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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Don't need to be a yuan supporter to know that trade in USD is highly volatile. Reason for Thailand and China to look at regulations to support the use of yuan-baht settlement. As it is now, there is a yuan-baht currency swap arrangement for trade and linvestment in local currencies.
  2. The Whisperer and Burapha Phayak faction shoulder the blame. Only Prayut went further than staging a coup, he craved the power of being the PM. He got the blessing from the Whisperer. A new horizon possibility.
  3. The task now is to elect the PM and form the government with the 314 MPs and votes in the lower house and senators if needed. The coalition can squabble over different agenda in the new government. Coalition parties can break off and probably result in a no confidence vote and new election. That's not exactly a bad situation.
  4. Poor generalisation. My accounting staff had an accident, surgery and recovery for 4 weeks. Company paid her surgery and hospitalization. She will report back for work next Monday.
  5. The longer the delay for government, the more the caretaker government will be able to made appointments and place their men in position of power.
  6. I hope that MFP recognize that should the military clique of Prawit & Anutin become the government, they have the power to amend the laws to entrench the traditionalists further in power for the next election. Pheu Thai succumbing to a kind of centrist conservatism to be the government is lesser of the evil than the old power clique.
  7. The only way to prevent Prawit and Anutin becoming PM is in the hands of MFP. While understanding their reasons to vote against the new coalition, they play a very important role to "switch off' the senates votes and render their votes redundant. PTP coalition seem to have secured 315 votes and need 61 votes to attain the 376 threshold for their PM nomination to win. MFP can give them the much needed votes to have the votes secured in the lower house. Have to be seen whether they will stick to their principle and not vote for PTP coalition or they will relent to prevent the Prawit or Anutin from gaining power.
  8. EC unlikely to drop the case as they have already forwarded its recommendation to the Constitutional Court. If he drop the case, EC can be charged for malfeasance. In any case, this shareholding case will only get Pita disqualified as MP. A bigger case of attempting to overthrow the democratic system will get him and party executives banned and dissolution of the party. That will be devastating to the future of the party.
  9. I doubt it will be wise for Thaksin to be back in politics and party. If he made it back home with Yingluck, they will find other ways to express themselves but not in politics. He has done his best to uplift the poor in the neglected North and North-East and to challenge the military dominance. His movement has done much for the awakening of voters empowerment but alas not enough to uproot the military stranglehold on politics. Voters are younger and their aspirations are different from Thaksin's years. His party will still be a key player in elections but days of landslide victory are over.
  10. Samut Sakhon is already a MFP constituency in previous election and followed through to winning in this election. Never been a Pheu Thai stronghold. All ado about nothing.
  11. If they abstain, it would quite an irony when their secretary-general Chaithwat Tulathon supporter an amendment to the charter to strip the power to vote because the senators abstained. Spite the face to be seen as a discipline party then.
  12. Don’t disagree with you. Thailand is embarking a fair bit of renewal energy projects and reducing reliance on coal and fossil fuels. However the government need to address the bread and butter issues of everyday people and the high cost of electricity and is an immediate concern.
  13. What if the caretaker government issued an executive order to extend the senates to another 5 years to prolong the stalemate. I will take my chance with the new coalition government.
  14. If it’s not for the neo-conservatives that hijacked the JV for political justification to be relevant, Thailand would not have to depend on expensive imported gas prices that has handicapped EGAT ability to lower electricity costs for the people. EGAT is heavily in debt and servicing of loans are impediment to lowering the electricity rates. Imported gas prices will remain elevated if the Ukraine war grinds on. The JV is long overdue
  15. Pita Chinese surname is Lim and Thanathorn ancestors are in Fujian. Why the paranoid about Chinese DNA? None of those you mentioned can even speak Mandarin. Overreaction?
  16. As a personal opinion, I agree with you that the next government should not involved the last government parties. In this political stalemate due to the highly skewed charter, it is an option that need to be made. If this mean a peaceful next 4 years, vast majority of Thais may most likely be pleased.
  17. Like it happened with TRT and PTP when they won landslide but still lost in the end. Finally you understand the Thailand political shenanigan. Well done.
  18. PTP economic track record is all for you to see and some of their policies like UHC, Village Fund and OTOP still adopted by subsequent governments even post coup governments. They did paid back the IMF loans in record time. The people voted them back because of they had a better standard of living under them.
  19. The rice policy was an election pledge and kept. Corruption did happened as in every aspect of Thailand’s politics. She was not found guilty for dereliction of duty. Financial statement prepared by the Comptroller General’s Department did not report any losses incurred by the rice scheme. The Court acted on political expediency like they will most likely do to Pita. After all that happened to Thanathorn and Pita, you still think that there is no two tier judiciary system in Thailand?
  20. It’s a no-choice decision considering the negatives that can happen if Pheu Thai can’t form the government and allow the minority of military and ally parties become the government. It will be years of turmoil in the House and on the streets making Thailand politically unstable and the economy suffer taking the people with it. Forming a kind of national government will have big upsides. With Pheu Thai’s track record in economic growth especially with the business acumen and experience of K Sretha as the PM, expect GDP to improve after a decade of stagnation. The natural gas JV with Cambodia will likely to be revive and will lower the costs of electricity and will benefit the people and manufacturers. With the inclusion of the military parties, we may see a full term for the government absence of coup. That will bring confident to foreign investors and improve FDI flow inwards providing more jobs and taxes. We may also see the polarization of the red and yellow gets less intense and hopefully dissipate. The troublesome ultra royalists will also have less reasons to instigate social and political problems. Pheu Thai has 4 years for their government to work for the people. If the people are happy with the improving living standard, they will reciprocate in the next election. No doubt the country is in dire straits to have a new government quickly as the economy is not shaping up well affected by the poor global economy.
  21. This unhinged lunatic must be locked up immediately. What an embarrassment to the global community.
  22. Palang Pracharath is a conservative military party and their statement to vote for Sretha will have influence on the senates votes. Senator Wanchai Somsiri has reinstated that sentiment by saying that Pheu Thai's Sretha is to receive "full support"from senators at the next parliamentary vote for a new PM. That's a positive development to forming the new government under Pheu Thai as Thailand can't afford to waste any more time on this matter. Senator Wanchai is a very influential person in the senate and anti Shinawatra. His statemment carries a lot of weight.
  23. It's becoming quite obvious that MFP will not issue a party resolution for voting and allow each MPs to made their own voting decision. Pita is quite resigned to his fate that he will be banned from politics like Thanathorn. I hope MFP have leaders that can stepped up and take the mettle should Pita be banned.
  24. Behave like the senators that they condemned? Turn up and behave like representatives of the people. Vote yes or no with your full conscious.
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