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Posts posted by LadPhrao123

  1. uh huh I know ladphrao but occasionally someone bothers to go check im not making it up and then they might just start to think for themselves and check other wild claims smile.png

    Funny thing is I was one of the first here to say about Thaksin and the corrupting and family appointments and the drug involved killing spree when TV first started. The uproar and hate i got back was so intense and ridiculous i stopped posting here for years he was the darling and incorruptible Thaksin then tough on crime and who cared about people being shot they wrere all druggies anyway so who cares etc etc... oh how things have changed, im still just posting facts and evidence as i can find them. Now i get mistaken for pro Thaksin and people still prefer market gossip or group think mentality based theory.

    same thing, same idiots, different decade whistling.gif

    Thanks for enriching the conversation :-) This does seem to be a characteristic of human nature exposed courtesy of the anonymous blog, only the time frame has changed. Interesting your background.

    I wasn't here during Thaksin's time in office. The monolithic and monotonous clamor over Thaksin made me suspicious and has had me going back and trying to understand what happened there, what were the achievements, what was valid criticism. Not easy, he's a polarizing figure but i did come away with enough to say the anti-thaksin mob is often enough just that.

    I guess at this point I'm anti the anti-Thaksin crowd with exceptions for the thoughtful ones. I'm still digging and can't say I know for a certainty if/how grievous his flaws were or not for the people of Thailand. Fortunately there are some good writers out there if you look. The real prize is a better understanding of Thai history, politics and culture.

    keep up the good and balanced views

  2. If they are fighting for a better Thailand, against corruption, why are the protests full of knock-off vendors? Is this a sign that anti-piracy laws won't be respected once Suthep comes to power?

    Oh come on - that's on a completely different scale.

    People selling pirate DVDs no matter how disgusting is no way as bad as Governors, politicians and middle men picking up millions upon millions of baht through robbing the treasury, where deals are being signed off for deliveries paid for by the taxpayer where a handful of greedy fat scum take their own cut before any delivery is made and sometimes where no delivery is made at all, but still the payments are made. Who loses out? Not only the taxpayers but the people the deliveries are meant for, i.e. their own voters.

    This isn't Thaksin being some Robin Hood stealing from the rich and giving to the poor; he only cares about money and power. If he did, why has he suddenly become far richer since PTP have got into power, shouldn't the bulk of money go to the poor and its voters?

    No wonder that some of even their own (PTP) and certain members of the Police are privately saying that corruption has gotten out of control over the last couple of years, this isn't about the odd missing 1000 baht, it's on a far bigger magnitude, it's daylight robbery and disgusting.

    Ok lets look ... net wealth in 2001 1.2B, net wealth 2013 1.7 B


    Head of agribusiness Charoen Pokphand, Dhanin Chearavanont 2008 net wealth 2b 2013 net wealth 12.7b

    Please go have a look at the top 10 of Thialand and see how he compares

    its not rocket science Thaksin had most of it frozen mid 2000s and had some returned to him in 2012...everyone else in the same table has done far far better, honestly I dont like the guy but please, please stop just repeating rhetoric and try looking for the solid evidence and compare his supposed "vast" wealth with others .. its not anywhere in the same league and the main reason I do not buy into this hes the biggest thief in Thai history theory.

    Good luck with facts and balanced information here. But it's not what the mob wants.

    Any brick they can throw will do. Any newcomer to Thailand becomes an immediate authority with a copy and paste sentence or two. They've got their bloody head on a pike and whipping boy. Why spoil the fun. It's convenient. It's against something, it's Thaksin.

    Educating themselves and gaining a balanced point of view, not happening here. In the US it's called Swift Boating, a political tactic the Republicans perfected in savaging an opponent with falsehoods and half truths to win elections. It's on display here daily, in every thread.

    Used daily to savage anyone from the PM on down in government and change the subject from Suthep's insanities and his supporters breaking the laws. It's just rhetoric, meaningless and distracts from an informative discussion.

    • Like 2
  3. Situations remind me of Charlie Chan saying - 'Somebody always about to put fly in ointment'

    Tuesday will certainly be interesting and the rest of the week ending in election day.

    General Prayuth affirming their co-operation with the police and without contradictory words this morning.

