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Everything posted by cnx101

  1. I wonder if it’s the one run by the Singapore guy because he’s a snake
  2. Big problem people in wrong seats, Thais even need help finding their seats with their boarding passes in their hands.
  3. It’s ok just keep talking about it for the next 19 and a half years then the limitation will run out
  4. The free coke poured in the nose is worse than the rubber hose
  5. No he’s asking him not to sit on him as punishment
  6. What do you expect if you eat a dragon’s balls.
  7. Get the brown envelopes out Madam Kupkip haha
  8. Don’t worry dad”ll sort it.
  9. That’s why I never smoke it, found out years ago makes me paranoid as hell, not suitable for me.
  10. They will be banned soon also
  11. So you can’t even play in your own home.
  12. For a few days, forgotten about next month, then back to normal
  13. They are rich Thais they can do what they want.
  14. Of course they are, they want your money, they don’t miss any opportunity
  15. I think he is making a joke don’t be so serious
  16. Coward scumbag driver, and anyone can be a bus driver in Thailand, no training same as anything else they drive.
  17. I’ve never had a problem always fast and easy for me in Vietnam
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