iota of sense from the top here. Isn't camoflage supposed to make you blend in and become invisible to the enemy.

    Their posts looked like small garden centres dotted about :)

    Nobody screaming for them to coup has any idea how inept they are.!!! the Army know though

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  13. To expand on the PDRC cowardice. They first hid behind portraits of HM, then wrapped themselves in the flag. Then they marched behind the ICRC flag and now they are wearing press armbands and endangering the press. most of whome are not fascists.

    Few truck loads of armed PRDC also filmed leaving asoke area to go and help them.

    Will the army come in on the right side this time, of will they defend Suthep down to his last man?

    PDRC guys in the stills are quite cleary Army and the pics circulating wildely so some one will out them tonight for sure. Seen the pic all over facebook. wife got it on pantipcom and its all over twitter... oh and here. they are forces and need to be outed.

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