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Posts posted by icommunity

  1. Don't threaten, just do it - even if the judges are their grandfathers. No more negotiation, compromised - it is over.

    PTP know they are wrong and are making empty threats. Just bluster. Hot air.

    The goose is cooked

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Hahaha, afraid already? I encourage the PTP to "Don't threaten, just do it - even if the judges are their grandfathers. No more negotiation, compromised - it is over."

    • Like 1
  2. When judges of court barred law enforcement officers to search rally sites and disperse crowd that violated the rights of the public and clear illegal structures from the middle of the road, lawlessness prevails .

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    Can you post supporting evidence for this allegation?

    Huh, very tired and sleepy already. You can find it from my reply to some posters here.

  3. When judges of court barred law enforcement officers to search rally sites and disperse crowd that violated the rights of the public and clear illegal structures from the middle of the road, lawlessness prevails .

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    Yet another lie, the court did no such thing.

    Hahahaha, either you are not up-to-date or lie.

    Simple. Post a link.

    Hahahaha, surprise, surprise, I thought you are resourceful??????


  4. All the courts said to the police was they can enforce the law 'lawfully' (paraphrased).

    I posted this to another nonsense post you made about this subject earlier today.

    If you can provide me with evidence to the contrary I will admit my mistake and apologize- balls in your court matey...

    Hahaha, you are another nonsense, you did not read the nine orders of the judges.

    As a matter of fact I did - which one "barred law enforcement officers to search rally sites"?


  5. All the courts said to the police was they can enforce the law 'lawfully' (paraphrased).

    I posted this to another nonsense post you made about this subject earlier today.

    If you can provide me with evidence to the contrary I will admit my mistake and apologize- balls in your court matey...

    Hahaha, you are another nonsense, you did not read the nine orders of the judges.

    As a matter of fact I did - which one "barred law enforcement officers to search rally sites"?

    Order no.3. Oh I am getting tired and sleepy.

  6. When judges of court barred law enforcement officers to search rally sites and disperse crowd that violated the rights of the public and clear illegal structures from the middle of the road, lawlessness prevails .

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    Yet another lie, the court did no such thing.

    Hahahaha, either you are not up-to-date or lie.

    All the courts said to the police was they can enforce the law 'lawfully' (paraphrased).

    I posted this to another nonsense post you made about this subject earlier today.

    If you can provide me with evidence to the contrary I will admit my mistake and apologize- balls in your court matey...

    Hahaha, you are another nonsense, you did not read the nine orders of the judges.

  7. When judges of court barred law enforcement officers to search rally sites and disperse crowd that violated the rights of the public and clear illegal structures from the middle of the road, lawlessness prevails .

    Send from my Mobile

    by terrorists you mean?

    Hahahaha, you are trying to change subject.

    No, just trying to delouse a rarely-held opinion on here that blowing up children selling shirts / noodles is justified because they were at /near some protest site.

    Oh, you again. remember

    'When judges of court barred law enforcement officers to search rally sites and disperse crowd that violated the rights of the public and clear illegal structures from the middle of the road, lawlessness prevails ."

    Do you like to have this type of 'peaceful, unarmed protest' at your premises?


    Forgot to mention, lawlessness can come from any group.

  8. Oh no, Thailand is being infiltrated and attacked peaceful protest. That is a national security issue. We better raise issue with the country concerned to stop it before it develop into a full scale war.

    It is very frightening that this navy commander ".... admitting that the area under the Navy’s responsibility is so large and therefore protection might not be thorough." I wonder what the Navy Chief has to say.

    BTW, what was he trying to say "..........therefore protection might not be thorough." , "....under the Navy’s responsibility", "...adding he never expected they dared do it," So, he knows all the while which foreign forces did it.

    Is the 'foreign force' the Thai army? Since it is the area of the Navy.

    • Like 1
  9. Let's think about this... What foreign country has an interest in Thai politics? Which foreign country has long standing secret oil deals with deals with Thailand negotiated by the Shins? Who is currently in control of a country that issued a passport and visa to the fugitive? Now, as to why the Navy thinks it was a foreign entity that did the Trat bombings it's simple... The attackers may have well been foreign, but it came from the Shins nonetheless.

    Of course "It means nothing to be right". I have a suggestion for the Thaksinmanias. Ask suthep or whoever can finance to organize a mass Thaksinmania party at Cnetral to raise fund for people who suffered from Thaksinitis and those who need treatments for Thaksinphobia. It will be full of fun and funds. Will, does not matter where the funds will go to in the end since "it means nothing to be right".

  10. IMO, caretaker PM YS should realized by now that her faith and trust in working with the military and the 'old elite' power to bring about reconciliation and unity to Thailand have been betrayed.

    The reconciliation bill was smeared and murdered. Violence, and non peaceful activities by the dem's pdrc/pcad had consistently been ruled by cc judges that they were peaceful means and unarmed.

    May be we are going to have no more negotiation but more 'peaceful protest' methods of the dem's pdrc/pcad.

    Oh no, someone suggested 'peaceful protesters' should block the independence agencies and demand officials and judges to stop works and join their 'peaceful protest' - by whichever group does not matter.

    Yeah 'reconciliation' bill. I'm surprised red apologists still have the nerve to bring it up when the smart thing to do is sweep it under the carpet. The bill was not about reconciliation, it was about bringing the scum of Dubai back. And if this fool of a government didn't try to ram this bring the boss home bill right down our throats, this mess wouldn't have started in the first place.

