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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Depend on whether she is refering to Real GDP or Nominal GDP. Real GDP takes into account of inflation. She will get an earful from Sreetha.
  2. The absence of colour shirts demonstrations and the military subdued since Thaksin's return, I will agree with #Red. The government coalition has given Thailand the next 4 years of peace after 2 decades of turmoil and economic distress.
  3. If you have comprehensive understanding of the Constitution being the supreme law of the country, you will agree that the appointed senators will have to go when their 5 years tenure expire in May.
  4. Most will be content with the peace and quiet after 2 decades of hostile colour confrontation and seizure of democratically elected governments by the military twice. Thailand will have a chance to rebuild the economy next 4 years and a stable political environment. Thailand need a robust challenge in parliament by the oppositions. Golden opportunity for Thailand with the luxury of next 4 years uninterrupted governance in a challenging global environment.
  5. Had an experience with Agoda hotel booking and decided to cancel due to passport expiry reason. Contacted the hotel directly and the Agoda booking was subsequently cancelled. Not sure your reason you want to contact Agoda though. Suggest you contact the hotel directly for assistance. By the way, Agoda rates are reasonable compare to hotel rate. I am happy with their service
  6. Present batch of appointed senators will have their term expired in May. Kind of self dissolution. Good riddance
  7. That’s exactly what I meant. No I haven’t read the final audit nor seen one after the verdict. The Office of the Auditor General issued their audit in 2014 that didn’t mentioned any loss. This was before the judgement by the Supreme Court. A fact finding committee appointed by Prayut after the verdict mentioned 250 B loss if you think that is a credible report. There are millions of tons of rice still in the warehouses which were still in the process of being sold. No final audit was completed and the audited lost is still in the realms of speculation.
  8. Just curious how you came out with 500B loss. Did you read the final audit statement by the Office of the Auditor General or just a convenient number that everyone ape.
  9. The charges were instigated by NACC whose Commissioner was a political appointee by the junta government. The same NACC who swept under the carpet when clear cut evidence of corruption in Prawit’s watch case.
  10. Sure does ring louder for you as though corruption is a novelty in Thailand.
  11. I am confused who you refering to. Here the list for you to contemplate. - Rolls-Royce and Thai Airways bribery case. Case grind to a halt - Red Bulll heir mowed down Police Senior sgt - nothing heard - Bangkok police chief received montly payment of 50k since 2017 - matter closed - Theft of funds for the poor - nothing heard - Suthep's police station corruption case - acquitted By the way Yingluck not charged and convicted for corruption. You can pinned malfeasance on all governments if you need a political expedient reason.
  12. Dah as if we don’t know. Well we sure know that the majority didn’t want him twice.
  13. It’s the 24% Republicans that approved the court verdict that will be the nightmare for Trump. He can’t risk Rep dissent if he hope to win. Independents have written him off. As legal woes mount, I can see Trump fatigue begin to get into the minds of Reps. If he think that announcing his candidacy early would influence his legal cases, he has greatly miscalculated.
  14. <deleted> has hit the fan mate. Majority of Coloradan agreed with the court decision. Even among Republicans,24% agreed. Discontent and confusion happening towards the primary. All adding up to the downward slide of the Trump's brand towards 2024. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-colorado-supreme-court-ballot-disqualification-polling-1854359
  15. Giuliani and Durham investigated too and came up nothing. You think both of them are corrupted too?
  16. Have to consider 2 factors that influence voting methods - covid pandemic and population.
  17. Whatever the political implication of the court's verdict, it is a right decision and demonstrates that the judicial system is still functioning and verdict applied the plain language of the constitition. The anti-constitution Maga cult is making all the noises for the audience of one.
  18. Those Antifa and BLM rioters were duly arrested, charged and jailed. They don;t have the former President calling them patriots or GOP lawmakers like Marjoie Taylor Greene and delegates visiting them giving morale support nor whitewashing their violent acts with song. Mindless is a correct description of the Maga cult.
  19. Checked with the district land office to find out what the land can be used for. Industrial land is valued more than agriculture land. Some land can only be used for homes which has low value.
  20. Reading your posting remind me of Alex Garland’s film Civil War. He asked the question “ what kind of American are you” The future is bleak for USA. Trump has done extensive damage to the civility and unity among Americans. Election victory either way will not heal the deep chasm. Trump is in this fight for himself and regrettably people like you can’t see through his facade.
  21. Point of order on Fox. They have to pay Dominion a whopping sum of nearly USD$800 to avert a trial that will exposed Fox for promoting lies. OAN has to settle a defamation suit for false accusation of rigging the 2020 election. Newsmax still has a pending USD$1.6 B defamation suit for lying about the election. You really have to re-consider your viewing media.
  22. That will be the black hole where gravity is so strong that nothing exist.
  23. We are all on planet normal. What terrestrial planet are you on.
  24. The labour market for minimum wage workers has the most turnover. The demand is high and retention is difficult. Workers will switch jobs at a moment notice even if they sign employment contract. Especially endemic in the hospitality industry. I had my fair share of staffs leaving without notice in a day or just not turn up for work.
  25. The 2014 constitution and role of the appointed senators in deciding the government. Pheu Thai suffered that same political reality in 2019 election.
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