    Chalerm making it clear he means business arresting protest leaders and reclaiming the seige sites.

    Suthep threatening and heading into the Alamo for a standoff with his protestors bare hands.

    hmmm, tbd...

  4. Assault units? So he does want violence. Can't wait till he gets his cold plate of karma served up to him. What a sick, drunken parasite.

    What do to think would happen if a group of thugs occupied the White House or the Elysee Palace?

    Do you think other countries would send clowns to join the party and provide entertainment?

    Nope. Assault teams. And much sooner. They wouldn't wait 3 months.

    You cant compare thailand to other countries in this matter.

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Right, because it might derail the Lord of The Flies foreigner crowd here that relishes their absurd justifications and fantasies and ignore universal standards of conduct and governance.

    Convenient thinking.

  5. Not an unbiased article at all. Completely yellow.

    Really a wild piece of work. About 2 paragraphs in, that's two paragraphs of bashing the Economist's credibility, the author sets to work loading the page with fact free opinions and unsupported information against the Thaksin "regime". Like a piece of rotten fish tied to an anchor the piece drops fast and deep into a fantasy concoction of international intrigue.

  6. I wonder how can a terrorist himself ask for protection from military? ? ?

    Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk

    Protesting using one's basic rights to do so when a gov't doesn't follow the law and is extremely corrupt to the core is not terrorism. Burning, looting, bombs, molotovs, a city under seige IS. I see you weren't here in 2010. You need some history books and some time spent on youtube. Get to work boy!

    The violence we see is from red shirts time and again; the instigators and ones who provoke with violence time and again. cctv, video footage, and a nasty reputation precede their well earned reputation.

    Hopefully after a few weeks in thailand, you'll recognize this very clear pattern.

    If ever there was a boy that needed to do his homework and sharpen his thinking before running his mouth it would be the boy you see in the mirror.

  7. Disingenuous clown that you are. Plead with your protestors to stay away from blocking the polls and problem solved. Go to the polls yourself and apologize that your protestors intimidate voters and close polling stations.

    No need then for you to get what you really want, to pull the military in with the appearance the military is supporting you.

  8. There is a huge difference between 2 men fighting for 2 very different things. In the Ukraine, Klitschko is among the protesters, even at the very front of the fights with police. He is fighting for Democracy, calling for elections. Suthep on the other hand is currently in a safe house according to the latest media reports, hoping his supporters will make a power grab for him and is not afraid of causing a civil war in order to prevent elections. Two men, one a hero, one a coward.

    Klitschko is indeed a brave and intelligent man.

    Here we have one guy somewhere in Bangkok "doing battle" with a convicted fugitive who is hiding out "somewhere" - Dubai, China, HK, Montenegro or wherever.

    Let's compare apples with apples shall we. The brave leader who said he would return when the first shot was fired. Only he didn't - he went doing some luxury shopping in Paris whilst many died as a result of his orchestrated violent insurrection. Looks like a brave leader, really interesting in democracy and the interests of the people and country are in short supply.

    There's a lot of sloppy nonsense parading as thought posted in TVF but congratulations, you get the Sunday Best So Far award.

    • Like 1
  9. "Tarit yesterday also warned people not to take part in the protests, saying they could be regarded as violating the law or could end up clashing with police.

    He said ordinary protesters would be also deemed to have violated the law under the state of emergency. He said that by attempting to interrupt an election, they could face a jail term of up to 10 years."

    Ah, another fascist having his moment. Who let PT's pit bull loose?

    Still the protesters should know by now that exercising your democratic right to protest is a crime in PT's eyes (if they are the ones you object to that is).

    They have a right to protest but not a right to block the polling locations so other Thai citizens can exercise their constitutional right to vote.

    Yes, as I have always said!

    Lucky for you that fence you think you're trying to straddle isn't barbed wire fence.

    Reminding me of that Hollywood Cowboy and Indian movie line "White man speak with forked tongue"

  10. I shall believe it when I see it happen .

    Suthep and fellow leaders should have been arrested and imprisoned for insurrection long ago .

