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Posts posted by marino28

  1. 13 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

    So it is net 33,54 Baht per bottle.
    With VAT 35,89 per bottle.
    In the gastronomic calculation one beats so 100-200% on it.
    So it is something between 71,78 - 107,67 for a small bottle Leo in a bar.
    In the trade calculation one is satisfied with low margins as far as the quantities are ok.

    At whishbeer now is 805 thb for box of 12 62cc or 990 thb for box of 24 32cc plus vat. If the price is correct than is 41.25 thb for one small leo + Vat. Almost 45 thb .           

  2. 24 minutes ago, ukrules said:

    When they announced the 5 Baht tax increase on a pack of cigarettes the last time they did this the price of Marlboro red increased from 95 Baht to 125 Baht.


    I wonder how much it will go up by this time.


    5 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

    Saw some Marlboro Reds in 7-11 this morning priced at 165 Baht.



    one poster before said Marloro Red today in is 7-11 was priced at 165 Thb


    6 minutes ago, imaderbyfan said:

    Well I work it out as follows, please correct me if I am wrong.

    If you pay 70 baht for a 630cl  bottle of 5% beer.

    Add 22 baht on the price of the bottle, then another 13.3 baht for its alcohol content.

    A total increase of 35 .3 baht on its retail price.

    Expect a somewhat bigger increase from the bar/restaurant owners.

    If my calculations re the alcohol content are correct that is pretty hefty....


    I belive the new tax scheme will not be on top of the existing one of before . So is difficult to calculate.  You have to add the new tax but you also have to deduct the older one 

  4. I tried Oscar restaurant in Jomtien and I will be back. Very good price quality ratio with the 199thb menu.  I have also been some day ago to PizzaArt on tappraya road. The owner that make the pizzas is from Naples. I think that is the best pizza around at the moment. Also I was in central festival a few day ago and decided to tray yayoi. I mean is not incredibile but  they have many different set menu (Japanese food) for less that 200 thb that tick all the box for a good lunch in my opinion

    • Like 2
  5. 17 hours ago, bleble said:

    Hello, is this place still open ? Thank you.



    if your question is regarding the car wash place at the begining of Tappraya Road, i pass there today and it was open

  6. Good morning, just find out that the Vespa gts 300 super is now for sale in Thailand with abs and traction control for 195900 thb. Before if I remember right the price was 310000. So a very big price reduction. I was thinking to buy the news xmax, but after I discover the reduction of price in the Vespa 300 I am not sure again what to choose 

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