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Posts posted by icommunity

  1. NACC 'judges' had lose an important opportunity to explain that it is independence, conducted investigation transparently and that it is free of conflict of interest.

    The 'judges' have not resolved the issue raised by caretaker PM that it took only 21 days to complete the investigation from the date the complain was filed while the probe against former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva over the rice price guarantee scheme has been going on for about four years. Instead of addressing the issue raised, it related and connected the investigation as has been going on as far back as December 2012. This argument is irrelevant and open up more questions on their independence, transparent and free from conflict of interests.

    The 'judges' also did not reply directly to a written request to change investigators before the investigation concluded - they went to the press instead.

    The caretaker PM did not raise the issue in confrontation but that it is now a public interest wanting to know why AV's case has been dragging for about 4 years.

    The NACC 'judges' have shown their double standard in the administration of the rule of law and justice. They have shown no interest in independence, conducting investigation transparently and they are guilty of conflict of interest.

    • Like 2
  2. He is the wrong person to negotiate with. Before there is any meaningful negotiation, he should be arrested together with the violence monk and the team of violence plotters first. Never ever float the idea of negotiating with him.

    The situation has become that of no negotiate with whoever that is from the dem's pdrc/pcad and groups associated with it.

    Unless we see the rule of law prevail, we will continue to see unrest or even worse.....

    They are not protesters, neither are they peaceful or unarmed. The popcorn vendors, distributors and brigades surface only on certain 'signal' to blame on the government and the law enforcement agencies. Behind the violence is also the involvement of the military on their side.

    post-198606-0-91017100-1393332093_thumb. post-198606-0-55905200-1393332105_thumb.

    • Like 2
  3. RS/UDD should know that they and the law enforcement officers are in the 'open' while the militants of the dem's pdrc/pcad are hidden. The popcorn brigade surfaced only during and at certain 'signals'. They have been patterns on the way they are surfacing and I am sure investigators should pursue in that direction. Greater effort should be in the pursuing of the 'popcorn vendors, distributors and brigades'.

    RS/UDD and law enforcement officers who are in the 'open' should also be aware of the way the dem's pdrc/pcad accused them and used them as scapegoats.

  4. I do not think suthep is the right person to talk to. The power and the influence of the dem's pdrc/pcad should be the people to talk to. They are more beneath the surface of what we are arguing or debating about. Arrangement or agreements with suthep will not be a sustainable one.

    When is Thaksin coming in for talks?

    From the postings that you have been showing up here, I don't think you've ever border about the well being and the unity of Thailand. You have been reactionary, confrontational and a Thaksinphobic.

    I have decided to put you in my rubbish bin.

  5. This is what is called a peaceful protest?

    Well yes it is. Any bombs exploding at Voice TV? Any shots fired?

    If a bomb exploded and shot fired, it is called a violence armed protest. So, you are saying when people block the entrance or road to your house in protest, if no bomb exploded, no shot fired, it is peaceful???

    • Like 1
  6. A violence confrontation seem to be a high possibility. With the number of the dem's pdrc/pcad dwindling and the number of RS/UDD people increasing and their feelings of bitterness and haplessness mutiplied, the only means the dem's pdrc/pcad has is the deployment of its rapid response popcorn spraying brigade.

    The violence incident yesterday at Raj'prason was a warning to RS/UDD - don't come, or it is what you will get. However, the RS/UDD responded - we will sure come.

    Will the courts allowed the caretaker government to crack down protests that had turned violence?

    Are you saying the attack was AGAINST the Red Shirts?

    That is the most disgusting spin I've seen in a long while.

    Yes, unless proved otherwise. IMO, I still believe that "The violence incident yesterday at Raj'prason was a warning to RS/UDD - don't come, or it is what you will get. However, the RS/UDD responded - we will sure come. Suthep had challenged the RS/UDD with violence - popcorn vendors.

    SOE should be updated to deal with the escalating violence. However, the military should completely be out of the loop and remain in their barracks. It is imperative that they prove that they are not a party to the violence.

    post-198606-0-53483600-1393219465_thumb. post-198606-0-69489400-1393219475_thumb.

