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Posts posted by tsnyder

  1. I dare say the reds may indeed come to town.

    And this time it won't be with slingshots

    It wasn't with slingshots last time, either.

    But I can understand your fears and apprehensions.

    Given their proclivity for unparalleled extreme violence coupled with an unequaled arsenal of war weapons, the populace would be justifiably concerned about the worse of the worse re-entering the fray.

  2. Lets take a name check on these 50 persons and keep track of where they end up, it is only a matter of time before the Democrats are back in power and no doubt these names will reappear in various 'positions'then.


    Why sigh? What Smutcakes said is actually something very easy to do, and just wait, no harm to anyone... I think Smutcakes did not go too much far from reality.

    Yes, there is that precedence set with 11 red shirts becoming MP's with no word on Deputy Commerce Minister Natthawut standing in court for his criminal charges filed in 2007, 2009, and 2010.

    • Like 1
  3. no doubt they all had the threatening phone calls at 1am indicating they would be tortured and shot dead if they didnt resign .these suthep thugs will stop at nothing ,intimidation and fear are their weapons against law abiding folks .

    like Hitlers brownshirts in fact

    No end to these asinine comparisons to Hitler, even after mods have repeatedly directed they stop.

  4. Wonder why he carries so much money to work?

    50,000 baht in total value is quite a sum.

    It explains the appropriate use of "allegedly robbed" in the thread title. Similarly, the use of "allegedly beaten" is appropriate relative to the lack of serious injury apparent in other photos of the alleged victim. It certainly seems inconsistent with "the whole mobbed and beat him" described in the OP, which is admittedly poorly written.

    If he actually was robbed of his alleged 50,000 baht, the theft should be condemned. Any actual violence towards him should similarly be condemned.

    As well, any hyperbole generated by Khaosod news should also be condemned as it creates the sort of outrageous comparisons to the Gestapo that we saw on the thread before they were justifiably deleted.

  5. i dont see any evidence to support his story probably just trying to get money out of the protestors. Even if it IS true its not as bad as shootings, stabbings, grenades that the red apologists forgive in this forum every day

    Actually, I think you'll find that most ThaiVisa Forum members condemn violence and criminal activities, whomever the perpetrator may be.

    Conversely, there's no shortage of members that don't.

  6. When they think Suthep cannot win... They will change sides anyway and Chalerm is threatening them... Do it now.

    I think any business involved in this should be ruined and sanctins imposed against them. If Chalerm has a list of 30, names will start to trickle out and I think maybe one or two of the smaller businesses may start to have some operating problems soon as a lesson to the rest!!!!

    So remind me again ... With what you said in mind ... Who are the Fascists?

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    A company sponsoring the over throw of an elected government would be considered a pretty serious issue in grown up parts of the world.

    As well, an elected government controlled from overseas by a convicted fugitive would similarly raise an eyebrow in most of the world .

    • Like 1
  7. Hoohaa.. all previous photos / clips had always been strangely cropped..but these show that the destroyed signage and Royal Seal that has subsequently been desecrated with what seems to be quite insulting grafitti. These pictures (taken from the skytrain walkway) show that it was also an active pedestal for offerings to the picture of the Head of the Royal Thai Police with the graffiti underneath referring Kwai Police (does this refer to all those who wear the RTF uniform). I can't understand why the Thais seeing these defiled signs (let alone posing in front them) would not feel acute shame, anger and revulsion towards those who both authorized and physically defiled this structure of significance.

    Logic would dictate to me to ask some of the Thais that were there while you were taking pictures what they felt. I'm sure that would have provided you with a much clearer understanding as to why so many Thais despise the police.

    As a separate observation, I would just point out again the the police station incident had nothing to do with the killing in this topic.


  8. NACC to consider impeachment against Yingluck over rice-pledging scheme

    Anuphan Chantana

    The Nation

    BANGKOK: -- The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) is expected to conclude an impeachment case against Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on charges of dereliction of duty over the rice-pledging scheme in two months, commission member Vicha Mahakun said yesterday.

