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Posts posted by LadPhrao123

  1. It's good news Wednesday, 5 February 2014 at Bangkok, Thailand. Long overdue putting these birds in the clink.

    Round them up and out in front, the frogmarching Froggie the Whistlehead.

    They have not bothered enforcing hundreds of warrants in the past on the same people. What makes you think that this will be any different?

    We all know that taking out the leaders will create a meltdown of the situation.

    The main reason why they have not enforced them in the first place.

    You've never played chess or watched Game of Thrones. Never get in your opponents way while he's busy building his own scaffold or tying the knot in his own noose. With the election the tide has shifted now in favor of the government.

    • Like 1
  2. More facts, less opinion. Interesting to read someone who has some knowledge of history, references to unbiased writings would be welcome, but sorry to say this all reads like selective "facts" and opinions to prop up a personal conclusion and opinion.

    Funny how it is invariably the ones with the most obvious and extreme biased-leanings on the forum, who bleat on about others not having enough impartiality for their liking. Go get a mirror and take a hard look at what you see.

    Hah, hah, yes, anything like trying to strike a balanced view of Thaksin and the Shinawatras in the context of politics and business in Thailand is an extreme biased leaning here in the 'I love to hate something, everybody needs a cause follow me' world of TVF News but it's not about 'enough impartiality for their liking' at all. If all you can do is spew empty cliches well I guess it's your thing, it's common as ants at a picnic here, but the alternative could be so much more interesting and informative if you've really got anything to say. Mirror? Prefer the printed page aye what...

  3. It seems that the army has somewhat been brought "under control" because the generals realize that a coup would not be accepted anymore.

    Any coup from the army would lead to a general uprising in the populated north.

    On the other side, the courts still can be seen by many as an "independent" body not scared to involve itself with the minority trying to gain power over the majority.

    As long as the courts cannot be seen as impartial by the majority of people it's difficult to blame the reds when they want to fight to protect the people's basic rights.

    Let's hope that there will be no need for the reds to go at war to defend democracy... and that all those trying to overthrow democracy by any means (criminal, coup, court rulings, ...) pay for their crimes.

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I dont like what you say - but I think your right - this Government will be returned to carry on corruption and bring in another amnesty bill to bring "Captain corruption" back from Dubai!! His plan cannot continue until another event happens!! This is Thailands sad future - anything else will be met with an M79 and a red riot!! - We know this but I as a Thai am proud that Thai people stood up in the street and said - "this is not democracy!!". Also did you know Thaksins neice is married to Hun Sens son? and his other neice to Myanmars leaders family? Thaksins lust for power will spill out ofThailand next time - especially now he believes he is untouchable!!

    Unfortunately your posts love1012, if you are Thai, are as empty of factual information as the know-nothing foreigners in these threads that love to write about the favorite whipping boy and how much they hate Thaksin Shinawatra and use all the catchy little phrases about dictator, dubai, corruption, stole money and how he's a convicted criminal and should never been let into the country again but never come up with the goods and make a compelling, informed case against Thaksin Shinawatra and his family. Just the same cut and paste opinions and tired rants. And apparently Thaksin so dominates Thailand that no one other person or party can lead the Thai people in another direction. Shocking that Thailand cannot come up with a smart, savvy, successful leader to outmatch Thaksin if that's what's really necessary. Otherwise let him come back to Thailand and lead. Looks like he knew how to deal with the powerful and how to motivate the masses and how to make money. From what I see everyone else is ready to let it be torn down, fighting amongst themselves and following a clown that can't think two steps past "I hate the Shinawatras".

    Seems to me the only clown here is you if you think Taksin has the country's interests or anyone else's at heart, he only has his own, always have and always will...

    Ahh, another poster who knows it all in a sentence, cut and paste your favorite Thaksin slur here "......." but all opinion and epithets, no facts to support it, and just for completeness adds in an empty insult. Don't hurt yourself making a comeback that requires critical thinking.

