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Everything posted by cnx101

  1. I’m not in Thailand at this time so i suppose I should just send them my bank details
  2. Black listed tomorrow for stealing Thai jobs
  3. So funny, especially the fat thing in black
  4. There’s been a train from Bangkok to Butterworth all 33 years I was there used to use it to do visa runs, it was very convenient.
  5. The reason I come on this site is for funny stories like this and some of the comments
  6. Well everyone on here knows exactly what happened there, I wonder if he was American like the last guy.
  7. Ridiculous what about people with no legs or blind or deformed as they can’t get a job, how about the government helping them.
  8. With the gold chain being stolen maybe a ladyboy dressed as a man
  9. Just a shame it wasn’t one of the Western volunteer cops, as I see the name is Thai
  10. Summer and vodka great place to go
  11. Really was that a fight, so funny, but better they fight among themselves than hitting foreigners with sticks and things
  12. Yes and tiny bit of food, I was starved, never use Finnair again
  13. Me also I’ll be able to sleep tonight
  14. I’m confused here, where were the Bangkok and Philipino ladyboys to help them out
  15. They should just put immigrants not name countries
  16. In Thailand you can’t be sure
  17. Nobody cares understand what I’m saying others besides British use them
  18. I’ve seen lots of Thai guys going outside the gym to smoke vapes when I was there.
  19. I don’t understand how anyone could get in that position
  20. They all are only want our money
  21. It was a joke actually but I agree with you about the rest
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