  7. ----------Suriyasai Katasila, coordinator of the Green Politics group, said the country's political saga had entered its final chapter with violence expected to boil over. The Thaksin regime had been shaken to its core. The PM was cornered and felt her life was in danger because the military had distanced itself and the police had buckled to public scrutiny. "The red shirts' hard core is Thaksin's last resort plus his crony police officers helping him to carry out underground operations focusing on instigating unlimited violence,'' he said----------

    The RS/UDD have not been shaken and they are not in a last resort situation. It is the other way round with their many 'finals' and 'ends' games. This Thaksinphobic will make to realize that the RS/UDD have been showing utmost restraint, patient and tolerance. They remained in low profile was because they were hoping that they can continue to have faith and trust in the military and the 'old elite' power to work for reconciliation and the unifying of Thailand.

    The situation now is like what Jatuporn Promphan said "No one allows himself to be harassed without striking back. If we do not stand up and fight, it means we give our motherland to Suthep,''

    Another worrying situation, was that RS/UDD is prepared to set up an administration "in exile" in the North or Northeast.

    With Thailand's politics now playing the business and consumer cards, business communities are forced to reevaluate their HQ operations in BKK. It looks like some will move to the North while some to the South and leaving BKK empty.

    AEC can wait, since most countries are not fully ready anyway. The high-speed train can begin from the North to connect Europe and China. Flood and water management focus on the Northern region. Foreign investors will have to review where should they put their money.

    Faith and trust in negotiation are now nonexistence, with the RS/UDD do not want to be bullied, harassed and cornered and the dem's pdrc/pcad, the military and 'old elite' insist on a non-elected government. It seems a violence confrontation is inevitable.

    No body in Thailand want to see such situation, but if it has to, may the will of Dharma be done.

    • Like 1
  8. ------PDRC spokesman Akanat Prompan said rapid-response teams would be sent to government offices to urge bureaucrats to stop working for the "Thaksin regime".------

    In the same manner the RS/UDD will response with their rapid-response teams to courts and independence agencies to urge judges and officials to stop working for the anti-democracy, anti rule-of-law movements.

  9. A violence confrontation seem to be a high possibility. With the number of the dem's pdrc/pcad dwindling and the number of RS/UDD people increasing and their feelings of bitterness and haplessness mutiplied, the only means the dem's pdrc/pcad has is the deployment of its rapid response popcorn spraying brigade.

    The violence incident yesterday at Raj'prason together with verbal threat of suthep warning RS/UDD not to come - don't come, or it is what you will get. However, the RS/UDD responded - we will sure come.

    Will the courts allowed the caretaker government to crack down protests that had turned violence?

  10. The police are very nervous in breaking the rules the recent civil court judges.


    It's noteworthy that the court opinion translation provided in the above link uses as its justification in ruling against the police and the government that the anti-government protests have been "peaceful and unarmed' -- which in fact they generally have been when not confronted by the police or Red Shirts.

    Thus, apart from the actual ruling lacking any language that would prevent perimeter police checkpoints aimed at preventing weapons and explosives into the area, it's kind of hard to imagine the judges would take offense at the authorities preventing weapons being taken into "peaceful and unarmed" protests.

    BTW, are those the same "very nervous" police and CMPO officials who first claimed the ruling would have no effect on their duties, and later started devising various schemes to either avoid the order or have it overturned on appeal...

    Hahaha, you don't know sarcasm.

    This is the second time I have caught you out using the sarcasm excuse when your wrong. Your not being sarcastic. You are wrong, but won't admit it.

    Hahaha, you could not face the truth of my sarcasm and cowardly deleted the rest of the content. Here they are again, have fun, cheer up.

    Hahaha, you don't know sarcasm. Take it easy. Lets have the same type of the dem's pdrc/pcad peaceful and unarmed protests. May be we should start with surrounding the courts and independence agencies' offices and demand judges and officials to stop works in order to join the peaceful protest. Occupy their buildings and have coffee with them, breakfast, lunch dinner on the house,

    Oh yes, protest stages in front of their door steps and in the middle of the roads leading to these places. When police come to negotiate, blew them away and when they enforce the rule of law, let the popcorn distributors take over.