  4. Who is "they", because if it's the people i'm thinking of, the people i am always hearing, it's never spoken in those sorts of sobering tones. It's always spoken with much fanfare and never with any mention of the world boom that was going on, just all about the miracle that Thaksin achieved.
    In general, the benefits he made to those regional people were short term and haven't really put much of a dent in the wealth divide.

    I've seen no evidence to indicate that he was more corrupt than other PMs. He probably antagonised many people through his drive and singlemindedness, but he should have been allowed to complete his term and the electors should have been given the chance to vote his party out if they wanted.

    No, what should have happened is that when he blatantly "hid" his assets in the names of random staff members of his, right at the beginning of his tenure, the judges should not have been pressured by his popularity into letting him off, and instead should have found him guilty as we all know he was. Then he would have been banned for five years, not that that would have been the end of his political career i'm sure, but he would have known that there were limits to what he could get away with, and he would have acted with more restraint when it came to his abuses. He wasn't and he didn't, and so what we ended up with, was the absurdity of him having certain laws conveniently changed days before the tax free selling of his business to foreigners. That was the one step to far that drove people to the streets, and ultimately brought about the coup.

    Instead, there was the coup and then as LevelHead says, the fake charges and propaganda.

    Fake charges?! Give me a break. He was convicted whilst his own party was in power, he has never actually denied anything for which he was convicted, let alone provide any evidence to show that, he merely bleats on about how unfair it was... not only for someone of his standing to have been convicted, but for someone to dare turn down a very generous lunch box shaped bribe he had offered. That act alone and in itself, especially with it being a former Prime Minister, would in any properly functioning and just justice system, lead to a long stretch behind bars.

    More facts, less opinion. Interesting to read someone who has some knowledge of history, references to unbiased writings would be welcome, but sorry to say this all reads like selective "facts" and opinions to prop up a personal conclusion and opinion.

  5. It seems that the army has somewhat been brought "under control" because the generals realize that a coup would not be accepted anymore.

    Any coup from the army would lead to a general uprising in the populated north.

    On the other side, the courts still can be seen by many as an "independent" body not scared to involve itself with the minority trying to gain power over the majority.

    As long as the courts cannot be seen as impartial by the majority of people it's difficult to blame the reds when they want to fight to protect the people's basic rights.

    Let's hope that there will be no need for the reds to go at war to defend democracy... and that all those trying to overthrow democracy by any means (criminal, coup, court rulings, ...) pay for their crimes.

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I dont like what you say - but I think your right - this Government will be returned to carry on corruption and bring in another amnesty bill to bring "Captain corruption" back from Dubai!! His plan cannot continue until another event happens!! This is Thailands sad future - anything else will be met with an M79 and a red riot!! - We know this but I as a Thai am proud that Thai people stood up in the street and said - "this is not democracy!!". Also did you know Thaksins neice is married to Hun Sens son? and his other neice to Myanmars leaders family? Thaksins lust for power will spill out ofThailand next time - especially now he believes he is untouchable!!

    Unfortunately your posts love1012, if you are Thai, are as empty of factual information as the know-nothing foreigners in these threads that love to write about the favorite whipping boy and how much they hate Thaksin Shinawatra and use all the catchy little phrases about dictator, dubai, corruption, stole money and how he's a convicted criminal and should never been let into the country again but never come up with the goods and make a compelling, informed case against Thaksin Shinawatra and his family. Just the same cut and paste opinions and tired rants. And apparently Thaksin so dominates Thailand that no one other person or party can lead the Thai people in another direction. Shocking that Thailand cannot come up with a smart, savvy, successful leader to outmatch Thaksin if that's what's really necessary. Otherwise let him come back to Thailand and lead. Looks like he knew how to deal with the powerful and how to motivate the masses and how to make money. From what I see everyone else is ready to let it be torn down, fighting amongst themselves and following a clown that can't think two steps past "I hate the Shinawatras".

