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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Kessley also said that VP JB swim naked and SS agents were patronizing prostitutes in Nicaragua. He tend to be too sensational and relying on gossip and widely criticized by media. Just another sh.. stirrer.
  2. Jill was 23 and Joe was 32 when they meet. He was not referring to his wife but to an audience member. Someone posted that misleading image and text with malicious intent. That someone remained anonymous. You miss by a mile and gullible too.
  3. If indeed the Dems lose the WH, it will be a peaceful transfer of power.
  4. We are talking about the President ‘s stance on border wall, not opinion from Mayorkas. The Supreme Court 5-4 votes defied Congress to spend more than the $6 billion diverted from military funds.
  5. Comprehension seem your problem. This is about the President’s policy on physical wall which has not deviated. Border wall is not the answer. The fund has to be spent compelled by law. Only sections to the border wall will be added. Trump’s wall remain his wet dream
  6. Facts matter. The wall fund allocated during Trump’s term have to be spent by law. Congress repeatably refused to rescind the funds and the current administration is compelled to follow the law. Of course Trump will try milk this like you but the facts speak for itself. Good try though
  7. To which Cohen said "Mr. Trump's cowardly dismissal spells the end of this latest attempt to deter me from providing truthful testimony against him". My legal team and I now look forward to turning our full attention to holding Mr. Trump accountable for his latest abuse of the legal system. More to come". Time to take the fight to Trump and Cohen has a grudge to grind.
  8. Governing!! LOL. The first agenda of the interim speaker was a petty act of eviction followed by a declaration of 7 days holiday. Governing can wait while the GOP take a 7 days vacation. Pathetic beyond any explanation and logic and they are paid for their holidays by tax payers.
  9. Nay, doubt the lefties will be bothered but will surely drive the Republicans crazy and into a frenzy. Trump would have to get virtually ALL the Republicans on board. He may get half to two thirds if some hold their nose BUT not all. There are some 20 something Republicans from districts that actually voted for Biden. Don't think the average Republicans wants to play a hand in giving TRump the power to creat more chaos and even shut down the government. Anyway, the Senate and White House are in the Dems hands and will snuff out any House shenanigans.
  10. Adjustment of pension in every home country will never catch up with the value of money eroded by inflation, interest rates etc. Take for instance, the average inflation rate of about 2.5% per year in US last 20 odd years which will mean a cumulative price increase of almost 78% today. In short, a dollar today only buys 56% of what it could buy back then. Exchange rate is only one of the factors causing your money to lost its value.
  11. Have some sympathies for importers who have bills in the tens of thousands USD and have to take up the 5-6% of the cost of goods due to the baht depreciation. Crunch time when profitability is razor thin in a highly competitive market. Personal experience.
  12. Matt Gaetz may have won his personal feud with Mccarthy and expose the rift in the caucus. It has decayed to such an extend that frightened anyone who has the ambition to be the speaker as I doubt anyone can unite the fracticous GOP without the assist from the Dems. In my wildest thoughts, Liz Cheney may possibly get the votes with the Dem and RINO representatives.
  13. The first referendum is for the people to decide if they want the charter to be rewritten and that should be a fairly straightforward Parliamentary process. The second referendum will be held after the drafting the amendments which may take a much longer time. The 2017 charter took 9 months to design a new charter and subsequently rejected which led to a appointment of a new committee and further delay.
  14. That was the GOP and right leaning news opinion. She step down and was not hit by the proverbial door on the way out like Kevin McCarthy. She passed the leadership to a new generation united unlike the disarray on the other side.
  15. It was a divisive State of Union speech that was fittingly deserved to be ripped up. If Patrick McHenry decide his first action as interim speaker was revenge, then it is pathetic and petty. But that is only your assumption and it doesn't matter much.
  16. Sorry mate. That's not true. Snippet facts that can easily be goggled will tell you that red states have more problems relating to gun deaths, murder rates (8 of the top 10 murder states are red states) and blue states enjoyed higher economic growth rates on average than red states. By the way, red states are benefiting from Bidenomics.
  17. With higher income from jobs, there will be less prostitution. That may worry some sexpats.
  18. PM Sretha is the right man for the job. The world economy is faltering and global growth is expected to decline. Thailand is vulnerable to the slowing economic global events and a strong leader with a vision for the future will inspire others to make the vision a reality. He is setting clear directions and creating a sense of purpose to motivate those around him to take action in order to achieve the desired outcome. He is likely to have the full 4 years term to implement his policies and that is a luxury. The last government that had 4 years was a golden economic period with growth over 6%, improved income status, low employment and lower income inequality. Thailand must move up the value change and move out of being a low wage production country. Businesses that still rely on low wages will have to look hard to improve their productivity or move to lower wage countries. His bottom-up economics is the right approach for Thailand and will have significant benefits on income and equality.
  19. Point of order. Trump's fraud claims by LJ began four and half years ago when he was still the President and way before he announced his 2024 bid. Judge that Trump maligned by calling him a rogue judge has already ruled that he committed fraud. Snow ball chance that the case will be dismissed but you can dream.
  20. Way to go Trump with the name calling of the judge when he is the sole arbiter of the fraud charges. His lawyers look mortified by Trump’s idiocy.
  21. Putting the larcency cases in the right perspective. California is way down the ranking. Also many states charge shoplifting as a misdemeanour if the value of the stolen goods is below certain amount; not only in California. statista.com/statistics/232542/larceny-thefts-reported-in-the-us-by-state/
  22. End of the day, baby Gaetz will most likely be the biggest loser. House Ethics Committee will revive Gaetz probe and force him out. He is the most hated man in GOP.
  23. If the House is made redundant, it will mean a stalling of the Biden fake impeachment enquiry. No subpoena and no power to call any government officials or expert witness. Kind of shooting themselves on the foot. Hilarious to watch this s..show happening but you right, it will hurt the people.
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