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Everything posted by cnx101

  1. This guy shouldn’t be kept alive, beyond words
  2. He’s going to jail in Thailand not America
  3. Yes at least he won’t have to worry about picking up the soap in the shower as he’s going to jail in Thailand not America, unless he’s rich of course.
  4. A hard man doesn’t need a knife if your brought up to take care of yourself, it’s mainly the immigrant’s who carry and use knives in a knife fight your guaranteed to be cut if you win or lose, in the old days we didn’t need knives
  5. Great I think I’ll move all my money from the Bahamas and Swiss banks to Bangkok bank.
  6. It says cycling so a bicycle not motorcycle
  7. I remember the days you could get a friend to go down to Malaysia and do it for you
  8. Yes exactly I just got an email off the agency saying I can renew the retirement visa two months in advance and price drop of 5000 baht, no thanks I won’t be renewing it.
  9. Unbelievable scumbag airline, probably over booked and trying to get rid of some passengers like Vietjet do, and they do that as I’ve got a friend works for them and he’s told me of what they do to save giving compensation
  10. I thought it was you, oh my mistake it’s Chinese
  11. Must be a nightmare, give him some money he’ll stop it
  12. What an idiot never advertise when you have or win money
  13. Shoot him in the head even better
  14. He was obviously being pulled by a speedboat so how can this happen, I’ve done paragliding of a mountain and then land on the beach but for sure weather everything checked first but I do in Vietnam not Thailand for sure.
  15. Only if you over two years old
  16. Remind me to never take beautiful Ugandan women like those to, too my room next time in Thailand
  17. Better to hang out in gogo bars because foreigners never go to them
  18. Best solution to this problem is collect their spending money when they land and return then on the next flight to where they came from.
  19. You missed out Americans your not a yank by any chance
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