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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Laws that ban gender-affirming treatment ignore the wealth of research demonstrating its benefits for trans people's health. I applaud the decision of the judge who not intimidated by the ignorance of the right radicals.
  2. AG has the rights to be concerned whether Knights have adequate capitalization to cover the bond. The risk of Trump defaulting and stiffing on payments are well documented. He has an adverse track record of delinquent debt.
  3. 2 coups and 2 popularly elected Prime Ministers have to self-exile. Generals and the perpetractors of the coups untouched. The political expediency of the courts questionable. Legacy of the coups must be wiped clean. Exile politicians and activists should be allowed to return granted by an amnesty. There should no legal or political interference in the next election. Government should be the choice of the majority.
  4. To be fair, she was given a very tough assignment to stem the influx of immigrants. The Republicans have made her the face of the border issue. She did made a few gaffes regarding this thorny border issues. I think her recent offensive furor over abortion rights was quite brilliant and would win her more women votes and help Biden. Her favorability among black has always been rock steady and will be needed for black votes.
  5. Trump's oversized ego to announce his campaign early so that he can be in the spotlight and get the RNC to pay his legal bills was a big mistake. His hateful and inflammatory campaign rhetoric may excite his cult followers but turned off moderate Republicans and Independents. The long campaign displayed in full view his mental cognitive decline. Meanwhile Joe had a nice steady pace and building momentum towards November; a strategy that he adopted in the last election with resounding success. He will win again this time while Trump may not make it to November.
  6. Did mine. 14k porcelain crown.
  7. I thought Trump's faithful have been saying the court time boost his rating. Anyway, if he given permission to campaign, what new things he going to say. It is always the same old grievance and victim speech which by now you should be able to recite with the hand motion.
  8. Doesn't speak well of confidence in this frantic plan to revitalize the platform when 2 of the top executives resigned recently. Josh Adams and Billy Boozer are the company's chief of technology and product development and were central players in its bid to build a social media empire. Exit of the 2 high profile executives will imperil the company's plans. Both left and gave no comments.
  9. You just regurgitating Trump's unsubstantiated and false claims. There are zero evidence that Biden or DOJ has had any role in Bragg's case. Bragg is a locally elected official who does not report to the federal government. There may be some legal experts that have a different opinion but there are more legal scholars who believe this is a serious and legitimate prosecution.
  10. Have you check the Webster defination for insurrection. Who said insurrection is synonymous with terrorism. Insurrection and terrorism have different legal implication. It is fortunate that the DOJ avoided to ask the judges that Jan 6 sentencing not based on domestic terrorism which carried a longer prison time. So much for weaponsizing the DOJ.
  11. The technique is actually quite simple. No pressure to tell the truth. Lies have to be defended and pressure on you to tell another lie to support the previous lie. This art of lying and gaslighting that you have mastered.
  12. Is Putin or the Saudis buying the stock to help Trump financially and get him reelected. Highly suspicious and can't be discounted.
  13. Common synonyms of revolt are insurrection, mutiny, rebellion and uprising. Show the level of comprehension of the Magadonians. They just regurgitate popular talking points of their leader.
  14. Amata is privately owned. It should be within their rights to partner the Chinese to develope the Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone. Amata is a huge industrial real estate and several industrial cities catering for investers from different countries.
  15. His bond failed. Hearing on April 22 over the bond surety. Keep up. I am a patient man. Doesn't matter how long it will take. He is going down.
  16. Slept well; very well knowing the 7 jurors confirmed and we can expect opening statement next week. Finally the wheel of justice moving rapidly to convict Trump. Long overdue. By the way, Truth Social stock keep plummeting. Many of his faithfuls may have their life saving wiped out. I will sleep well tonight.
  17. If he repeatedly dozed off during the court session, Judge may lose his patience and fine him with contempt of court. That will be hilarious and embarrassing. Decorum is expected in the courtroom. I hope Melania will allow him back to his bedroom and have a good night sleep.
  18. I am in a happy moody. Trump facing criminal charges and possibly jail time, Biden turning around the election and Trump's rapid cognitive decline in plain view. Oh forgot that his stock is in rapid decline. Truth seem to be in a better place. Really no place for people who are anti-democracy and suicide pact against truth.
  19. You must be hurting bigly.
  20. Smart Park is part of the Eastern Special Economic Zone owned by the Thailand government. The Park has attracted THai and Japanese firms besides the Chinese. Target on attracting investors in the digital segment as well as aviation, medical devices and robotics.
  21. Quick search and found this. Recent federal appeals court that ruled against Trump's effort to claim presidential immunity from civil lawsuits against him for his alleged role in Jan 6 insurrection had among the 3 judges; Judge Gregory Katsas who was Trump appointed.
  22. If his lawyers or court officials intervene and wake him up, no contempt. But then this is Trump and who dare intervene. Let him sleep and hope he snore and disrupt court proceedings which is a contempt of court.
  23. What kind of dad to use his son graduation as a prop to tell a lie that the Judge has denied his request to attend Barron’s graduation on may 17. The judge has not decided on his plea to attend the graduation. Terrible dad to drag his son into the political fray.
  24. A key potential “ witness “ will be Trump. Will his lawyers call for him to testify. He boasted that he will testify and he reveal the truth. I hope he does and clear his name. LOL.
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