    However it is known that he has an armed bodyguard surrounding him . Chalerm is saying it is time for action , but that if armed bodyguards open fire on

    the police , the police will return fire and people may get hurt or killed . There must be a discreet way to arrest him , the police need some SAS advice

    on the method and timing , perhaps an element of surprise .

    moonao is all over it

    its easy, cordon off the area, roll in the tear gas and send a police unit in with tasers and stun batons, backed up with rubber bullet snipers. Aresst this low life scum and put him behind bars where he belongs.

    If Chalerm can't do it, give the assignment to me, ill have Suthep in custody in less than 1 hour.

    Best Keyboard Warrior Post of the Month!




    Let loose the hounds. Tick a tick-a good timing and Chalerm sounds like he has the cajones to cut to the chase here.

    "Yeah, meet de boys on the battlefront. The wild Tchopatoulas gonna stomp some rump." violin.gif

    by Marley's Ghost

  11. Pretty reasonable - Suthep and his cohorts have said enough to hang themselves. Time to go to the monkey house. However being filthy rich and corrupt - they won't see prison anytime soon after all this is thailand. giggle.gif

    Can you read?

    Then read the article again, and see that, more or less, they plan to murder Suthep.

    You think that will help?

    You don't think this article is more or less a declaration of war?

    Me thinks though doest protest too much.

    The little fellow has an arrest warrant against him and has been ordered to turn himself in, which remains unanswered. Issued by the legal government. Now and finally they plan to come after him.

    Suthep's kingdom and legal authority is not recognized anywhere so who would the government declare war on?

    The authorities did open the door to killing if there's a violent resist to his arrest by the people who protect him.

    Only the ''we are protestors of the people, we can do anything to you but you can't touch us' crowd can manage the upside down point of view that Suthep cannot be taken off the street by the authorities and anyone threatening or using weapons against the authorities making the arrest can be shot and killed in defending themselves against Suthep or a band of thugs which serve as his protection.

  12. "Thailands embattled government has offered to call off an election set for February 2 if protesters end their rallies and promise not to obstruct or boycott a new one within months."

    Do they really think this is what the protestors want? How will this meet their demands for reform? Clueless.

    But the majority of the electorate are happy with it so why should the minority protesters get their way to change the way things are. Its the protesters party who need to reform and win over voters to win the election through the ballot box, not mob rule and closing down polling stations.

    Elections are not the problem. I believe that you win an election then you form the govt. really don't care if PT win (which they will) or not.

    Where the system goes wrong is that there is no way to remove corrupt govts, they can and do ignore or manipulate the law. The "give thaksin what he wants amnesty bill" was the spark that caused the current protests. Those protesting feel that an election that does not come with a legal framework to reign in corrupt govts is pointless.

    They have a point. I don't agree with the way they are trying to effect change but I do see why they are angry. Changing the date of the election will not sooth this anger unless there is a genuine attempt at dialogue before the election.

    That was the basis of my post.

    Since the Constitutional Court appears to have the power to weigh in on anything they choose to take up and Yingluck's government has acknowledged they will follow same I don't see how you can say there is no mechanism to reign in a government.

    Your characterisation of the amnesty bill for the sole purpose of serving Thaksin Shinawatra is just conjecture, not fact, but agreed that because Suthep et al was able to paint it successfully as such it helped to fuel the protests.

    The idea of reforms before an election is a) impractical, because it cannot happen in a short time, waiting for it to happen while who knows who or what deliberates would ham string the functioning government for an indeterminate period and open to all sorts of mischief. Suthep et al refuse to discuss and demand an end to Yingluck's PMship. c) unnecessary, in practical terms Yingluck's government clearly has offered to work for reforms and that promise and a newly formed government through the election is the best the protestors are likely to receive given their attempt at baiting a coup has failed. they would have the ability to go to the streets again in future if reforms efforts were not forthcoming.

    The protestors have chastened and sensitized the government, they've gone far beyond a reaction to the amnesty bill. The failed to get a coup. Time to put an end to the frustration of forming a new government through an election and then do the hard work of organizing their ideas and working to see them realized through elections and legal means and generally keep the heat on to bring reforms over the long haul.

