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Posts posted by DirtFarmer

  1. but.. but... didn't Suthep say he's not "interested" in being PM, and didn't some of his farung fans insist on that statement as well?

    Yes and he said two months ago after the 10th final push that he would go to Samui and retire......as soon as his 16th final push was complete...( someone here said something like ..." more final pushes than a Hong Kong maternity ward...best quote I read here...)

    but... IMO he is too strung out now on his fame and drunk with power... it has become his addiction.. where before his MO was in the back rooms making deals.. now he has elevated his untouchable status by openly scoffing justice..... seriously doubt he will fade away from politics no matter what he says..the detoxification would be too harsh....think about it...what's he gonna do...rant to the cat...?

    • Like 1
  2. If they have 'broken laws' then why does Yingluck get charged with this vague 'deriliction of duty'? Why were the charges brought only AFTER the protests began?

    Why was one PM ousted by the courts after the coup for going on a cooking show?

    If Yingluck is removed from office, then another MP from the ruling party will replace her.. so then the courts go after the entire cabinet, then they go after more than 300 MPs that voted for a charter amendment that would have made the upper house fully elected. Why did the pad/pdrc facists sabotage the elections so that's not possible? Because these 'charges' against her are obviously just a ploy to have her removed from office and then to create a vacuum which the military appointed senators fill.

    any reasonable person can see this whole thing is a conspiriacy by the military/'protesters'/democrats, etc. to seize power from the elected party, the party that win elections by a landslide against the democrats which are the civilian face of this countries former military dictatorship.

    Replacing the elected PM with an appointed PM from a body of half unelected senators, which is full of appointed senators-that were appointed by the previous coup, as were the 'judges' of the constitution court and NaCC.. is obviously an act against democracy, especially since the reason we don't have a lowerhouse(where most political power is supposed to emenate from) is because anti-democracy 'protesters' sabotaged the election with the help of state officials like the EC..

    and then to give the 'appointed' PM full powers? and then Suthep and his band of anti-democracy facists insist they will continue to sabotage the next election, all they have to do it prevent voting in a few democrat strongholds and the 'appointed' PM goes on indefinently !

    This is an outrage and we can see how this country is actually ruled by a military junta that uses 'judges' as dictators, this country is going to have a militant backlash to this dictatorship.

    So what you are saying is every court, every agency, all the military, and the majority of charters and businesses and people dont like YL and the PTP in Government? Seems to me you exxagerate a little or maybe you cant see why so many would be against the RED party. Or maybe, just maybe this party has made a joke of democracy, broken laws, ignored court rulings, stolen or misappropriated funds from the people and the country, which totally pissed everyone off so they dont want the REDS doing these things anymore. I would say the longer these people are in power more people will be going against them.

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Excuse me! But all you are in due democratic process right now. Or have forgotten that 380 mps who voted secretly for the amnesty bill still may be charged for this. Or maybe the 450 billion baht that disappeared. Maybe you think it flew away. How about going against the courts decision that the protest are peaceful and chalerm attacking them anyway. All that was just to arrest suthep and leaders of the pdrc. There are a lot more cases in action now against most of the Gov and it isnt happening because of your rich and elite and red prejudism. Its because some have and still are learning the truth about how the PTP party and their leaders have been lying to the people, takin money from the country, trying to positions reds in all places of power to control all positions in the Gov. Come on! A conspiracy is an idiot conclusion. Facts cant be suppressed forever and they got caught. Now almost every week a new scandal about what the Gov did and does wrongfully is in the news. YL herself admitted calling her brother the criminal for advise using skype. That in itself should tell you who is pulling the strings here. Im no fan of an unelected council. But you should not post things so biased to the reds without having facts thrown back. This country will not move until the PTP leaders are all removed from politics.

    Due process is just that. A process that takes time. Its happening now to YL and her charter. If her party is innocent then she will be justified. But it doesnt look so good for them especially when their is overwhelming evidence against them. Also their support if secession even if it was done by not speaking out against her party was an admission. There are just too many things coming to light that is proof enough this is not

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile a conspiracy.

    Also the PM previously got ousted for getting money for that cooking show. And thaksin got ousted for buying land cheap knowing he could sell it when he knew in advance about government projects planned and approved. He abused his position to have financial gain

    I suggest you do a bit of research here on this claim " And thaksin got ousted for buying land cheap knowing he could sell it when he knew in advance about government projects planned and approved. He abused his position to have financial gain...."

    Thaksin was found to have violated conflict of interest rules and made him the first Thai politician to be convicted of corruption committed while prime minister...however even the BOT the very same Bank Of Thailand advised him what he did was not illegal...before he did it...it is a matter of public record...

    now to address " And thaksin got ousted for buying land cheap knowing he could sell it when he knew in advance about government projects planned and approved. He abused his position to have financial gain...."

    The split decision by Thailand’s supreme court on a five-to-four majority verdict cleared Thaksin, 59, of more serious charges of abuse of power to obtain the land at a bargain price.

    In fact as a Thai reporter . so clearly interpreted...

    " Thaksin reported his assets, in the US$ billions, even before he entered politics. Logically, how can the court ruled to confiscate, much of it, all compiled before Thaksin entered politics-for his political activity once entered politics. Furthermore, again, in his approval to his then wife to bid for state assets, Thaksin, indeed asked for the opinion of many, such as the Bank of Thailand, if the approval is legal. Everyone Thaksin asked said it was legal.

