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Posts posted by tsnyder

  1. Sunai ‏@sunaibkk 35m

    PDRC protesters, led by Thavorn Senneam, arrived at Bang Kapi polling station. EC officials were barred access (6am). #Thailand

    Sunai ‏@sunaibkk 21m

    PDRC protesters locked gate of Dusit polling station at Sukhothai School (where Gen Prem will vote) & chased EC officials away #Thailand

    Sunai ‏@sunaibkk 9m

    More than 80,000 voters registered for advanced voting at Bang Kapi polling station are disenfranchised due to obstruction by PDRC. SHAME!

    Sunai ‏@sunaibkk 8m

    PDRC protesters blocking access to Saphan Sung polling station. Voters can't enter.

    Sunai ‏@sunaibkk 6m

    Jatujak polling station at St John College is surrounded by PDRC protesters. Voters can't enter.

    Sunai ‏@sunaibkk 2m

    Polling stations for advance voting in BKK's Bang Kapi, Bang Khen, Jatujak & Dusit districts are blocked by PDRC. (7.30am)

    Sunai ‏@sunaibkk now

    EC officials at Klong Toey polling station announced voting is canceled due to obstruction by PDRC protesters. (7.35am)

    We were told emphatically by pontificating members on the forum yesterday that there were only a few dozen protesters left.

    It's amazing that so few could do so much.

    • Like 1
  2. Good stuff.

    Perhaps than can seize all the assets he stole off the tax payer in the palm oil scandal whilst their at it.

    I don't think chalerm wants any past cases of corruption investigated. He's got his own skeletons to keep hidden.

    Is his son going to take part in the arrest of suthep I wonder.

    Chalerm has a garage full of skeletons, including a

    25 million baht Bentley


    and a 26 million baht Rolls Royce


    • Like 1
  3. What Suthep wants, is not what the country wants, kindly refer to the poll on this forum, that state 79% of Thai's polled plan to vote!

    You can take a meat cleaver to your number.

    Survey: Less Than Half of Thais will go to vote

    Suan Dusit Poll survey published this afternoon revealed that only 45.56% of surveyed people said they planned to vote if the election goes ahead.

    19.8% said they would not turn out to vote, 15.78% said they might vote depending on the situation at that time, 14% said they were unsure if they would vote or not, and 5.33% said they were not likely to vote.


  4. Why not just close this stupid topic. The man had nothing to do with the protest..

    Closing it would deprieve us of guffawing at posters like pimpkins, aussiethailand, and tragickingdom, who continue to rant on and on about the protesters, seemingly oblivious of subsequent news reports that said the murder victim wasn't a protester.

    It would stop their healthy spleen venting and my healthy laughing.

    A lose-lose situation.

    Hahaha.... The updated list adds guffaw posts by gerry1011, Cricketnut, and diceq added to the seemingly oblivious.


    Well done, boys. Keep the thread going.

    • Like 2
  5. For a sign?


    A sign that was put up with much pomp and ceremony, presided over by the now-deceased Supreme Patriarch. The police took its symbolic value very seriously.

    Just to bring you up to date, but the murder victim was not one of the protesters that vandalized the police sign.

    Interesting about the background, though.

    It would have been good if the police had taken the value of the Supreme Patriarch more seriously when the red shirts stormed Chulalongkarn Hospital that necessitated the medical evacuation and endangering the life of said Supreme Patriarch, who was bed-ridden there at the time.

    The police inaction at the time spoke loud and clear to just how much value they put on the Supreme Patriarch's life. It was a message repeated to me from several Thais then about how furious they were with the police.

    • Like 1
  6. Survey: Less Than Half of Thais will go to vote

    Suan Dusit Poll survey published this afternoon revealed that only 45.56% of surveyed people said they planned to vote if the election goes ahead.

    19.8% said they would not turn out to vote, 15.78% said they might vote depending on the situation at that time, 14% said they were unsure if they would vote or not, and 5.33% said they were not likely to vote.


    So that means that 61.34% will either definitely vote or would like to vote if they don't feel intimidated or threatened

    It could mean that.

    OR it could also mean 15.78% are feeling any number of other emotions or situations, such as digust with the whole situation, or a whole host of other reasons as to why they are NOT in the determined to vote category.

    Thus the rest of your conjecture is based on only one of nearly endless possibilities.

  7. The scientific public opinion survey research finding presented in the OP is of all the regions of Thailand, whereas the survey you cite is of metro Bangkok only.

    The OP survey is of all regions of the country, conducted by Bangkok University.

    The survey you cite is of Metro Bangkok only and was conducted by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University.

    Each survey has a reasonably valid statistical scientifically sleected sample size.

    Both Bangok Uni's 47.1% and Suan Dusit Uni's 45.56% reflect very similar results.

    Both reflect NOT Most Thais will vote.

    As for "Metro Bangkok only" in Suan Dusit poll, one needs to specify what "surrounding provices" were polled and define just what the limits of Metro Bangkok are, but irregardless, it seems both polls are consistent in showing that less than half the Thais are determined to vote.

    Of course specific information is needed as to which provinces surrounding Bangkok are in the metro Bangkok only survey. Still, the Bangkok only survey is thus limited and restricted in its parameters.

    I'm looking at the national survey results quoted below and still searching for your 41.1% data of Thais who told the survey they will NOT vote.

    Nevertheless, 47% of respondents said their determination to participate in the 2 February election is not affected

    Why do you persist with this "Bangkok only" nonsense.?

