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Posts posted by tsnyder

  1. in all demoratic coutrrys terrorist like suthep are in the first day for insurrection in prison. you can clearly see the goverment of yingluck really have a lot of patience. to much for me and many more farangs. by the way the german goverment wrote me in a email answer after i have questioned them how is the official statement from the goverment of germany this: the yellows are more than anti democrats. yellows means goverment for the most corrupt politicans and for the super rich in thailand and for the aristocracy. and the german goverment is really not a left wing goverment.


    Please, oh please, share with us what the German government wrote back in reponse to your rant.

  2. It will be interesting to see Chalerm's evenhanded dispersal of both the pro and anti-Govt protestors and their financial supporters at the same time as (according to him and Tarit of the DSI) they will both be breaking the law and will subsequently be facing arrest and having their bank accounts frozen and appearing on that "blacklist".


    More irony.

    These same red shirts used to make such a big deal about such "double standards" that it became their catchphrase.


  3. Lets take a name check on these 50 persons and keep track of where they end up, it is only a matter of time before the Democrats are back in power and no doubt these names will reappear in various 'positions'then.

    You mean like the red shirt terrorists Jatuporn, Nuttawat and Arisman who told his sheeple to burn down Bangkok who aafterwards were all made MP's ?

    Resigning from your job because you don't agree with what is happening is a basic human right, same as voting, they had a right to show their disgust at being forced into an election they disagree with.

    Good on 'em ! A brave and selfless action.

    Yes like the red shirts, following the precedent of Foregin minister Kasit from the Yellow shirt terrorists.

    In reality, the precedent was set a year before them by Red Shirt Terrorist and current Yingluck Cabinet Minister Natthawut, et al in 2007.

    We still await their prosecution for that as well as their repeated terrorism in 2009 and once again in 2010.


  4. One thing has become blatantly obvious to me over the past month; there are people on TV that are just oblivious to what has taken place in Thailand for the past 10 years like the rise in the corruption index position.

    To say they are sheep is an understatement, all I ask is PLEASE list and explain Just what the Shinawatras have actually done for Thailand.

    I want real facts and proof not just the usual idiotic reply of he helped the poor or more bull about their failed populist policys (that ALL Thailand tax payers are still paying for and that includes me)

    All I see are higher prices more police and local government corruption, terrible service and very few smiles anymore

    They instituted the highly successful Thailand Elite Card that has brought billions into the national treasury.
    Some of their policies have been flawed. On the other hand, they have led Thailand through a period of very strong economic growth....and growth that has been of benefit to a far wider proportion of the Thai population. This has been a Thailand for ALL rather than the few. Sure, lots of mistakes along the way but Thaksin has been great for Thailand in many ways

    I'll defer to terryp's third paragraph for your non-answer.

  5. . She can form her own party after five year and in direct competition with PTP. She represents the new style of leadership in politics.


    New style, indeed.

    She represents people that wouldn't want to form a political party in the first place and secondly, needed to be coerced by a father-like brother to even enter politics, let alone become PM, preferring instead to remain as a do-nothing figurehead of one of the aforementioned brother's businesses. Only finally capitulating after having said no for months and months.

    on 2 December 2008, former People's Power Party MPs formed the Pheu Thai Party. Yingluck was asked to become the leader of the party but she declined, stating that she did not want to be Prime Minister and wanted to focus on business.


  6. As it should be. At least there are a few agencies left in the government that has the guts to do what's right and stand up against the Shinawatras. Whether or notyou're for or against the protests, you have to admit the PM has to take a fall for the rice scam. Hundreds of billions lost, farmers not paid, rice missing and Thailand dropping from number 1 to number 3 in rice production. Yingluck, time to go.

    What a bunch of BS, "the NACC, is but another tool of the rich elite power structure, and only do as they are ordered" That hypocrite stated the action was " not politically motivated or a political persecution" How does he explain the fact that this agency the you state has the "guts to do what is right", when they have been dragging their feet on the charges of corruption against the Abhisit government and the Democrats for over 3 years since PTP came to power in 2011.The cases are "GT-200 explosive detectors scam, the construction of Racthaburi hospital, Procurement under the Thai Khen Kaeng scheme, the construction of 396 police stations and also the corrupt Rice case under the Democrats and the Abhisit government.

    Why has the NACC fast tracked the PTP rice case, while failing to address charged democrat corruption cases for over at least 3 years! If you believe that it is not "politically motivated" or "political persecution" you could also believe in the "Easter bunny and the tooth fairy".

