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Fat Haggis

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Posts posted by Fat Haggis

  1. someone needs a cuddle don't they Mr PM general sir... as you're shit scared of the bogeyman from Dubai.. how about using section 44 for real issues, like sorting out your fishing fleet, sorting out your human trafficking, and sorting out your airline ICOA faults.

    Petty and vindictive by stating that Thaksin's rank was a matter of National Security.

    Sort out the freekin roads by using article 44, and you might, just might save over 2-3,000 lives a year on the piss poor roads.. use article 44 to get the lunatics without licences off these roads.

    Surely by invoking article 44 over the crown (Royal Decree), it's a very dangerous precedent, and itself is an act bordering on article 112 ?

  2. Some of you pro junta posters need to have a wee rethink on what you were stating prior to and just post coup, in that the reds were about to envelope the country in an all out civil war, now you're saying they are all mouth and no trousers, so which is it? They talk a good fight and were mere sabre rattling and being jingoistic, or they're a very credible force capable of sustaining a civil war ? (which historically these tend to last upwards of 5+ years).

    Personally I never believed a word they said, and were no more capable of staging a civil war than Vannesa Mae winning Olympic Gold!! How many of you had your affairs in order, ready to leave at a moments notice once the shit hit the fan and the streets became battle zones? Not many I'll bet, because although it sounds very dramatic, the chances of Thailand becoming another Tunisia, Libya, Iraq or Syria were zero.

    The RTA would have fragmented like a piece of ice if the country descended into the chaos of a civil war, as the majority of the conscripts would simply do what conscripts/draftees do/did the world over when war came a knocking...they ditched their gear and went home.All your units based in Issan would never in a million years turn their weapons on their own villages.

    You also will have massive splits within the Army, not many Generals would be willing to turn their guns on their own people.

    Civil war was a red herring, nothing more than a ruse, considering there is already one ongoing now for 10+ years, having the brain dead reds running rampant throughout Thailand was never going to happen.

    Just out of curiosity, the anti Thaksin/red farangs living in Issan with their red voting families, would you cast them aside due to your political opinions, and leave them to fend for themselves if civil war/anti red forces came, or would you stay and protect them and your home with your life? Because that is what would happen if the country was engulfed in a civil war, you all become targets for both pro and anti Government factions, as you're ....well a foreigner who has a lot more to lose than the average Thai when it comes to property and valuables.

    The UDD and their rabid reds are nothing more than walking public toilets, just full of shit!! They love to talk a good fight, but the truth is, they couldn't fight sleep!!

  3. If I was thay guy on the picture posing ,I would be quite upset actually having to deal with social media gossip .

    Yes he could be a bad guy , but maybe just a normal guy, looking tough and posing on pictures.

    It will only lead to endless speculations until someone actually can dig up som "dirt" on this guy.

    Oh really, the fact that he posed for these pictures and put them on a social media site means he is open to criticism and gossip, you don't want harangued, it's simply, don't post or write stuff that people can use against you on a public social network site!!!

  4. NOBODY in our village in Issan has received a copy of the draft charter, and nobody there knows there's supposed to be a vote for it on Sunday!! When I asked my wife and her friends last night if she was voting she hadn't a clue what for!! I told her the new constitution and her and her friends seemed to think that it was only the people in bangkok who were going to vote on this. Now that's hardly surprising since no canvassing was allowed, when you had firebrands like Suthep and Pra Isssara backing these and wanting reforms complete before elections.

    Sounds very much like the rural people are about to have the wool pulled over their eyes again, and have Bangkok dictate to the rest of the country once again. I find it quite odd that nobody up here seems to know there's big changes coming with regards to the draft charter, and that they're the ones who get to say yes or no.

  5. Really why's that, do you know the reporter, whats wrong with his report? He was at court, were you?

    Give it some thought and come back later...

    Or try reply to my questions rather than deflecting

    He's baiting you, don't respond, his posts are short, and antagonistic, offering very little to the thread. "don't feed him" wink.png

  6. This is still very much a mute point for discussion. What does the proposed charter offer ? So many statements have been raised recently about possible geo-political and racial bias. What facts have been published about the nature/content of the charter to confirm this ?

    If the proposed draft charter economically or politically favors only part of the electorate, then it is wrong and should be opposed, by any party. Right through recent history we have all seen the amassing of extreme wealth by those in power. For Thailand to enter the international community (for I think it has stumbled in the eyes of the world), every Thai must obtain equal opportunities. This by no means the case now. Racial and geo-political prejudices are out of control in some communities. I have two families, one in the North and one in the South, I see these prejudices first hand.

