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Posts posted by tsnyder

  1. And the administration - and Khaosod - should get over it. The Yingluck administration - and Khaosod - have egg all over their face. How's that for a Khaosod headline ?

    In what way is being contradicted by the ludicrous Thai consitutional court a reason for embaressment? If anything, being a supporter of this often comically corrupt institution should be plenty of reason for feeling ashamed of oneself.

    When was the last time Yingluck's legal team got it right?

    Difficult to believe they got it right when they prepared her asset declaration upon taking office.

    They reported she had 541 million baht in assests in 2011, yet in just 2006, Yingluck netted about 985 million baht in a single stock transaction when Shin Corp. was sold adding to her already formidable assets.

    Did she really blow though half a billion baht in assets in just 5 years or did her legal time not get it right.



  2. Ok. This idiotic Elite serving Constitusion is about 8 years old and was a BS when it was written.

    "This idiotic Elite serving Constitusion is about 8 years old and was a BS when it was written."

    Most of it was written in 1997.

    After reading publicus' post I wonder why people want to return to the 1997 consitution.


    He certainly does make it sound icky.

    Additionally, going back to it would not change any of the issues that pipkins has with current constitution.

    Is there another one available besides the 1997 or the 2007 versions that would get pipkins want he wants?

  3. At the same time rice farmers from the central provinces also threatened to completely blockade the Asian Highway

    That will bring things to a screeching halt nation-wide.


    It's certainly a do-able blockade as all legs of the Asian Highway pass through the central Thailand.

    Good luck with this one, Yingluck.

    Best to come up with some cash...and FAST.


  4. And Nick Nostitz is back on New Mandala glorifying the red shirts with a photographic essay that looks as if it was shot by a 5-year old with his first Brownie camera.

    Because you disagree, it is glorifying? Most of the pictures are no different than one would see in the Nation, save for the photographs of the injured people. Mr. Nostitz has to be doing something right as he makes a respectable living from his (legal) endeavors.

    That's not what Mr. Nostitz says himself.

    Many people and institutions are scared of any open association with me, and will not hire me fearing to be drawn into the same. I make less money than any journalist here who works this subject

    Since the elections have been over, my only income came from the recent conference in Singapore on the 2006 coup in which i was invited to speak, and for which i have to write a paper.

    As i am so obsessed with this Red/Yellow conflict i have also no time to look for other sources of income


    But I do agree with you that his pictures are no different than one could find by a rookie photographer working for The Nation.


  5. "The primary role of the Commission is ensure that that elections carried out in the Kingdom of Thailand is lawful and compatible with the Constitution. It is also in charge of enforcing National election laws covering: House of Representatives, Senate, Districts,Referendums, Bangkok Gubernatorial elections and Political parties.

    Its responsibilities include the organization, management and counting of all elections and voting in the Kingdom, all procedures and staff will also be under the Commission's administration.

    Prior to 1992, the responsibility of overseeing elections fell on the Ministry of Interior .............after the Thai general election of 1992, the Prime Minister realised the need to create a central and independent body, whose sole purpose was to regulate and manage elections."


    Part of that responsibility for the organisation, management and overseeing the Elections, advance or otherwise, is to ask for security where needed. THE E.C has singularly failed in it's duties in Bangkok and the south.

    So, you were saying..................

    I was saying that no where in your quote is protecting voters the responsibility of the Election Commission, so thanks for confirming that.

    Comprehension problems?

    "Part of that responsibility for the organisation, management and overseeing the Elections, advance or otherwise, is to ask for security where needed"


    Honesty problems?

    It doesn't say that in the wiki quote of the law.

    It appears only in your own added words below it and, thankfully, your own interpretation is not law.


  6. Good stuff.

    Perhaps than can seize all the assets he stole off the tax payer in the palm oil scandal whilst their at it.

    I don't think chalerm wants any past cases of corruption investigated. He's got his own skeletons to keep hidden.

    Is his son going to take part in the arrest of suthep I wonder.

    Chalerm has a garage full of skeletons, including a

    25 million baht Bentley


    and a 26 million baht Rolls Royce


    Should be arrested for painting a Bentley pink, if he drives round in it no wonder everybody laughs at him.cheesy.gif


    The rich elite only ride in the back of their luxury cars and hire their chauffeurs to do the driving.