    Hahahaha, you are so simplistic. Read my post carefully, I reference the bill because it was smeared and murdered. The faith and trust were betrayed.

    BTW, with the reconciliation bill smeared and murdered, where do we go from here? Shall we have all the RS/UDD still in prisons without trials go on trial? Shall we also stop the never ending postponing of criminal cases related to PAD and the dem? Shall we see the coup makers, supporters and financiers arrested and charged?

  11. Game Over in front of Central World.

    The misguided, misled protesters should pity their violent leaders to clear all those illegal structures. Maybe BMA, workers should do that. I think BMA has forgotten long ago that these are illegal structures especially those in the middle of the roads.

  12. And why bother in saying "The financiers would be the government. They're the ones that pay the police." Of course the government pay the police force.

    Because you asked who the financiers were. The financiers are the government, since they're the ones that pay the police.

    Hahahaha, what a laugh. I asked you who the financiers were????? Another spin. You are really dizzy from all your spins.

  13. IMO, caretaker PM YS should realized by now that her faith and trust in working with the military and the 'old elite' power to bring about reconciliation and unity to Thailand have been betrayed.

    The reconciliation bill was smeared and murdered. Violence, and non peaceful activities by the dem's pdrc/pcad had consistently been ruled by cc judges that they were peaceful means and unarmed.

    May be we are going to have no more negotiation but more 'peaceful protest' methods of the dem's pdrc/pcad.

    Oh no, someone suggested 'peaceful protesters' should block the independence agencies and demand officials and judges to stop works and join their 'peaceful protest' - by whichever group does not matter.

  14. This is when police is not allowed to maintain law and order and enforcing the rule of law. It looks like more coming. The judges of courts are responsible.


    The perpetrators are responsible.

    The police are ALLOWED to enforce the law - they just have to do it LAWFULLY!

    I think you ARE SICK when calling people sick for expressing opinion. My comment was in response to

    Scores of people injured in bomb attack during anti-government rally in Trat

    The police was told by the judges of civil court that they are not allowed to disperse protesters and not allowed to search protest sites claiming that the protests have been peaceful and unarmed. These are two of the nine orders of the judges.

    The police have been exercising utmost restraint, patient, and tolerance and used negotiation to clear illegal structures and activities that violated and threatened the lives of the public. They were met with resistance and obstruction despite negotiation.

    If the CC and civil court judges think the activities carried up by the dem's pdrc/pcad were peaceful and unarmed, than we are going to see more of such 'peaceful protest' activities. I hope the judges will rule equally to all groups who adopted the dem's pdrc/pcad method of 'peaceful protest'.

    Who are the perpetrators do not seem to matter anymore.

  15. I guess the RS/UDD will demand relevant authorities to release the name of financiers of the violence protests.

    The financiers would be the government. They're the ones that pay the police.

    I guess your spinning is getting you dizzy. Of course the government pay the police force. Are you so scared that RS/UDD will demand relevant authorities to release the name of financiers of the violence protests?

    Why would I be scared of the names being released? Would you be scared if the names of the financiers of the 2010 violent protests were released? What about the names of financiers of the bombers and shooters attacking PRDC rallies? Wouldn't it be interesting to know who they are?

    There is no reason for me to scare.

  16. The judges of courts are primarily responsible for the violence. Their rulings were to let unrest continue hoping that will create a situation for seizing power from a democratically people elected government with the King as the head of State.

    They will be more 'peaceful rallies/demonstration' from other groups. Will the judges, the dem and its pdrc/pcad allowed other groups to protest peacefully?

    "from a democratically people elected government"

    But there is NO democratically-elected government at present, only a caretaker-government, awaiting the result of a part-complete election.

    Right from the beginning of the dem's and its pdrc/pcad protests, their objective was to seize power from a democratically people elected government with the King as the head of State. Even before the insurrection activities of the dem and its pdrc/pcad, speeches made from the stage of other protest events were seditious and inciting people and the military to seize power from a democratically people elected government with the King as the head of State.

    The Dem demanded that the government dissolve parliament and its pdrc/pcad accused that the government has lost legitimacy to government, in response to that, the government returned power to the people for a new mandate. This resulted in a Royal decree to call for a 2 Feb election and a caretaker government with PM YS and her cabinet members as caretakers to continue the administration of the country with legitimate power.

    However, IMO, the administration through peaceful means have now been obstructed by EC and judiciary and especially by the insurrection activities of the dem's pdrc/pcad.

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  17. I guess the RS/UDD will demand relevant authorities to release the name of financiers of the violence protests.

    The financiers would be the government. They're the ones that pay the police.

    I guess your spinning is getting you dizzy. Of course the government pay the police force. Are you so scared that RS/UDD will demand relevant authorities to release the name of financiers of the violence protests?

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  18. This is when police is not allowed to maintain law and order and enforcing the rule of law. It looks like more coming. The judges of courts are responsible.

    Sorry? Who is not allowing the police to maintain law and order and enforcing the rule of law in Trat?

    The only people responsible, at least for the motivation, for this attack are the caretaker government and fanatic supporters who clearly are prepared to use any means necessary to silence criticism. And you dare to label the PDRC as fascists and terrorists?

    Time for you to have a good long think about how far you are willing to go to defend this kind of democracy.

    Judges of courts.

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