    To be a true democracy this charter must give every vote an equal value. Economical advancement and infrastructure opportunities must be given to all communities, big or small. The charter cannot be based on the preferences of a few, on either side of the fence.

    Define equal value?

    In the UK vastly more people voted for UKIP and SNP. But SNP were rewarded with 56 MP's UKIP got one. Does that mean in constituencies with less people your vote is worth more? You get more representation for your buck?

    In the USA the states elect equal representation. So again the more populous states get the same representation as the less populous one. Seems fair if you look at it from a states perspective, and easy to see why those who founded the country set that up, but maybe not so fair if you bring it down to individual level.

    A true democracy - name one? Switzerland maybe? Other systems, of which they're are many, may allow a vote, but true democracy? Ask the people of Zimbabwe and NK. They get to vote alright.

    So, it's very difficult to come up with a charter and system that really works and pleases everyone.

    It was the number of seats that were open to the SNP in Scotland as to the reason why they got more than UKIP overall. All elections are about the seats, nothing more, as a Nation, Scotland voted in the SNP, I don't hear any complaints about the number of seats Sinn Feinn got compared to UKIP either, it's always people using Scotland as an example. Very poor comparison/example, the people of Scotland voted labour out, and the SNP in as the Tory/Lib coalition failed to keep their end of the bargain after Scotland votes NO in last years Independence Referendum, Westminster stitched up the Scottish No voters, so payback was a rout of labour, and a country with more representation in Westminster.

    I do wonder how many of you decrying Thai democracy constantly whined about the same lack of democracies in your countries of origin ?

    When is this draft constitution referendum, I was sure it was this month? Nobody in our village knows anything about it, no large envelope with the draft constitution in this house here either, when I asked my wife and her friends if they were voting they actually thought it was just the people in Bangkok who got to vote on this.

    Seems very clever if there's to be no canvassing, as people outside of bangkok are like the proverbial mushrooms, has any other expat seen/received any mention of the referendum vote in their areas? I'm hoping that it's not being kept quiet so that the people in places likely to "upset" the norm are excluded? I wouldn't have thought so.

  7. Ooops!! Your IQ is slipping again Joe. You are applying shill methodology again.cheesy.gif

    You don't think the hair is relevant? Where is your "presumption"?sad.png This has to be one of the worst thought out, nonsensical posts in the last few days.

    Time to crawl back into your Chang methinks! coffee1.gif

    Just like the RTP case, most of the shills have fallen flat on their faces.

    What is rather interesting though is that the initial (very active) apologists such as jdinasia, JTJ etc have gone completely silent, in spite of being vehemently vocal in saying, just wait for the trial. I wonder if they have (finally) seen the light of day and abandoned defending the indefensible?

    Or perhaps more likely they just got tired of being in a 10 Team Tag Match all by themselves and every time there point of view differed from someone elses here, and as JC Crab best described it. .

    Or maybe they also just got so sick of being called names, like shrill, or troll, or accused of derailing this forum, again only because they saw things a different way.

    Personally I enjoyed there difference of opinion very much and in which my view added spice to this forum. Instead of the same old / same old, and everyone else here patting each other on the back for a case that is not even half over yet.

    Spice? !!!! It's not about spice, it's about the ineptness and complacency of the investigation, the outright lies and piss poor investigative techniques by the RTP that people are critical off, and some of these "shills" have been steadfast in their support for the RTP, some of them are connected via certain people and organisations with interests to Koh Tao, some are outright liars, it is not the people seeking justice who get these threads locked, some of these people have agendas, their tacit is plain, they get people to bite, and it's another case of continuing till the mods have to step in, there's former LEO's who have commented on this farce of a trial and investigation, and the "usual suspects" dismiss their experiences and backgrounds, they're clever, but what goes around comes around!!

    Spice would be a very wrong word to use in a murder trial !!

  8. I'd guess it was Day 13 sir, as there's been a lot more than 13 prosecution witnesses but a lot less that they 65 claimed they had.!!

    To be honest, this judge is not up to this case either, he should have put his foot down and said "no more evidence or documents or else I will call a mistrial" but he wont as the whole court case is a red herring and a show case, the verdict is already known.