  6. Funny that there are wearing anti-government protestor arm bands. Perhaps waiting for haridan Thida to run off a batch of special edition Truth Today arm bands. Actually since their government got into power they have shown less interest I disseminating the truth today.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    What is anyone with a Moderator title doing making posts and especially posts like this one?

    TVF should strip your Moderator title.

    Or boot you for trolling.

    Ahh, another part time "Moderator", trolling perhaps? And one who does fit the definition of trolling...."submit a deliberately provocative posting to an online message board with the aim of inciting an angry response."

  7. Funny that there are wearing anti-government protestor arm bands. Perhaps waiting for haridan Thida to run off a batch of special edition Truth Today arm bands. Actually since their government got into power they have shown less interest I disseminating the truth today.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    What is anyone with a Moderator title doing making posts and especially posts like this one?

    TVF should strip your Moderator title.

    Sorry. a moderator is entitled to ther view like anyone else - Red democracy not suited to that?

    So we can now add what you know about the word Moderator to the other aspects of your well demonstrated ignorance. Thanks for taking time off from disrupting the polls today, blocking the streets, beating people up though. Surely you're missed out there where no thought is required and blowing a loud whistle keeps you from having to think.

    • Like 2
  8. I'm not sure that this is the point. They had been neglected for so long since 1932. Bangkokians have enjoyed far better services and living standards its not funny. I don't see this in red or yellow. We need to understand what only Thaksin did for the people of the north and northeast to realise this. 17 times the amount of government services in and around Bangkok compared to the North.. And now people trying to stop them and others from voting. This is not Democratic. I think we can lay the blame at successive governments who have spurned the people who are at fault. This is not so much about Thaksin but rather a semblance of democracy that I think the people desire. Not the elite of Bangkok infringing upon their rights. Be he good bad or ugly for all of Thaksins faults he did connect with the people. The Democrat's have not and cannot until they participate in the democratic process. In short Thailand needs to usher in a constitution that benefits all the people even the minority. Maybe they could take a leaf out of Australian or New Zealand democracy and copy this. But until both sides stop wanting power and money, it will be the people who revolt as we are seeing today and especially in the last 10 years. Marginalisation is Thailand's biggest problem as is the Ammarts, police, military and the judicial system. Their will be no real peace for any Thai until these items can be addressed. The revolution will continue until an equal balance of power and reform has been achieved. A rough road lies ahead.

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I definitely can agree with your point. I have traveled extensively, lived and worked in many various countries with various cultures and religions. Elitism is looking down on others in all cultures; Western countries, in the Arab world and Asian/SEasian region.

    I like your point made that Taksin (no matter how bad he can/could be) seems a people person. He connected to the rural areas and that is today clearly seeing in the support for him and his family. I would wish that other politicians (not only in Thailand) would have the same ability.

    Regarding corruption, this is a difficult and endless subject. The world has for the past several hundred of years tried to abolish it - to no avail. When I speak to Thais who support Suthep, I hear sayings like: "we are all corrupt, Suthep would take 30% and give 70 to the people but Thaksin takes 70 and gives 30 to the people". Or, "I am a business man and I am also corrupt. Would I not being, I could not pay salaries or feed my family".

    So I am confused on the purpose of the demonstrations. I think the demonstrators are mixing with the wrong elements that creates a non reliable view. Because;

    -- you ride the wave with the devil

    -- you are corrupt yourself

    -- you demand to abolish corruption

    Something is wrong in this. You can't ask for something that you yourself are not clean with. Also you can't have or follow a leader who is what you claim you want to fight. This makes the whole thing a farce and gives an unreliable picture. And just because I am not Thai and seem (according to Thais) "not to understand" Thai politics does not make my point go away. Because of this I am not trusting anything will change should the Government step down. Especially I don't trust Suthep who I consider to be a typical arrogant politician (just look at his body language alone - it tells books).

    In all my professional life, I have never paid money. That is why my friends complain that I am "not successful" and rich.