    Don't forget, senators election coming up, why not block the registration, distribution of ballot box and paper. Get physical at voters who dare to turn up to vote.. Anyone or group try to help with the distribution of ballot box and paper, the popcorn sprayers can help them eat popcorn.

    These are peaceful activities, you know.

    Almost forgot, we can always blame it on the RS/UDD and Thaksin and get away with all these fun activities.

    Wow, lot of laughter. With all the spinning on the latest methods of 'peaceful, unarmed protest'. Very creative, so amazing. Hope the dem or its pdrc/pcad or the bluesky will not patent it and start asking for copyright or patent right fees. Very confusing, among them, who has the right? May be they should ask the court for a ruling.

  11. The police are very nervous in breaking the rules the recent civil court judges.


    It's noteworthy that the court opinion translation provided in the above link uses as its justification in ruling against the police and the government that the anti-government protests have been "peaceful and unarmed' -- which in fact they generally have been when not confronted by the police or Red Shirts.

    Thus, apart from the actual ruling lacking any language that would prevent perimeter police checkpoints aimed at preventing weapons and explosives into the area, it's kind of hard to imagine the judges would take offense at the authorities preventing weapons being taken into "peaceful and unarmed" protests.

    BTW, are those the same "very nervous" police and CMPO officials who first claimed the ruling would have no effect on their duties, and later started devising various schemes to either avoid the order or have it overturned on appeal...

    Hahaha, you don't know sarcasm. Take it easy. Lets have the same type of the dem's pdrc/pcad peaceful and unarmed protests. May be we should start with surrounding the courts and independence agencies' offices and demand judges and officials to stop works in order to join the peaceful protest. Occupy their buildings and have coffee with them, breakfast, lunch dinner on the house,

    Oh yes, protest stages in front of their door steps and in the middle of the roads leading to these places. When police come to negotiate, blew them away and when they enforce the rule of law, let the popcorn distributors take over.

    Don't forget, senators election coming up, why not block the registration, distribution of ballot box and paper. Get physical at voters who dare to turn up to vote.. Anyone or group try to help with the distribution of ballot box and paper, the popcorn sprayers can help them eat popcorn.

    These are peaceful activities, you know.

    Almost forgot, we can always blame it on the RS/UDD and Thaksin and get away with all these fun activities.

    Wow, lot of laughter. With all the spinning on the latest methods of 'peaceful, unarmed protest'. Very creative, so amazing. Hope the dem or its pdrc/pcad or the bluesky will not patent it and start asking for copyright or patent right fees. Very confusing, among them, who has the right? May be they should ask the court for a ruling.

  12. Hahaha, you are another nonsense, you did not read the nine orders of the judges.

    As a matter of fact I did - which one "barred law enforcement officers to search rally sites"?

    Order no.3. Oh I am getting tired and sleepy.

    Your quote

    "barred law enforcement officers to search rally sites"

    Order number 3 (according to your information):

    3. To prohibit the three defendants from issuing an order to search, remove, or demolish buildings, structures or barriers put up by the plaintiff;

    Key points in that ruling are:

    1. it applies to "buildings, structures or barriers"
    2. It does not prohibit searching people or their belongings
    3. it does not prohibit anyone else (besides the 3 defendants) from issuing any order

    Get your facts right matey and stop posting utter cr_p.

    I let the CMPO to seek clarification from the judges of civil court. Who else can issue an order to search, remove, or demolish buildings, structures or barriers put up by the plaintiff. May be BMA? eg. Illegal structures are right in the middle of the roads.

    My reaction to the violence was:

    When judges of court barred law enforcement officers to search rally sites and disperse crowd that violated the rights of the public and clear illegal structures from the middle of the road, lawlessness prevails .

    • Like 1
  13. When judges of court barred law enforcement officers to search rally sites and disperse crowd that violated the rights of the public and clear illegal structures from the middle of the road, lawlessness prevails .

    Send from my Mobile

    Can you post supporting evidence for this allegation?

    Huh, very tired and sleepy already. You can find it from my reply to some posters here.

    Now explain how the court ruling is the reason why anti-government protesters are murdered.

    So you are accusing that some one murdered the anti-government protesters.