    Stressing the importance of the case, the sub-committee investigating the case will today propose that all NACC members join a committee to consider her impeachment.

    Vicha said Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva had earlier filed a lawsuit on the same charge seeking Yingluck's impeachment and that the NACC had decided to take it up and work on it in parallel. He added that addressing the issue as a criminal case would take a lot longer.

    He said the impeachment case against Yingluck was similar to the one filed against 308 MPs and senators as it involved charges of abuse of authority and corruption.

    Abhisit's suit is among eight complaints filed against Yingluck so far.

    The former PM filed his lawsuit after launching a no-confidence debate against the incumbent PM, accusing her of corruption, mismanaging the rice-pledging scheme and destroying market mechanisms.


    -- The Nation 2014-01-28

    Might have known abhisit would file a lawsuit. Not a hint of hubris there because his no-confidence debate case failed, oh no whistling.gif .By contrast nobody from the PTP filed an impeachment lawsuit against abhisit after he survived a no confidence debate (about using unnecessary force to disperse protesters and in the process killing 88 civilians) in July 2010.

    What is it with the dems and lawyers? Can't get voted in? Get rid of the opposition through the courts - one could have the impression that the courts were amenable.

    The dems , are they a political party or a lawyer support group?

    What a stupid red remark, if there is corruption and if she was the chairwoman impeach her send her of to jail. The fact that this did not happen to Abisith has nothing to do with it. Why let stuff like this go unpunished ? To fight corruption you need to punish people, do the same with the democrats, that is much better as not doing anything then people will continue to act with impunity and not worry about the consequences.

    punishment should be meted out to all, as long as it is the PTP first.


    In the search for equality, I believe the clock could resonably be considered as starting with this millenium, which would mean TRT is first.

    Send all the corrupt to prison beginning with the worst of the millenium, Thaksin.

    It's a shame the precedent wasn't set back then with a 30 year prison term for his corruption.

    Who knows how much corruption that might have been curtailed over the past 14 years since if they had.


  9. Didn't this guys mother get fleeced of 300k usd trying to get him out of jail?

    The convicted pedophile's lawyer is now a fugitive for that in the new development:

    Thai court orders arrest of fake Scottish lawyer

    A SCOT is wanted by police in Thailand after failing to appear in court to answer charges of fraudulently posing as a lawyer. Brian Goldie, 47, from Falkirk, who practises under the name Brian Goudie, is accused of ­conning an American woman out of £180,000.

    He was due to appear at the Provincial Court in Pattaya, ­yesterday to submit himself for trial and pay bail. When he did not appear the court issued an order for his ­arrest. Mr Goldie had agreed to represent Mrs Millers son, Gregory, who had obtained a job teaching at an international school near Pattaya. Miller, 46, was arrested and charged with paying for sex with under-aged boys.

    - More -


  10. Now let's see - 33 banks in Thailand. There are 16 Thai commercial and retail banks and 15 foreign banks, most of which have only one branch. That makes 31 commercial and retail banks in Thailand, some of which are tiny or only do very specialized business in the case of most of the foreign banks. That means the two other banks are probably fully state owned banks such as the Government Savings Bank and Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives that have already been approached. There is also the Government Housing Bank and Exim Bank, not to mention the SME Bank that is already techincally insolvent due to fraudulent lending.

    All the private sector banks are subject to capital adequacy limits and most are also listed companies, either in Thailand or in their home countries in the case of the foreign branches. If they lend money under a questionable government guarantee that may be voided by a court later, that has implications for their capital adequacy ratios that could cost them money, not to mention the reputable risk of getting involved in the funding of a scheme that is being investigated for fraud.

    I would say this is not going to be a slam dunk for Kittirat and I wonder why he would mention 33 banks, knowing the majority are too small to consider it, even if they wanted to, and that foreign banks can't get involved in political stuff like this. Good luck to him.