    The NCAA is doing what the elite has ordered them to do!


    Absolutely correct and a point well made in today's Bangkok Post ( but you won't read about it in The Nation). They drag their feet endlessly on anything to do with the Democrats but move with lightning speed against PTP. This is nothing more than a joke and a further embarrassment for Thailand's attempts to deal with corruption in an even-handed way. This is Dracula in charge of the blood bank material

    Khun Wicha said the reasons the cases against the Democrats had gone nowhere was because Pheua Thai had failed to supply any documents to back up their claims against the Democrats.

    Regarding the rice mortgage scam-the Democrats pointed out irregularities in this scheme way back in the censure debate of 2012 .

    Double ouch.

    Reality is painful.

  7. One thing has become blatantly obvious to me over the past month; there are people on TV that are just oblivious to what has taken place in Thailand for the past 10 years like the rise in the corruption index position.

    To say they are sheep is an understatement, all I ask is PLEASE list and explain Just what the Shinawatras have actually done for Thailand.

    I want real facts and proof not just the usual idiotic reply of he helped the poor or more bull about their failed populist policys (that ALL Thailand tax payers are still paying for and that includes me)

    All I see are higher prices more police and local government corruption, terrible service and very few smiles anymore

    They instituted the highly successful Thailand Elite Card that has brought billions into the national treasury.

  8. Lets take a name check on these 50 persons and keep track of where they end up, it is only a matter of time before the Democrats are back in power and no doubt these names will reappear in various 'positions'then.

    Yep, another show down of Bangkokian elite. Built a wall around this swamp town. Make it the "Monaco" of the South East.


    That sounds very much like elite Thaksin's "Thailand Riviera Project"


    The Government has decided to hire a private consulting firm to work out a design macro plan in order to set the direction for the Thailand Riviera project.

    The decision was in line with the Cabinet resolution in February 2006 for tourism development in the upper South of Thailand. The project involves four provinces, namely Phetchaburi, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Chumphon, and Ranong. This group of provinces has great potential for further tourism development, as it spreads over a 400-kilometer coastal area.

    The Thailand Riviera project aims to develop the upper South into an internationally renowned destination. It will also be linked to eastern coastal tourist sites, such as Pattaya, Sattahip, and Rayong.


  9. What im hoping and i think possibly will happen is they will bring the whole thing down upon themselves, and by that I mean all of them, there is far too much out in the open now to be rehidden. i think everyone is currently cutting their noses off to spite their faces and im pretty sure at the very least the people will not be trusting the amart or listening to them after all this finally ends and things will never be the same again here for it.

    Some amart are already not trusted nor listened to.


  10. This is what the protestors want

    postpone elections

    PTP step down

    Major reform

    referendum let all the people decide

    election - even if PTP win, the reforms should ensure the government will be focused on the people and country rather than - lying cheating thieving corruption and abuse of power...

    A replay of the 2006 scenario. If you fail the first time, try again. The sad fact is that "lying cheating thieving corruption and abuse of power" will continue, regardless which political party is in power, regardless what gets written into every new constitution.

    Perhaps if this time round, they try


    then some of that might lessen.

  11. However some truth slowly emerges, As reported elsewhere from the finance ministry :

    They plan to use (transfer) the budget set for infrastructure investment to pay the farmers.

    That would be the 2.2 trillion, if they ever get it

    It would solve everything to saddle the next two generations paying over the 50 year span of the loan in order to pay the farmers now.

    Quite the legacy.

  12. suspicious. A guy carrying that much cash on him. Anyhow, we can not jump to any conclusion. It is just alleged. So don't stir up anything until a full investigation is done. Since it's still alleged, I will bet it's just another attempt to discredit the PDRC. But it's definitely not something they condone, so all you red shirts supports, don't get too excited.

    In a statement to the police, Mr. Siam said the PCAD guards took his iPhone 5, eyeglasses, cap, and 15,000 baht - a total loss of approximately 50,000 baht.

    Iphone costs how much ? 30000 baht ish ? glasses another 5k and 15k cash........... total loss 50k not hard to believe maybe the 15k cash is over done but nevertheless he lost a good amount with the iphone.

    The theft of the iPhone is alleged by the alleged victim. Same as the glasses and cash.


  13. Fascinating statements.

    I've read here previously that there were only a few families that comprised the amart, certainly not 100,000.

    Seems a lot less elite when there's that many.

    Are all of those people in those job positions amart? If they aren't, how can you tell the amart academic and non-amart academic apart, for example?