    My version is

    When judges of court barred law enforcement officers to search rally sites and disperse crowd that violated the rights of the public and clear illegal structures from the middle of the road, lawlessness prevails.

  14. Hahahaha, either you are not up-to-date or lie.


    All the courts said to the police was they can enforce the law 'lawfully' (paraphrased).

    I posted this to another nonsense post you made about this subject earlier today.

    If you can provide me with evidence to the contrary I will admit my mistake and apologize- balls in your court matey...

    Hahaha, you are another nonsense, you did not read the nine orders of the judges.

    Umm... nine orders?

    The link you posted has 12? Are you sure YOU know what you are talking about??

    1. To prohibit the three defendants from using force, or from authorising the use of force or weapons, to disperse the protest held by the plaintiff and the public;

    2. To prohibit the three defendants from ordering seizure of goods, consumer goods, chemical substances or other materials used in the protest organised by the plaintiff;

    3. To prohibit the three defendants from issuing an order to search, remove, or demolish buildings, structures or barriers put up by the plaintiff;

    4. To prohibit the three defendants from issuing an order requesting all sales, use or possession of goods, medical supplies, consumer goods which might be used in the protest held by the plaintiff, to be reported or given permission from relevant officers;

    5. To prohibit the three defendants from banning any act that could block roads and traffic, or any act that could disrupt the normal use of public roads, in all the areas used by the plaintiff to organise the protest;

    6. To prohibit the three defendants from banning gatherings of five persons or more;

    7. To prohibit the three defendants from banning the use of roads or vehicles, or from setting conditions on the use of roads for the purposes of the protest;

    8. To prohibit the three defendants from banning the use of buildings by the plaintiff, or banning the plaintiff from entering or residing in any place, or from entering into any areas;

    9. To prohibit the three defendants from ordering the plaintiff and the protesters to leave the protest sites, or from banning entry into those areas;

    10. To prohibit the three defendants from using force, or authorising the use of force by other officers, to disrupt the protest organised by the defendants

    11. To allow the plaintiff and the general public to use or remain in the areas where the Decree is in force;

    12. To allow the plaintiff to use roads or vehicles, or to park vehicles in the areas where the Decree is in force.

    I sum it up. Or do you want to sue a news media which made the summary. So what is the problem?

  15. One thing I noticed about the pics taken in the immediate aftermath of the attack is the total lack of a police presence. This is on the street just outside Big C and is not near any stages. It's the middle of one of Bangkok's biggest shopping districts, and no police. First responders were the army and rescue crews. The police didn't show up until the army had apprehended some possible suspects.

    The lack of a police presence, in light of all the terrorist activity is most disturbing. Do they not care about the security of shoppers on the busy weekend?

    Just for the record...


    The police are very nervous in breaking the rules the recent civil court judges.


  16. When judges of court barred law enforcement officers to search rally sites and disperse crowd that violated the rights of the public and clear illegal structures from the middle of the road, lawlessness prevails .

    Send from my Mobile

    Can you post supporting evidence for this allegation?

    icommunity - A jpg is not enough. Appreciate a link to the website please so I can see the jpg in its full context.

    The jpg says the defendant is the government (not the police) thus why I would appreciate the link to the website.

    I stand corrected


  17. When judges of court barred law enforcement officers to search rally sites and disperse crowd that violated the rights of the public and clear illegal structures from the middle of the road, lawlessness prevails .

    Send from my Mobile

    Can you post supporting evidence for this allegation?

    icommunity - A jpg is not enough. Appreciate a link to the website please so I can see the jpg in its full context.

    The jpg says the defendant is the government (not the police) thus why I would appreciate the link to the website.

    I thought you are so resourceful??????


    Are you going to say this is the government website???? Go and take the information and ask the civil court or sue the government for disinformation.

  18. Don't threaten, just do it - even if the judges are their grandfathers. No more negotiation, compromised - it is over.

    PTP know they are wrong and are making empty threats. Just bluster. Hot air.

    The goose is cooked

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Hahaha, afraid already? I encourage the PTP to "Don't threaten, just do it - even if the judges are their grandfathers. No more negotiation, compromised - it is over."

    Might need to "persuade" a few judges 1st, just send out a list of addresses.

    No need. Just do it.

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