    While I agree with you on premise, foreign banks have local risk thresholds and expected rates of return. They don't concern themselves with politics, only risk and return. As they are looking at MOF risk and as these are supposed to be short term loans, some may be interested.

    Banks that under BOT auspices are required to pay for depositor insurance. Therefore, depositors are insured up to THB 50million per depositor per bank. Union heads have been fearful of their depositors money that are not under the BOT insurance program, which is apparently the case for the BAAC, GHB, GSB, and GPF.

    Krung Thai Bank is a large government bank whose depositors are under the BOT insurance . Hence, there should be no issues from the unions about depositor risk, nor about MOF risk since it is owned by the government. Only KTB, as far as I understand, is government owned and their depositors have private depositor insurance. This aside, it will depend on their capital adequacy position, which is public knowledge, but I haven't looked at. If it rates well,the funds may well be available.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Foreign banks don't want to get involved with political hot potatoes.

    These can easily be blown up by activist groups that stalk AGMs in their home countries. So most avoid anything vaguely political.BAAC, GSB et al are not regulated by BOT. KTB is not wholly owned by government. It is public listed company with many minority shareholders. It has often been subjected to political pressure in the past but directors have same liability to all shareholders as other listed banks. I don't think KTB wants to go back to its dark age of being regarded as a piggy bank for corrupt politicians after so many years hard work improving its corporate governance ratings with local and foreign investors.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


    BANGKOK, 28 Jan 2014, (NNT) - Krung Thai Bank (KTB) has denied rumors on the online social media that it is lending 160 billion baht to the governments rice pledging scheme.

    Woraphak Thanyawong, the President of the KTB, made the statement that his bank had not been contacted by the government regarding the issue. According to him, rumors have surfaced since last week, prompting a number of its customers to inquire on the matter.

    He urged all to refrain from making assumptions without evidence or using the bank as a political tool.

    According to Mr. Woraphak, KTB remains transparent in its operations as it operates under the supervision of the Bank of Thailand, Securities and Exchange Commission, and the office of the Auditor General of Thailand.


  11. Just one red apologist wrote something on this thread so far, let's admit it guys its a tough business defending this government this days. Let's be a good fellows and help them out, you know the usual staff. Fascist southern thugs, murderer suthep, vile smart, stone hearted bangkok hiso, biased EC, corrupt CC,PAD all joined together to bring down the matryr of isaan that spent last 2,5 years working hard to improve those poor wretches lifes.

    They are trying..

    NACC is another one of these yellow bellied bodies, so no real doubt about the motives here.

  12. Given that we have national service here and a very high % of the male population have military training they would know how to stand when firing a gun. It still dosn't make anything conclusive these guys could be anyone and returning fire from the vehicle.

    We simply do not know who fired first or if these people which i admit from the stills could well be holding guns are the shooters or if there were others behind the grassy knoll.

    Rumours are rife one guy is dead and there was a lot of shooting was the guy shot at the beginning the middle or the end of an exchange in fire ? at what point he was hit we simply do not know.

    Sorry Oak, I have to disagree here- many young Thai men opt for what is called ror dor in Thai, from M4- M6 high school, rather than run the risk of drawing lots for conscription later. These boys spend one morning or afternoon a week from early June to December doing so called military training.

    In fact they learn almost nothing and in 3 years may fire a gun perhaps once or twice, they even have to pay for the bullets themselves!

    I don't think we can say they know how to fire a gun- now if you're talking about water guns and Songkran, well that's another matter altogether!

    Exactly. The missus brother did ror dor for three years and never fired so much as even a cap gun.

  13. For those saying "who cares". The US government pays Thailand 300million baht per year in aid, the majority going to the military. So the army certainly cares.

    Pure BS.

    If you think not, supply proof.

    Historically, Thailand has not been a major recipient of U.S. development aid.