    I am of an older Generation. I have seen the '68, the '70s up to this modern time. All demonstrations I can remember who where violent turned bad for the Demonstrators - they lost it at the end. Unfortunately, modern times is giving us en even more troubled picture of what could happen. Syria is in ruins and Egypt is back to square one because the elected president had a religious (power grab) agenda and was unable to admit a secular politic for all.

    Further I am a strong believer in Non-Violence. I wont get tired of telling this to everyone. This is why I believe that the only option to finding a solution is:

    -- [1] sit down at the round table and TALK

    -- [2] open the ballot box and VOTE.

    It is maybe not the easiest way as all have to interact, all have to make concessions, all have to drop the mentality of "I take it all", all have to think as a team. We have lost the ability to sit and talk (Discuss, Debate, Dispute). This is why all seems stuck and no one is willing to move away from old positions.

    Breathe of fresh air(s) of thinking blowing out the foul air of the impudent, Lord of the Flies, I failed critical thinking in school, foreigner crowd. Thank you.

    Further, only to add one of my favorite triads wished for improving Thailand's political future "Adopt, Adapt, Improve".

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  9. Asoke rally site today around 2 p.m., 6 people in front of the stage wearing white polo shirts. NO one else except pedestrians walking across Asoke. At 4:30 p.m. the number of interested parties looking at the stage had doubled.

    MRT and BTS traffic seemed normal. No one I saw passing through the MRT or BTS stations today with protestor colors or accessories.

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  10. Somewhat busier crowd at the Asoke protest site tonight, compared to yesterday. And, perhaps more meaningfully, when I compare tonight's crowd with the crowd from the same time one week ago last Tuesday, I don't see any meaningful difference -- certainly not any big dropoff in participation, as some government backers here keep claiming.

    Tonight/Tuesday about 6:45 pm

    attachicon.gif2014-01-28 18.48.42.jpg

    Same location/same time a week ago, Jan. 21:


    attachicon.gifJan 21.jpg

    Quite a co-incidence, passed through Asoke BTS/MRT exchanges at the same time 18:45 tonight. Not packed but they were spread out all the way back to the arched tent across the highway. A man on the stage with a soothing and sincere voice delivering a message and makes some points to brief applause (okay, rattles and whistles).

    But passing through again at 20:00 the crowd was down to a few hundred at best near the stage and some music.

    Around 22:00 a few people in front of the stage and the skywalk was fenced off, closed with a cardboard sign wedged in. Party over for Tuesday.

    Going back to 18:45 at Asoke station the MRT was under heavy, heavy traffic with people forced to wait upstairs behind a fence until the preceding crowds moved onto the trains or through the turnstiles above. Then the next waiting group was allowed to advance. Had never seen it so crowded.

  11. Bravo Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra! Bring the vote.

    Our prayers are with you.

    No, do not include all of us please.

    Not to worry, there's a provision for you in this one.

    Bravo Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra! Our prayers are still with you. And at a time of your choosing please accept our humble, human sacrifices of the lame and the ignorant who post here amongst us. May they enrich the soil of Thailand for all it's people. Amen.

  12. Bravo Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra! Bring the vote.

    Our prayers are with you.

    Bravo! (Maybe you can still) BUY the vote, for those farmers who still can't accept they've been cheated and lied to.

    Bravo Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra! Our prayers are still with you. And at a time of your choosing please accept our humble, human sacrifices of the lame and the ignorant who post here amongst us. May they enrich the soil of Thailand for all it's people. Amen.

    • Like 1
  13. i dont see any evidence to support his story probably just trying to get money out of the protestors. Even if it IS true its not as bad as shootings, stabbings, grenades that the red apologists forgive in this forum every day

    Excuse me, right back, so I don't have to vomit on my keyboard.

    Spoken like a real brown shirt...

    Ahh, better now....

    Denial - it's the first stage of recovery in grief and addicition. You can tell you're on the way when you reach Anger, good, then Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. Have a nice trip....

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