  9. I'm afraid the police gave contradictory statements (again) to the court about this.

    A police officer had earlier testified that the hoe was used to murder the victims, then the blood-stained tool was placed under a bag and discarded on the beach.
    But U Oh testified that the hoe was in the same place he left it the night before, the lawyer said.
    Also, police cajoled him to say he washed off the blood from the hoe. However, that is not what he told the judge. He said that he had not paid any attention to the hoe and was not aware of whether there was any blood on it or not. https://www.dvb.no/news/police-tried-to-manipulate-koh-tao-witness-court-told/54664
    Who would you like to believe, the police or the owner of the Hoe?

    I would believe the person actually giving testimony in court, who was also the person that actually handled the hoe; not the lawyer of the defendants, making claims about what the police allegedly did to the press.

    Well if thats the case you would have to believe the police and the witness despite the statements where they contradicted themselves.

    "A police officer had earlier testified that the hoe was used to murder the victims, then the blood-stained tool was placed under a bag and discarded on the beach."

    The hoe that was apparently not checked for any form of DNA from either the victims, or the alleged killers ? funny how they can get a DNA sample off a 20 baht note that's been handled by hundreds of people, and yet they didn't bother with the hoe.. Sterling police work indeed..

    What about this Prosecution ace, did it ever manifest itself? coffee1.gifwhistling.gif

    It appears that the phone is more relevant to some people than the hoe itself, what about the DNA from the glass bottle that was "allegedly" used to kill David? That must have been submitted as evidence too, as this is what the bogus translator also claimed when he was a bona fide credible witness!!!!

  10. In the Chinese company I work in Iraq, there are 3 Arab speaking Chinese, with Chinese passports but they don't look like your typical Asian, they do look Arabic, two are from an area close to Mongolia, and the other I do believe comes from the same place as this recent guy, they're also Muslim, but Chinese.

    People shouldn't get too hung up on the fact this guy doesn't look Chinese wink.png

    Good result if this is indeed the case, will be interesting to see of the Cambodian authorities were indeed the ones who detained him.

    Where do you get your info from??

    All news sources say the he was caught by Thai authorities trying to pass the border into Cambodia.

    From one of the earlier posts Nicky, my connection is so slow I can't go back and look, not sure if it's correct, or where the poster got that information from wink.png

    Just checked... see post #49

  11. In the Chinese company I work in Iraq, there are 3 Arab speaking Chinese, with Chinese passports but they don't look like your typical Asian, they do look Arabic, two are from an area close to Mongolia, and the other I do believe comes from the same place as this recent guy, they're also Muslim, but Chinese.

    People shouldn't get too hung up on the fact this guy doesn't look Chinese ;)

    Good result if this is indeed the case, will be interesting to see of the Cambodian authorities were indeed the ones who detained him.

  12. I'm going to just point out that you admit of not knowing what all the 65 witnesses (66 now it seems) testified yet decided that no evidence was presented, just because you don't know something doesn't mean that it didn't happen. Evidence was presented, the phone that some are trying very hard to pretend doesn't matter, DNA evidence, CCTV footage and witness testimony.

    Of course it's up to the judge to decide if that evidence warrants a guilt conviction but simply declaring that no evidence was presented is just not true.

    And of course YOU DO know that all 65/66 witnesses testified? And YOU DO know the evidence submitted and explained, especially about the mobile phone because you're actually at the trial Alex?

    You'll get splinters clutching at all these straws one day Alex.

    You're one of the few people who seem to believe that the prosecutions case has been flawless, and rock solid, and right from day 1 you had something against the B2, and were "very protective" towards Koh Tao.

    No, I don't know if every single one of the 65 witnesses the prosecution filed with the court took the stand, but I'm not the one making claims about how many of them, if any, didn't show up. It's a matter of epistemic responsibility, you know? Not claiming to know something that is not actually known.

    For the record:

    This is false: "You're one of the few people who seem to believe that the prosecutions case has been flawless"

    This is false too: "right from day 1 you had something against the B2"

    And the insinuations in this are also false: "were "very protective" towards Koh Tao"

    I'm going to just point out that you admit of not knowing what all the 65 witnesses (66 now it seems) testified yet decided that no evidence was presented

    Seems to me Alex that what you actually posted was indeed a claim, as you even stood to correct the number, nowhere in that do you say "there may have been"

    I'll not bother responding to your "For the record" comments as I can't really be bothered going all the way back to your original postings on the subject, but lets just say you've been in the gang of four/five who have steadfastly sided with the RTP over this investigation, I stand by what I said.