    In February 2008, a little over a week after a Shinawatra ally was confirmed as prime minister, then-U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte certified to Congress that Thailand was once again under a democratically elected government.

    For fiscal 2014, the administration has requested $4.6 million in democracy and governance aid to Thailand, compared with $5.5 million in military aid.

    Thanks for confirming Snig27's error when he misstated when aid was resumed.

    My own error was misreading the 300 million as dollars, not baht, as dollars would logically be the currency that the USA sends to Thailand.

    That the aid was "raised" this year to 10 million dollars reflects the relatively puny amounts that the USA gives to Thailand, confirmed by the first quoted line.

    p.s. I chuckled at the article's soft use of "ally" to describe Samak, when he himself proudly boasted of being Thaksin's nominee proxy.


  14. I wonder if the following are included: stage equipment suppliers, loudspeakers and amplifier equipment renters, renters of tents, sand and sandbag suppliers, tractor equipment renter for lifting concrete barriers, renters of lorries equipped with loudspeakers....?

    Only if it was all supplied free of charge. Renting equipment to the protesters or selling it to them is not likely to be termed support in the sense CMPO means.

    Using logic is really going out on a limb when it involves the actions of DSI's Tarit and CMPO's Chalerm as it's not something they use themselves.

    Quite likely, they won't use that criteria in their quest for totalitarian control.

  15. Sutheps not responsible for the mess, this car crash of a government has been predicted way before Suthep bought people out onto the streets.

    Yes he is, he started his attacks 4th November, he scuppered the 16th November bond issue. So yes, the government were simply going to issue a bond for the shortfall, drop the buy/sell price and tweak the program, and he ensured it was scuppered. Along with all the infrastructure projects.

    Did they overpay for the rice? Yep in hindsight. What the price of gold / rice / oil / everything in 6 months time? If Suthep had a crystal ball he's know, he doesn't. He just whines about everything in hindsight.

    In hindsight? It was clear from the start that the rice scheme was criminally inept and going to fail.

    You have to understand the difficulty that the Thaksin apologists have in trying to divert attention away and feeble derailing attempts by blaming anyone and everything in their desperation to explain away the long-standing scam.


  16. What was the point of blocking the elections in BKK anyway? BKK was always heavily Democrat anyway, it wouldn't change the outcome.

    The point (that most seem to miss) is that it is NOT a right in Thailand to vote - it's a duty - You HAVE to vote, not really democratic right ? In my homeland I decide weather I want to vote or not, that is NOT the case in Thailand...

    Blocking polls make it impossible to vote, and peoples do not have to say "I break the law and do not vote" - they are free to say - I was not able to vote...

    IF more than 50% is not going to vote - one or another reason, then the election is not valid...

    What Suthep want is to make reforms to pave the road to democracy, as most in here know democracy (not like in Irak under Sadam where voting also was mandatory) and THEN have free elections with free peoples free to vote or not, what ever they decide...


    This is a false argument people should they choose could go and just vote for a minor party out of protest or just spoil their ballot and not face any problems whatsoever.

    Spoiling a ballot is illegal here and can result in imprisonment up to one year, a fine up to 20,000 baht, and lose their voting rights for five years.

    Section 108 of Thailand's Electoral Law.

    Most people would consider any of the foregoing as a "problem".

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  17. The government has enough money. They just can't access it because the government is in "caretaker" mode due to the elections.

    So, basically ..the farmers are not being paid thanks to Suthep.

    This has zip to do with Suthep. It has everything to do with very very poor planning by this government.

    Nice try at deflection, though.

    Actually, it and other attempted deflections by bluenosecodger and oldthaihand99 are pitiful.

    This rice scam idea of Thaksin and implemented by his clone Yingluck and White Lie Nittarat, is the sole making of Thaksin Thinks, Pheu Thai Acts and has been a money drain, raft with the corruption, going on 3 years.

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