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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. I was too hasty to hope that the Oslo Accords may possibly be the answer. With this savage attack by Hamas, I think the 2 states solution is out of the question. Hamas covenant to kill all Israelites leave very little room for 2 states to co-exist. It is a sobering political quagmire with innocent lives lost and will be lost on both sides. Just pray and hope that the conflict do not spread to a wider war and a resurgence of terrorist activities around the world.
  2. The political landscape will never be the same when this war is over. It will be a long dragged out war if the Israel government intend to annihilate every Hamas and its infrastructures. FIBUA in densely populated Gaza will be a long grinding war with heavy casualties on both sides and considerable civilians sufferings. However the savagery of the Hamas militants will be answered by a resolute IDF. I do hope there will be mediated ceasefire and a political settlement based on the principles of the Oslo Accord.
  3. Mary Trump is generous in her vitriolic truth about her uncle. She should said "f....ing criminal lying traitorous maniac uncle and that may even fall short of describing Trump.
  4. The Palestinian cabinet in Ramallah has a legal mandate to call for holding elections per the elction laws. Hamas being the defacto power in Gaza can decide whether to hold elections or not. In the past, Hamas has prevented several attempts to hold election sparking anger by the voters in Gaza. Hamas has announced that they are ready to hold municipal election on the 27 September '23. A recent survey from the Palestine Center unveiled that Hamas hold a 58% in Gaza and 42% in the West Bank favouring Hamas. Time for Gaza to decide in an election whether their future lays in the hands of radical Hamas.
  5. What about allowing Gaza to have an election when the current crisis is over. Allow the people of Gaza to decide their leaders. Since Hamas won the 2006 election, no election was held henceforth. Peace be with the people of Gaza and Israel.
  6. And the irony is that the poorest states are red states and red states need blue states and the mother of all irony is that red states are benefitting most from Bidenomics. Now who is the fool that said that Joe destroyed the country.
  7. Let's go back to the basic as defined by Article 2 (4) of the UN Charter that prohibits the threat and use of force and calls on all Members to respect the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of other States.
  8. Yet to disclose funding source. Hints that it could be from government fiscal 2024 budget and tax revenues as a result of the economic stimulus or even borrowing from domestic bonds. Devil in the details. My feeling is that the project will trim down the number of recipents based on income level which will trim down the project cost.
  9. World Bank also has a waiver in their forecast that state that they don't quarantee the accuracy or assume responsibilities for any errors, ommission or discrepancies in the information.
  10. Intelligent people make judgement on who they support based on merits and moral discipline.
  11. I think it is too soon for the economists to object to the project without the full details on its implementation. The project may not be for the estimated 56 millions and may be directed to a much smaller group of Thais living below certain level of income. There is still time to design the project's particulars with the constantly moving economic datas.
  12. Polar opposite statements with one speaking with intelligence and as a leader while the other low level intelligence buffoon make empty boastful innuendo and wishing to be a leader.
  13. It’s not only about money; it also has to do with politics. Dysfunctional congress is inhibiting sensible legislations to be passed. The Citizens Act of 2021 has some sensible proposal including having designated processing centers in Central America which can alleviate the human tragedies. Proposed in 2021 and never got passed and forgotten by the current House. Sad state of affairs held hostage by politics played in the House at the expense of suffering people who just want a better life. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Citizenship_Act_of_2021#:~:text=The U.S. Citizenship Act of,ending of the 117th Congress.
  14. Kessley also said that VP JB swim naked and SS agents were patronizing prostitutes in Nicaragua. He tend to be too sensational and relying on gossip and widely criticized by media. Just another sh.. stirrer.
  15. Jill was 23 and Joe was 32 when they meet. He was not referring to his wife but to an audience member. Someone posted that misleading image and text with malicious intent. That someone remained anonymous. You miss by a mile and gullible too.
  16. If indeed the Dems lose the WH, it will be a peaceful transfer of power.
  17. We are talking about the President ‘s stance on border wall, not opinion from Mayorkas. The Supreme Court 5-4 votes defied Congress to spend more than the $6 billion diverted from military funds.
  18. Comprehension seem your problem. This is about the President’s policy on physical wall which has not deviated. Border wall is not the answer. The fund has to be spent compelled by law. Only sections to the border wall will be added. Trump’s wall remain his wet dream
  19. Facts matter. The wall fund allocated during Trump’s term have to be spent by law. Congress repeatably refused to rescind the funds and the current administration is compelled to follow the law. Of course Trump will try milk this like you but the facts speak for itself. Good try though
  20. To which Cohen said "Mr. Trump's cowardly dismissal spells the end of this latest attempt to deter me from providing truthful testimony against him". My legal team and I now look forward to turning our full attention to holding Mr. Trump accountable for his latest abuse of the legal system. More to come". Time to take the fight to Trump and Cohen has a grudge to grind.
  21. Governing!! LOL. The first agenda of the interim speaker was a petty act of eviction followed by a declaration of 7 days holiday. Governing can wait while the GOP take a 7 days vacation. Pathetic beyond any explanation and logic and they are paid for their holidays by tax payers.
  22. Nay, doubt the lefties will be bothered but will surely drive the Republicans crazy and into a frenzy. Trump would have to get virtually ALL the Republicans on board. He may get half to two thirds if some hold their nose BUT not all. There are some 20 something Republicans from districts that actually voted for Biden. Don't think the average Republicans wants to play a hand in giving TRump the power to creat more chaos and even shut down the government. Anyway, the Senate and White House are in the Dems hands and will snuff out any House shenanigans.
  23. Adjustment of pension in every home country will never catch up with the value of money eroded by inflation, interest rates etc. Take for instance, the average inflation rate of about 2.5% per year in US last 20 odd years which will mean a cumulative price increase of almost 78% today. In short, a dollar today only buys 56% of what it could buy back then. Exchange rate is only one of the factors causing your money to lost its value.
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