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Everything posted by cnx101

  1. Yes I’ve been in and out three times already since April and I’m not a tourist so it should be 3 million 999997
  2. Just have to let your Thai girlfriends do the withdrawals for you haha
  3. Also it was fairly regular with me and lots of other guys in the same class, from age 5 to 15 when I got kicked out altogether haha
  4. Their only getting more tourists at this time because the ganjas legal, if they flip flop on that they won’t come.
  5. Yes hope he becomes prime minister makes opium legal because I don’t like ganja makes me paranoid
  6. Yea it’s everyone’s choice, should mind their own business it’s up to the police, security or staff in the places too speak to them
  7. And still cannot manage electricity power out in Chiangmai every few weeks, sometimes out for about an hour.
  8. And double hotel prices and everything else too make up for it
  9. Interesting to see on Agoda and Booking.com etc how will that work, the stupidity of these people is beyond belief
  10. Agree except yaba makes them crazy and do attack other people and do a lot of damage, opium should also be legal, Sherlock Holmes used to smoke it haha
  11. In this day and age passports should be done away with, should just be able to walk through a scanner that gives all your information automatically from eyes face fingers, and all arrival and exit details sent too you automatically, but maybe I’m thinking 500 years ahead.
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