  7. The army is made of people, is 80% of Thai people want to vote, then 80% of army want to vote.

    Take a meat cleaver to your number.

    Survey: Less Than Half of Thais will go to vote

    Suan Dusit Poll survey published this afternoon revealed that only 45.56% of surveyed people said they planned to vote if the election goes ahead.

    19.8% said they would not turn out to vote, 15.78% said they might vote depending on the situation at that time, 14% said they were unsure if they would vote or not, and 5.33% said they were not likely to vote.


  8. What a banana republic... Who is supposed to protect voters and make sure they exercise their right to vote?


    "Who is supposed to protect voters and make sure they exercise their right to vote?"

    The Election Commission

    I would have thought that most people would have answered that it is the national police force that is responsible for protecting voters and not five middle-aged civilian men and woman, but, hey, amazing thaivisa is often surprising.



    "The primary role of the Commission is ensure that that elections carried out in the Kingdom of Thailand is lawful and compatible with the Constitution. It is also in charge of enforcing National election laws covering: House of Representatives, Senate, Districts,Referendums, Bangkok Gubernatorial elections and Political parties.

    Its responsibilities include the organization, management and counting of all elections and voting in the Kingdom, all procedures and staff will also be under the Commission's administration.

    Prior to 1992, the responsibility of overseeing elections fell on the Ministry of Interior .............after the Thai general election of 1992, the Prime Minister realised the need to create a central and independent body, whose sole purpose was to regulate and manage elections."


    Part of that responsibility for the organisation, management and overseeing the Elections, advance or otherwise, is to ask for security where needed. THE E.C has singularly failed in it's duties in Bangkok and the south.

    So, you were saying..................

    I was saying that no where in your quote is protecting voters the responsibility of the Election Commission, so thanks for confirming that.

  9. Thanks. That clears it up.

    So it's a demonstrator being choked.

    But I thought the demonstrators didn't want to vote?

    Is the demonstrator being choked by other demonstrators?

    Oh, the joys of random news gathering by Twatter.

    tsnyder, apparently your English language reading skills aren't doing too well today, as it CLEARLY states that the Peaceful-We-Won't-Block-Voters are the ones DOING the choking. Please try to keep up.

    I'm keeping up with the Tweet. It definitely does not say what you are saying it says.

    RT@james_clark: Great photo from @nationphoto showing a demonstrator's being forcibly prevented from voting fb.me/6EpZNFkPS

  10. At least get your facts straight, before you continue with your bottled-up rhetoric!!

    It clearly states: A demonstrator forcibly being prevented from voting!!

    So it was a Thai trying to exercise his constitutional right to vote!!coffee1.gif

    Wow. Try reading the link. It doesn't say that in the Twitter post.

    Try less coffee.

  11. Reports of a fatal shooting of NPSRT person outside a temple in BangNa in the last 30 mins or so ostensibly by Red Shirts. Any idea if there's polling stations near there or is this a separate clash?

    EDIT: Wat Sri Iam or Wat Sri Aium, depending on source.

    Funny how those "reports" already know who did it.

    Don't know the details yet of what even happened, but we already know who did it.

    We don't know the details or context of any of these unsourced, unlinked photos being rapid fire posted, but that hasn't stop hundreds of replies in the thread regarding them.

  12. What a banana republic... Who is supposed to protect voters and make sure they exercise their right to vote?


    "Who is supposed to protect voters and make sure they exercise their right to vote?"

    The Election Commission

    I would have thought that most people would have answered that it is the national police force that is responsible for protecting voters and not five middle-aged civilian men and woman, but, hey, amazing thaivisa is often surprising.



    • Like 1
  13. This is what happens when someone tried to exercise is right to vote.


    Why does this photo remind me of 1976?

    With absolutely zero information provided the removed photo could be 1976.

    RT@james_clark: Great photo from @nationphoto showing a demonstrator's being forcibly prevented from voting fb.me/6EpZNFkPS

    Thanks. That clears it up.

    So it's a demonstrator being choked.

    But I thought the demonstrators didn't want to vote?

    Is the demonstrator being choked by other demonstrators?

    Oh, the joys of random news gathering by Twatter.


  14. This is what happens when someone tried to exercise is right to vote.


    Why does this photo remind me of 1976?

