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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Give it up mate. Judge Arthur F. Engoron has already ruled on Sept. 26 that Trump had committed fraud by inflating his assets. The on-going case is how much is he liable. Letitia James is seeking $250m in fines and a ban on Trump doing business in his home state. I have a good feeling the fine will likely to be more the $250m judging from the magnitude of his fraudulent assets inflation.
  2. Not unusual for PM tyo hold other portfolio position if that portfolio is critical to the government mandate. Take for instance PM Winston Churchill was also the Minister of Defence or the Prayut held the Premiership as well as Defence Minister. .
  3. The transition to EV cars is inevitable and soon will be a regular way of life although most of us will unlikely to see the complete elimination of petrol/diesel cars in our lifetime. Many countries have ICE bans in place. Thailand looking into 50% new car registration for EV by 2035 and 100% by 2040. Really not a question of why but when. Stockholm has the distinction of being the first city to ban ICE vehicles soon. https://cleantechnica.com/2021/01/02/31-countries-states-and-cities-have-ice-bans-in-place/
  4. or Trump employed his bullet proof “ I hardly know her” defense. Lol. This fat boy is toast Prepare the orang jumpsuit.
  5. Government is keen but will depend on how they can conjure up the funding. It has to be funded by new money like borrowing or excess liquidity like a big tourist upturn. Perhaps the recipents of the payment will be reduced to a more manageable number. There will always be critics. Thailand economy has stagnated for many years with 2-3% growth per year. Thailand need bold policies to grow by at least 5% for the next few years to improve the standard of living. Doing nothing to stimulate growth is not helpful to the economy and to the citizens.
  6. You probably will add Jenna Ellis to the singing trio this week. Very likely to plead guity. She is angry with Trump and very broke to fund her indictment defense.
  7. Chinese EV are dominating the market and technology so no surprise that most may end up with one. Meanwhile fossil fueled climate deniers are thwarting their EV domestic agenda.
  8. The Thailand National EV Policy Committee has introduced a comprehensive roadmap as a framework for EV development from 2021-2035 which included improving grid capacity.
  9. PTT has an extensive network of 2,500 petrol stations in Thailand. I am sure there is one near you. In their plan, PTT target 7,000 EV charging stations by 2030. https://www.just-auto.com/news/ptt-targets-7000-ev-charging-stations-in-thailand/
  10. You wrong to make judgement of my personal ethics. I agree with all the things you said about Putin. If you study Thailand's foreign policies; it has always been a non-alignment position. Sretha is no difference from past Prime Minister's neutral stance. Please stick to Thailand's foreign policy and cease making personal judgement. It is very offensive.
  11. Long cherished Thailand politics is to safeguard national interests; famously dubbed "bamboo bending with the wind". Sensible considering Thailand's limited influence in world affairs.
  12. Quite a handfull of payouts during Prayut's government from 5,000 baht per month payouts to covid economic pacjages forcing cabinet to approved an emergency loan decree worth 1 trillion baht. It's the government responsibility to take care of the poor and the poor are grateful for the government handouts; they need all the help.
  13. You have details of the digital wallet and land bridge to enable you to declare they are crackpot ideas. It’s ok if you say it’s just your own assumption.
  14. Thailand didnt ratify the Rome Statute because of ICC Article 27 which stipulate that "official capacity as a Head of State shall in no case exempt a person from criminal responsibility under this Statute, nor shall it, in and of itself, constitute a ground for reduction of sentence". That was the major concern for countries with constitutional monarchy. Not because of Thaksin's drug war as you alleged. Get the facts right.
  15. That’s was the junta government that didn’t ratify in 2012 to prevent ICC investigation of military atrocities against civilians. Not Thaksin’s government. How did you get this fact so wrong? Must be a junta acolyte.
  16. Thailand did voted in favor of UN Resolution to condemn Russia invasion of Ukraine. Very clear lines being drawn.
  17. More than a few dollars. Russia is among the largest trading partner with Thailand with exports of 1.02 B USD and large investments in real estate, business and tourist revenues that will grow to 10 B. Sretha is doing what best for Thailand notwithstanding Putin is a evil pariah and a human rights abuser.
  18. Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand invited Putin to visit. All should resign because you say so.
  19. The last junta government has rescinded the ratification to the Rome Statute of the ICC in 2012 to prevent ICC investigation of military atrocities against civilians.
  20. He is doing what's best for Thailand. Putin was also invited by Indonesia for the G20 gathering. Much in line with Asean approach to foreign power relationship. Uncomfortable but practical considering the Russian tourist revenues.
  21. Thailand is a small trading nation dependent on relationship with major powers. Neutrality and non-alignment are foreign policies adopted by all Asean countries.
  22. If I recalled, PTP didn't win the election and all political parties have election pledges. MFP promised to raise wage with yearly revision, debt relief and subsidize housing loans. UTN will increase monthly grants per person and subsidies to buy goods and services. PPR offer 30,000 B to 7.5 million farming households, increase monthly grants for state welfare holders and subsidies for petrol, diesel and cooking gas. All bare face bribes and illegal?
  23. Meanwhile Trump's idiocry continue with his praising of Hazbollah, Xi, Putin and Kim. One acting Presidential while the ex-prez acting like an uncouth dumb ass.
  24. PTP appointing loyalists who share the same ideologies and support their policies to the government. Why is this headline news.
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