    I'm not alone in what I personally believe. as they say "Up to you" in what you believe. If you think the prosecution and the RTP has done enough, and presented enough "evidence" based on facts to get a conviction, you crack on lad, plenty of us think they've been like fish out of water, and have been "caught out" distorting the truth, forgetting things, that in most countries where they have a better legal and judicial system this would have been turfed out after the 2nd or the 3rd day!!

    Do you know what happened to this "Star Witness/Ace up their sleeve" for the prosecution? that another poster allegedly claimed was going to appear? (which they should be banned from the forum for IMHO)

  13. I have stayed out of this subject post for a while due to several reasons. My total respect goes out to those of you that have persevered in fighting for justice in this case. So many posters on here have continuously put forward there thoughts and opinions on what's happened in this tragic and brutal case. There's also been the very few posters for what ever reason feel they have to derail the forum whenever possible. It's sad that justice in this case for Hannah and David has been obstructed by other agendas and the possible wrongfully sentence of the B2 and the anguish of them and there families. And as for Hannah and David's parents and family I despair for how they must feel especially as the trial has taken its course. From allegedly saying they were hopefull that justice would be done must be totally confused and feel badly let down by the Thai police and authorities. I can say this , and before any of the RTP defenders come at me, as many have said and I have myself stated previously up this date still NO evidence has been produced or offered into the case that remotely would suggest any involvement by the B2. All the pages on this topic and pouring out of opinions and thoughts on what might have happened and failings in procedures have come to nothing apart from making many of us feel we are helping in solving this crime and the possible further one of innocents found guilty. People on here really do care, I know that for sure, and the injustices that abound in the Thai police and justice system have for many been a cause of so much incredulation and amazement. And yes even criminality by the powers that be. Will it ever change? .For those you have fought so hard and long I feel it will and this trial is a watershed I hope that shows up all that's wrong in policing and courts in this country. The RTP have been shown up in lacking even the basic skill set and ability to even muster a half decent case when the questions have been asked and it's clear to me it hasn't happened very often if at all where they have been taken to task and actually had to justify there procedures and decisions. It's very very clear that they haven't a clue how to correctly investigate a crime of this magnitude and seriousness and have been found wanting in every aspect. The cover up daily continues but the good people who have fought this case in here and the likes of Andy Hall I salute you all. Do you, and have you ,made a difference. Dam right you have ! I'm sure of that. It's not going to happen over night but the awareness in the failures of the RTP is there for all to see !! It's no longer enough to say it's like this because we say so ! No evidence ! Up to now, how many days in court, how many witnesses,? What happened to the 65 alleged witness for the prosecution ! The finest defense in this case has been the prosecution. What will happen. The defense will present there case in a professional way as would be expected. And it will go to appeal! Saving face and all that. In any civilized society it would have never made it to trial. And if it did in any civilised society it would have been thrown out in the first weeks.! It's a hot potato and nobody knows what to do least of all the RTP with there 'perfect case'. So hang in there guys, you have made a difference and I know the majority just want justice for Hannah and David regardless of what that means but just don't feel the B2 represents that justice. Bring on the defense !

    I'm going to just point out that you admit of not knowing what all the 65 witnesses (66 now it seems) testified yet decided that no evidence was presented, just because you don't know something doesn't mean that it didn't happen. Evidence was presented, the phone that some are trying very hard to pretend doesn't matter, DNA evidence, CCTV footage and witness testimony.

    Of course it's up to the judge to decide if that evidence warrants a guilt conviction but simply declaring that no evidence was presented is just not true.

    And of course YOU DO know that all 65/66 witnesses testified? And YOU DO know the evidence submitted and explained, especially about the mobile phone because you're actually at the trial Alex?

    You'll get splinters clutching at all these straws one day Alex.

    You're one of the few people who seem to believe that the prosecutions case has been flawless, and rock solid, and right from day 1 you had something against the B2, and were "very protective" towards Koh Tao.

  14. Plenty of alleged prosecution evidence was never presented because this is a show trial, a sham, a red herring, out of the alleged 65 prosecution witnesses how many really gave evidence?

    As for this "Ace witness" hasn't materialised yet have they?

    The Judge, if he had a pair of balls would have called a halt even before the defence take the stand, and berate the prosecution for what is tantamount to a case that's been shambolic from start to finish with regards to the prosecution. Unfortunately these judges will have already been privvy to the prosecutions witnesses, evidence etc, and felt comfortable enough to allow the trial to go forwards.

    The Thai justice system and judicial system are also on trial here, and if after all these weeks of prosecution evidence and witnesse, this is their best effort, Christ knows just how bad their initial 4 submissions were? !!!!

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