    Are the amart only in Bangkok or do they exist in other cities, also?

    Are there no amart in any other political parties?

    There are myriad books that catalogue the old money connection and where they are based in thailand.

    100k, 50k, who cares. The fact that there is a long standing Thai word for them shows that the thais know who they are.

    So piscio is wrong to say they are only in Bangkok?

    , 100k? .I've read other posts here that it was only like a dozen families. The disparity is huge if what piscio is saying is true.

    As far as who they are, it's fascinating to read countless posts about them, but no one seems to know who they are when the question is raised.

    You say the Thais know they are, but Thais hardly ever mention them.

    On the forum, it's the opposite.

    Posters mention them incessantly, but no one ever says who they are

    Fascinating and amusing.

    They certainly aren't in isaan or the north. I have a document from a book published in the 50s showing all the big influencers.

    Funny thing is, family names are still same today. Would post it here, but it would get me into trouble. There was once a PM from chiangmai. He lasted a week.

    The amart saw him off back to the provinces.


    Why would simply sharing names get you into trouble? If the Thais know who they are, what is wrong about sharing that information with non-Thais? Members keep discussing the amart so the subject matter can't be prohibited for some reason. How can the "what", the "where", and the "when" be acceptable, but not the "who"?

    Besides, it would certainly help the posters that keep posting about the amart non-stop, but don't know who they are. It would lend a minuscule amount of credibility to their posts, for which they have none at this point.


  14. Academia, judges, Supreme Court and EC are all members of the amart

    the hundred thousand or so of the amart in Bangkok

    the amart democrats

    Fascinating statements.

    I've read here previously that there were only a few families that comprised the amart, certainly not 100,000.

    Seems a lot less elite when there's that many.

    Are all of those people in those job positions amart? If they aren't, how can you tell the amart academic and non-amart academic apart, for example?

    Are the amart only in Bangkok or do they exist in other cities, also?

    Are there no amart in any other political parties?

    There are myriad books that catalogue the old money connection and where they are based in thailand.

    100k, 50k, who cares. The fact that there is a long standing Thai word for them shows that the thais know who they are.

    So piscio is wrong to say they are only in Bangkok?

    , 100k? .I've read other posts here that it was only like a dozen families. The disparity is huge if what piscio is saying is true.

    As far as who they are, it's fascinating to read countless posts about them, but no one seems to know who they are when the question is raised.

    You say the Thais know they are, but Thais hardly ever mention them.

    On the forum, it's the opposite.

    Posters mention them incessantly, but no one ever says who they are.

    Fascinating and amusing.

  15. I dare say the reds may indeed come to town.

    And this time it won't be with slingshots

    It wasn't with slingshots last time, either.

    But I can understand your fears and apprehensions.

    Given their proclivity for unparalleled extreme violence coupled with an unequaled arsenal of war weapons, the populace would be justifiably concerned about the worse of the worse re-entering the fray.

    The madman Suthep has been fomenting violence 24/7 for a month now, advocating insurrection and the cancelling of the election and of democracy in Thailand, but has little to show for it.

    There unfortunately and terribly have been some deaths and a number of persons injured, but nothing approaching the kind of violence Suthep and his backers need to overthrow the government.

    So then, if he mimics the actions of the psychopathic Natthawut and the deranged Jatuporn and uses RPG's, M79 Grenade Launchers, C-4 and other explosives, along with loads of M-16's and Ak-47's, that he could duplicate their success in achieving demands.

  16. Academia, judges, Supreme Court and EC are all members of the amart

    the hundred thousand or so of the amart in Bangkok

    the amart democrats

    Fascinating statements.

    I've read here previously that there were only a few families that comprised the amart, certainly not 100,000.

    Seems a lot less elite when there's that many.

    Are all of those people in those job positions amart? If they aren't, how can you tell the amart academic and non-amart academic apart, for example?

    Are the amart only in Bangkok or do they exist in other cities, also?

    Are there no amart in any other political parties?

  17. I dare say the reds may indeed come to town.

    And this time it won't be with slingshots

    It wasn't with slingshots last time, either.

    But I can understand your fears and apprehensions.

    Given their proclivity for unparalleled extreme violence coupled with an unequaled arsenal of war weapons, the populace would be justifiably concerned about the worse of the worse re-entering the fray.


    In Thailand, just like the USA, the people have the right to take up arms to defend their constitutional right to vote. Take away that right and suffer the consequences.

    Thanks for the National Rifle Association commercial, but Thailand is NOT just like the USA.

    There is no constitutional right to take up arms here.

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