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  13. In some way this is to save the DP and help it survive...There is a constitution provision that states boycotting an election twice, will eliminate any given political Party.....Now the EC and PAD-Dem user-friendly courts are trying to save the Party...To their surprise, the street stuff has been unable to dislodge Ms. Y....so they need to do something....It is my understanding though, that the PTP is advising its' candidates, "Full speed ahead"....It is all a game, and who knows the reality at this point.....I don't think the coup-mongers will accept this anyway...It just emasculates them for the inevitable election a short time from now, and Suthep with his co-leaders will be under immediate law enforcement pressure.

    WOW - checkmate!!! If the Dems don't contest then they are OUT as a political party. If the election goes ahead there will be bi-elections for those unfilled seats - Suthep has been outsmarted by a PM who some posters think is a dummy, a dumb puppet, - no, she is a fine graduate with Master Degree from one of the finest Universities in Thailand - Chiang Mai - and even the PCAD can't disagree with that because their own Meglomaniac leader is graduate from C M U too (you can read this if you google his name and read Wikipedia)

    As they say "Your mouth to God's ear"

  14. All that's needed to make yours a completely forgettable post is in your first sentence statement "the Thai people". Grab a flag, wear a pin, mouth patriotism, claim to represent 'the people'. it's a disease of the political right side of politics.

    The rest unsupported conjecture on what had been until 90 days ago a vibrant and teflon economy. Fully operative and capable of managing it's challenges.

    Thaksin is and was a brilliant and successful businessman. He improved the poor quality of life in Thailand. He might be able to pull the country back after the Dems/PDRC/NSPRT have had their throw at running it to ground. I don't see anyone else in Thailand with those capabilities standing for government.

    Why does a "brilliant and successful businessman" have to resort to rigged bids, monopoly, abuse of position, tax evasion, corruption and insider trading? Why does my dog lick his balls? Because he can.

    Well noted your presumptions which are only that. And please show enough intelligence that you don't try to support them with the decisions of the coup installed Democrat party government and it's running dog the Judicial Court that 'convicted' Thaksin. Whatever the truth is about any of those accusations the thing known as xxxx, the military and the installed Democrat party tainted and robbed Thaksin and Thailand of any chance of a credible airing of the accusations.

    Second, welcome to international Business 1A. Maybe you read the newspapers. It's a jungle out there. And questions of business propriety are settled with attorneys and in credible courts, not public opinion and hearsay.

  15. Yingluck has been shown to be a liar again when she claimed the constitution wouldn't allow a postponement of the election. Thaksin has been shown to be a liar again when he said Yingluck cant resign. Why should anyone believe they have any honest intentions of honouring their offer, with barbs attached, to postpone the Feb 2 election? There must be some selfish reason why they would even consider it.

    Either they have a nefarious machination in play to pay the farmers off or they don't believe they cant hold on to government til May 10th, if a valid election is held. But you can bet your sweet ass that the plan is for the PTP or another Thaksin party to win the next election and push the blanket amnesty through to absolve them of all rice corruption charges and bring Thaksin home.

    For Thaksin's PTP have never been about helping the rural workers, the poor and downtrodden or Thailand as a whole. They have always been about Thaksin, self enrichment and amnesty for their crimes. The cabinet of millionaire are now the cabinet of billionaires and the new ruling elite.

    Here's hoping your worst nightmare comes true.

    PTP / Thaksin party wins the election, an amnesty bill that brings Thaksin back to Thailand, the rice program resolved and bet your sweet whatever your false assumptions and outright lies are exposed for what they are.

    "the rice program resolved" and how does that happen pray tell. Are you expecting a world famine where Thailand grows rich on others' suffering?

    Personally I would not presume a remedy, but for every problem there is a solution and the government must come up with one or ones. Given the strengths of Thailand's economy I'm sure there is one. Surely it will be easier for them if their hands aren't tied behind their backs.

    Further I'm not saying they didn't make errors in judgement that need correction, but no one in charge of a country that expects to be able to continue to rule the country consciously make decisions to undermine their own power and position and bring their ability into question. Graft and corruption which is endemic in Thailand may of gone with the decision but I don't believe the goal was pursuit of corruption at the expense of the country's economy. Which is the short circuited thinking thats a popular brick to throw at the government of Yingluck Shinawatra.

  16. Yingluck has been shown to be a liar again when she claimed the constitution wouldn't allow a postponement of the election. Thaksin has been shown to be a liar again when he said Yingluck cant resign. Why should anyone believe they have any honest intentions of honouring their offer, with barbs attached, to postpone the Feb 2 election? There must be some selfish reason why they would even consider it.