    As said, it wasn't specified which of the surrounding provinces were included. Even adding metro bangkok does not encompass all the possible surrounding provinces. If, for example it included all or even most of the surrounding provinces, it would represent a significant portion of the Central Thailand region's opinion, which is often quite different to your "Bangkok only" erroneous assertion.

    Until we ascertain which of the surrounding provinces were included, disingenuous labelling like "Bangkok only" isn't factual.

    I didn't say 41.1, I wrote 47.1 (number copied from a previous poster).

    I do see now in your above quote that is actually 47.

    And yes, the 47 is still very similar to the other poll's 45.56 of those determined to vote in the election...if it happens.

  8. bkkjames, on 24 Jan 2014 - 14:55, said:bkkjames, on 24 Jan 2014 - 14:55, said:

    I will go on record and suggest turn-out will be much lower than the poll. Maybe JT can do a Poll about the Poll?

    On the contrary, I believe that more people will turn-out so they can cast a NO vote as to make these elections null and void.

    Assuming that there will be an election...........

    When have you seen a demorcatic election ballot ask whether you agree with the election? An election ballot is used to VOTE for a candidate. If you want to spoil the ballot, ie., right remarks on it, etc., that's your right but it just doesn't get counted. Spoiled ballots do not void an election.
    Spoiling ballots is illegal and are not counted.

    Voting "no candidate" is not illegal and ARE counted. They can, if in sufficient numbers, void an election here.


  9. some terrorist group !!!!!!! It was in Ratchaburi not the south or Iraq.

    Just how many "terrorist" groups do you honestly think are in Thailand?

    Try looking up the definition of the word in a dictionary. I know it's a very misused word, but it doesn't change the definition.

    Well for example, firing bullets into a school of Muslim kids I am pretty sure will anger some people. If not, there are plenty of people who hate the fascist yellow shirts as it is.

    Does this include UDD / Red Shirt/ PTP?

    Even more so given their greater number of terroristic actions.

  10. Many posters should get ashamed of their hatred toward police.

    They were proved wrong and I would love to see if they can at least once reckon their mistake and ask sorry for their insults and speculations.

    Likewise, many posters should be ashamed of their hatred toward anti-government protestors.

    They were proved wrong and I would love to see if they can at least once recognize their mistake and apologise for their insults and speculations.

  11. The scientific public opinion survey research finding presented in the OP is of all the regions of Thailand, whereas the survey you cite is of metro Bangkok only.

    The OP survey is of all regions of the country, conducted by Bangkok University.

    The survey you cite is of Metro Bangkok only and was conducted by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University.

    Each survey has a reasonably valid statistical scientifically sleected sample size.

    Both Bangok Uni's 47.1% and Suan Dusit Uni's 45.56% reflect very similar results.

    Both reflect NOT Most Thais will vote.

    As for "Metro Bangkok only" in Suan Dusit poll, one needs to specify what "surrounding provices" were polled and define just what the limits of Metro Bangkok are, but irregardless, it seems both polls are consistent in showing that less than half the Thais are determined to vote.

  12. Wait for the flood of Nay sayers, will question the validity of the poll,79.6 answered they will vote on February 2, 2014.

    51,5 believe the election should be held as planned, 28.1% favored reform before the election!

    47.1 % were determined to vote on election day, 34.3% would wait and see if no violence!

    Last I knew 47.1% isn't the majority of Thailand either, so I don't know what you're going on about.

    Me, too.

    It reflects the blatant bias of Khao Sod news that they morph that into most Thais will vote wheresas other sources correctly state that it is less than half AKA "not most" will vote..


    Khao Sod news wants to reinvent math to get their dishonest message across.

  13. Survey: Less Than Half of Thais will go to vote

    Suan Dusit Poll survey published this afternoon revealed that only 45.56% of surveyed people said they planned to vote if the election goes ahead.

    19.8% said they would not turn out to vote, 15.78% said they might vote depending on the situation at that time, 14% said they were unsure if they would vote or not, and 5.33% said they were not likely to vote.


    Don't take these Elitist-rooted Polls pretending to be public opinion too seriously.....For all intents and purposes, this Poll was put out by PDRC associates....NIDA Polls are another similar one.
    You're 52 posts late in this thread as many members have already taken the results of the other poll posted earlier in the OP as the divine truth.

    Still, I'm curious about your assertions. Could you share the names of the PDRC associates who control these polls? Who specifically are these "Elitist-rooted".


    I gave a link, more of a 'doorway' to help those who do no research. It should have led you to many doors...but it was removed without reason

    When happened when you PM'd the moderators to ask why?

  14. Now, what the hell does these agencies have to do with reform or having this government resign. It's intimation of the government employees and threats of bodily harm if they don't leave. These are acts of a mob or better yet thugs. They are all cowards unless they are in a large group and high on drugs.

    the chain in command has been siphoning money... the ministry of culture sucks alot of money out to promote nothing. I have a few friend in the fine arts performances and i agree with them when they say that the MOC does not support their thai heritage. they only see new fancy cars in the parking spots .

    OMG! Who will issue the warnings now against young women wearing spaghtti-strap blouses at Songkran?

    Chaos will follow without the Culture Ministry.

  15. And now starts the police blame game from the yellow brown shirts.

    Tell us all about how he probably shot himself, or Suthep shot him to make the police or the red shirts look bad. Nobody is tired of hearing it, we could read that crap for hours. By the way, have you got any information as to the current location of Elvis and John Wayne?

    No. But I think it's more plausible that the guy was shot by some terrorist group that is not part of either the police force or the red shirts. I don't think the police would assassinate him for vandalizing a police sign. It's a bit far fetched.

    Tell that to englishoak.

    In his post just before yours, he emphatically tells us the exact opposite.

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