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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Pheu Thai was voted by the majority of people and won the 2019 election but didn’t form the government. It would be awesome but not in the realms of political reality everywhere in the world
  2. Not in the education industry but I feel the the root cause of the failing education system is the down to the curriculum which has not change for the last 2 decades. The curriculum need an exhaustive overhaul to made education relevant to current times. Previous government under Prayut made an attempt to change the curriculum but was aborted due to his top down approach. Sreetha administration need to address the curriculum and engaged all stakeholders for their opinions. Education must be his top agenda period.
  3. You welcome. Judging from your insane diversion, you do need help. What will you do when Trump lose in 2024 which looks a certainty.
  4. For the umpteen time and for people like you who live in conspiracy bubble, it is the Espionage Act not the PRA that TRump was charged with 37 counts. Get a life and off the looney train while you can. The end will not be pleasant for Trump nor you.
  5. Why not? Thaksin's tenureship brought much economic progress and was touted as the fifth Tiger economy after Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan. In any case, why even bother with the former deputy PM who has no achievements to show off and his government left the coffers empty for the next adminstration.
  6. How so. Cohen is not a defendant and not even considered as a key Witness.
  7. Suggest that you await the ruling of the motion by Trump's lawyer to toss out the case. Judge Engoron didn't rule and further said that while the lenders were happy doesn't mean that the statute wasn't violated, doesnt mean that the other statues weren't violated. "I'll take it under advertisement ' he concluded. Don't pop your champagne yet.
  8. China is sick but still likely to grow by 4.5-5% in 2024 which is more than most large economies. The middle class households are the largest in the world of over 33 million. Any sensible marketing push will certainly take into regards the large China middle-class.
  9. "Is Thailand heading towards an economic crisis". Yes if you listen to the economists who favour a hands-off approach and hope for the best. Aging population burden on health care and social welfare, economic disparity, slow improvement in the income enviroment for low earners, labour productivity declining, household debts etc will continue to increase and trade affected by geo-politics uncertainties. Thailand need good economic policies to avert an economic crisis; not the reverse of not doing anything. So far government under Sreetha has been very active in driving those policies. A much improvement leadership than the insipid previous government.
  10. No stimulus can lead to stagnation. Thailand low inflation due to less economic activities, less income generated and lower economic growth.
  11. The scheme will ultilize a budget of about 560 B Baht and likely to be financed by banks or maybe bonds over a period of years. It aimed to stimulate cash flow by roughly 4 times to over 2 T Baht that will boost the expansion of GDP of 2024 to 3.8% upwards. The GDP forecast is for next year while loan will be serviced over a longer period.
  12. You right on this. There are existing laws to reduce open burning. Bold "zero-burning' plan was introduced by the Prayut administration but political will was severly lacking. If current PM Sreetha is serious about eliminating the haze, enforcement must be stepped up with drones deployed to identify the culprits and impose heavy penalties. The Government should also look into granting incentives for large scale agriculture crop residues recycling plants businesses.
  13. No impeachment inquiry is to get Trump to eat and not be depressed.
  14. 5 years ago, 2 tour boats sank off Phuket that left 47 Chinese tourists dead. Chinese tourists fell soon after over safety concern. A year later, the tourists are back in numbers. Mishaps happened everywhere in the world. It will not deter tourists that want to travel.
  15. A land bridge alternative to a canal was proposed back in the 1990s. Gen Prayut also proposed the same initiative. So please tell who pull the strings.
  16. According to news report, the deficit will be funded by budget allocation. The current budget allocated 8 B subsidy and the government is seeking to increase to 40B. https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40030694
  17. Most mass transportation in Asia have to be heavily subsidized. Singapore MRTC and Malaysia LRT are some of the heavily subsidized transport system. Governments believed that offering low cost transportation is a public service and hugely help to reduce the noise and pollution problems. It also improve work productivity by ensuring workers get to work on time.
  18. Welcoming to tourists you said. How so when the China tourists need valid visa to enter Cambodia and Laos. Indonesia allowed 30 days visa free for the Chinese same as Thailand.
  19. You should study the facts of the case. She was sentenced in abstentia for malfeasance. She can appeal if you decide to come back. Get bail and stay out until his appeal is heard. Her case is actually less complicated than his brother.
  20. Got to love Judge Engoron sense of humour after Trump Jr's presented a hour long slideshow with glossy photos of Trump's properties in his second hearing and to be told “I just gave you a whole morning of irrelevance.”
  21. Central Banks tend to be conservative and risk averse so I am not suprise by their position. If standing still and hoping that the global economy will recover, then governing will be a breeze. Thailand will remain maintaining a mediocre GDP growth of 1-2% and with an aging population will probably become a under developed country and will left far behind by more dynamic countries like Vietnam and Indonesia growing at 5-7% annually.
  22. The details of digital wallet scheme was announced on the 10th Nov. Only the purchase of consumer goods permitted within the district according to the citizen's ID card and can't be used for alcohol, tobbaco, debt payment, water, electricity, petrol and cant be exchange for cash. Borrowing from GSB bank and the latest news is the Ind & Agri Bank will involved. The loan will need to be approved by the Council of State and Parliamentary vote. Challenges will be whether they can get royal decree for the loan. May not pass that hurdle as loan is not deemed urgent as in the case of previous government's 1 trillion baht loan for covid recovery. It will impact the economy as it will generate a 3x spending multiplier and grow the economy by 5.9%. The risks are associated with financing such a big programme and whether the programme will generate the level of tax revenue that was expected. God cant help if the global economy don't recover well enough to benefit Thailand.
  23. Still have to extra vigilant with your computer and laptop in conducting business. Personal experience with hacker copying data of my supplier, altering the message to divert payment to their banks. Fortunately scam avoided from due dilgence of my part.
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