    Either they have a nefarious machination in play to pay the farmers off or they don't believe they cant hold on to government til May 10th, if a valid election is held. But you can bet your sweet ass that the plan is for the PTP or another Thaksin party to win the next election and push the blanket amnesty through to absolve them of all rice corruption charges and bring Thaksin home.

    For Thaksin's PTP have never been about helping the rural workers, the poor and downtrodden or Thailand as a whole. They have always been about Thaksin, self enrichment and amnesty for their crimes. The cabinet of millionaire are now the cabinet of billionaires and the new ruling elite.

    Here's hoping your worst nightmare comes true.

    PTP / Thaksin party wins the election, an amnesty bill that brings Thaksin back to Thailand, the rice program resolved and bet your sweet whatever your false assumptions and outright lies are exposed for what they are.

    Is that really your best effort? This scenario may be a wet dream for you but its a nightmare for the Thai people who will have to live with the PTP debt legacy and pay it. It will take generations of poor quality of life for the Thai people before the damage of the past Thaksin proxy governments and their pervasive corruption is resolved. For you to rejoice at the anticipation of another Thaksin administration and a further compounding of that damage indicates what a truly despicable out look you have.

    All that's needed to make yours a completely forgettable post is in your first sentence statement "the Thai people". Grab a flag, wear a pin, mouth patriotism, claim to represent 'the people'. it's a disease of the political right side of politics.

    The rest unsupported conjecture on what had been until 90 days ago a vibrant and teflon economy. Fully operative and capable of managing it's challenges.

    Thaksin is and was a brilliant and successful businessman. He improved the poor quality of life in Thailand. He might be able to pull the country back after the Dems/PDRC/NSPRT have had their throw at running it to ground. I don't see anyone else in Thailand with those capabilities standing for government.

    • Like 1
  17. "Thailands embattled government has offered to call off an election set for February 2 if protesters end their rallies and promise not to obstruct or boycott a new one within months."

    Do they really think this is what the protestors want? How will this meet their demands for reform? Clueless.

    Agreed. But to balance this out, could Suthep be any more arrogant when he says it would be better if you don't go out to the polling stations because the PCAD are taking them over. He clearly can't stand the idea of people making their own minds up. And some farang posters on here still praise him. He gets more fascistic by he day.

    Protester's do not want reform, they want the Shinawatras removed from politics, wittingly or unwittingly, to weaken the opposition to turning the clock back and usher in a new era of feudal Thailand. Ideas of a democratic Thailand elude them. They accept endemic corruption as a way of Thai life. Thaksin was successful in reducing corruption, benefiting the country and bringing the underclass to the table via the democratic vote, while threatening certain parties and systems known as xxxx.

    Calling Suthep arrogant in this is an undeserved blandishment. They intend to do everything they can get away with to intimidate voters at the polls. Try to recall the 'peaceful' protestors blocking government buildings, chaining their entrances, threatening the EC stations and full on fighting with the police over their blocking and attempts to ransack at the stadium.

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  18. Yingluck has been shown to be a liar again when she claimed the constitution wouldn't allow a postponement of the election. Thaksin has been shown to be a liar again when he said Yingluck cant resign. Why should anyone believe they have any honest intentions of honouring their offer, with barbs attached, to postpone the Feb 2 election? There must be some selfish reason why they would even consider it.

    Either they have a nefarious machination in play to pay the farmers off or they don't believe they cant hold on to government til May 10th, if a valid election is held. But you can bet your sweet ass that the plan is for the PTP or another Thaksin party to win the next election and push the blanket amnesty through to absolve them of all rice corruption charges and bring Thaksin home.

    For Thaksin's PTP have never been about helping the rural workers, the poor and downtrodden or Thailand as a whole. They have always been about Thaksin, self enrichment and amnesty for their crimes. The cabinet of millionaire are now the cabinet of billionaires and the new ruling elite.

    Here's hoping your worst nightmare comes true.

    PTP / Thaksin party wins the election, an amnesty bill that brings Thaksin back to Thailand, the rice program resolved and bet your sweet whatever your false assumptions and outright lies are exposed for what they are.

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