    With absolutely zero information provided the removed photo could be 1976.

    Yeah, right... By any chance - do you live in a pineapple on the bottom of the ocean?

    No, just someone who doesn't necessarily fall for every unsourced, unlinked, undated photo with no information that turns up as someone's first post on the forum and then jump in with some rant over the aforementioned photo.

    But, then again, I'm not naive and gullible.

  15. I shall believe it when I see it happen .

    Suthep and fellow leaders should have been arrested and imprisoned for insurrection long ago .

    However it is known that he has an armed bodyguard surrounding him . Chalerm is saying it is time for action , but that if armed bodyguards open fire on

    the police , the police will return fire and people may get hurt or killed . There must be a discreet way to arrest him , the police need some SAS advice

    on the method and timing , perhaps an element of surprise .

    moonao is all over it

    its easy, cordon off the area, roll in the tear gas and send a police unit in with tasers and stun batons, backed up with rubber bullet snipers. Aresst this low life scum and put him behind bars where he belongs.

    If Chalerm can't do it, give the assignment to me, ill have Suthep in custody in less than 1 hour.

    Best Keyboard Warrior Post of the Month!



  16. "Tarit yesterday also warned people not to take part in the protests, saying they could be regarded as violating the law or could end up clashing with police.

    He said ordinary protesters would be also deemed to have violated the law under the state of emergency. He said that by attempting to interrupt an election, they could face a jail term of up to 10 years."

    Ah, another fascist having his moment. Who let PT's pit bull loose?

    Still the protesters should know by now that exercising your democratic right to protest is a crime in PT's eyes (if they are the ones you object to that is).

    I don't know where he gets 10 years from. Sect 76 of 2007 Organic Act on Elections (etc) specifies between 1 - 5 years imprisonment for stopping a vote going into the polling place or otherwise preventing them from voting. Maybe there's another law I'm unaware of.

    Anyway, no one who supported CRES in 2010 continually announcing that ordinary red shirt protesters would receive 2 years in jail for violating the emergency decree can really criticize Chalerm or Tharit here. I was critical of the emergency decree then, as I am now. I don't agree with it. I've little sympathy for those who try to disefranchise people though - if they block voters, they deserve to get the book thrown at them. They have the right to peacefully protest at the polling stations but not to block people.

    Sorry to say that I think you live in a fantasy world if you believe that Chalerm knows anything about the law. Well, maybe that's too strong. His definition of law is whatever he wants it to be, so by that definition he is an expert. It's sad that Chalerm and the government are threatening to kill people now, sad and not surprising unfortunately.

    Caretaker Labor Minister Pheu Thai Party Member of Parliament Police Captain Doctor Chalerm has a PhD from the Law Faculty of Ramkhamhaeng University.



  17. Sunai ‏@sunaibkk 35m

    PDRC protesters, led by Thavorn Senneam, arrived at Bang Kapi polling station. EC officials were barred access (6am). #Thailand

    Sunai ‏@sunaibkk 21m

    PDRC protesters locked gate of Dusit polling station at Sukhothai School (where Gen Prem will vote) & chased EC officials away #Thailand

    Sunai ‏@sunaibkk 9m

    More than 80,000 voters registered for advanced voting at Bang Kapi polling station are disenfranchised due to obstruction by PDRC. SHAME!

    Sunai ‏@sunaibkk 8m

    PDRC protesters blocking access to Saphan Sung polling station. Voters can't enter.

    Sunai ‏@sunaibkk 6m

    Jatujak polling station at St John College is surrounded by PDRC protesters. Voters can't enter.

    Sunai ‏@sunaibkk 2m

    Polling stations for advance voting in BKK's Bang Kapi, Bang Khen, Jatujak & Dusit districts are blocked by PDRC. (7.30am)

    Sunai ‏@sunaibkk now

    EC officials at Klong Toey polling station announced voting is canceled due to obstruction by PDRC protesters. (7.35am)

    We were told emphatically by pontificating members on the forum yesterday that there were only a few dozen protesters left.

    It's amazing that so few could do so much.

    You only need 50 - 100 to go to each polling station, especially if police aren't going to do anything.

    But we were assured just yesterday by vociferous experts that there weren't even that many protesters left.

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