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Everything posted by cnx101

  1. What difference does it make many young people want to backpack around the world, as long as they don’t beg and they shower and wash their clothes regularly their entitled to come here as much as anyone else, better than the sexpats.
  2. I’m fully vaccinated but had Covid a few weeks ago, just felt I’d been over training at the gym with a headache after six days I was fine.
  3. Don’t worry I hear all members on this website are getting free membership to the club
  4. Little mistake at the end, “if I’d not been vaccinated “
  5. Be careful I’ve had the two shots and the booster, I’m also very fit, I got Covid a few weeks ago I thought I’d overtrained in the gym, muscle aches and headache for a couple of days so I tested myself had it so self quarantined tested two more times every two days got rid of it 6th day, but I definitely wouldn’t like to of had it if I’d. it been vaccinated.
  6. Correct I felt a bit tired and muscle ach in the gym this morning so I bought a Covid test and yes black and red mark, so I will self quarantine, I’m not in Thailand I’m in Vietnam.
  7. Same problem as me except they gave me mastercard all its good for is drawing from the ATM been in the bank four times last Friday the last time, absolutely useless customer service, now not interested use Visa card from the UK works great for everything also Vietnam Visa card is fine.
  8. Maybe same like the karaoke in Chiangmai do to tourists, give them a ridiculously high bill then if they can’t or won’t pay about 10 guys beat them up, happened a lot before Covid.
  9. Could always take it by submarine, gotta use them for something
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