    And that brings us back to Kuhnying Jaruvan who headed up the asset seizure committee that nationalized his assets...(hmmm where did that money go...? you think they are holding in account for him...?)

    • Like 2
  3. LOL they are throwing everything brown against the wall hoping it will stick what a tangled web...


    But hey when ya can't win an election according to the laws and the constitution it is incumbent to try any means possible...right? The old shotgun theory ...

    I sincerely hope for all Thais they know what the alternative is... ...

    Sure they know what the alternative is, because the alternative is what they had before Taksin came into power.

    But then with even more rights stripped, because the alternative has also learned its lesson.

    Please do a little more research on the History of corruption In Thailand before making broad statements like

    ".....the alternative is what they had before Taksin came into power.

    But then with even more rights stripped, because the alternative has also learned its lesson...."

    Pasuk Phongpaichit and Sungsidh Piriyarangsan Authors of a book called Corruption and Democracy in Thailand.. originally published in 1996 an excellent primer for corruption in real time … and and I paraphrase a bit from that work here..

    …claim that officials were traditionally not paid salaries but were entitled to retain a 10 to 30 percent portion of the money involved as a fee for their services. Even at these times wrongdoers were around and were called ging maung (“eating the state”). Pasuk and Sungsidh further explain that in traditional Thai value system merit is derived from power and in this way forms a basis for patron - client relationship in the political society. There is also a tradition of presenting gifts to high officials. In this context you see that some things used to be legitimate under the traditional patronage system but are clearly to be considered problematic in modern legal system.

    Pasuk, and Sungsidh did a survey concerning people’s attitudes towards corruption. This study showed that many Thais still accept paying fees to officials as sin nam jai , the 'gifts of good will' and do not see that as a form of corruption. Much more they see taking things, even small ones like pencils, home from office corrupt. Another thing they found out was that there is a growing group of middle class people who oppose the corruption in its all forms. Still people expected the corruption to grow rather than disappear. One other culture based area concerning corruption is existence of influential provincial businessmen called Jao Pho (“godfather”). These men must be very similar to the heads

    of traditional Chinese business networks, and have often raised themselves above the law.

    Between years 1932 and 1997 there has been 15 constitutions in Thailand, mostly invoked by those near the military juntas that took over the country from time to time. Of course, in those eras a sufficient amount of open discussion could not take place and due to this it would be unfair to say these constitutions were democratically invoked. It was also considered honorable among those in power to protect any state information, so it has been mostly impossible to retrieve information and criticize any decisions that had been made by the government officials…

    Prof. Nualnoi Treerat says the big gap between the Thai urban middle class and the poor rural people causes political instability, which in turn makes a reform very difficult and hence keeps the patron and client–tradition alive.

    Lack of democracy would of course mean that rules do not have to be widely accepted and can be unfair because of this. The undemocratic leaders are in the best possible position of accepting bribes, because they do not have to care about laws or law enforcement in particular.

    Without real freedom of the press, and the archaic yet defamation laws allowing the continued stifling, the media cannot publish stories about the unjust going on in the society and most of the people would not know about them in the first place. One should not underestimate the power of news media nowadays. Of course the media could be bribed too and be part of the corrupted network but it is more likely that governments just regulate their output or shut them down completely.

    In Thailand people usually think judges and prosecutors must be honest but still over 30 percent of those who had to go to court were asked for bribes, the requested payments were about …the same size of the normal court costs. In half the cases involving requested payments, the judicial matter was concerning some kind of economic value and the amount asked to insure the decision was in average 3.5 percent of this value. The bribes were usually asked by a middle-man, so no direct indication to the judge or prosecutor could be made. Probably because of that, the people who paid were uncertain if the money really had any effect on the outcome…Blindly giving money thinking, hoping it would have an affect…

    I have continually stated since I started posting that corruption was here before Thaksin and will be here after Thaksin...because it is in the fabric of the Thai Culture and Custom..It will take generations to eradicate…

    I suggest all posters who insist that evicting Thaksin and his influence and by so doing will eradicate corruption ..pull your heads out of the sand… it will start with the re-education of the children….and the willingness of the parents to shed that custom…period.


    • Like 1
  4. In searching out as much as I can on this whole kettle of fish I came across this again the other day and explored it's branches and peoples mentioned.. and found it to fairly representative of the bigger picture that has preceded where we find ourselves at the moment..read it last year but failed to BM it.. but stumbled on it again... I am sure arguments can be made for it's truths and against it.. but found it to be most informative ...


    • Like 1
  5. I hope he runs also... would give us armchair quarterbacks a closer look at the majority vs minority numbers...not sure they could pull it off... ( a win that is...but if he was smart he would run and then perhaps see what the divide looks like now... and than start reforming his own gang and do the outreach necessary to close the gap and win through the electoral process...something he claims to defend) would gain back my respect.. but I can't vote so it doesn't really matter ) ... I am pretty sure that is not their concern now...my guess is that they are praying for the un seating by the CC on the NSC guy... I think all their chips are in that pot now... the negligence thing is a bit iffy and would take some sort of Senate participation after the fact were she found to be negligent... so the NSC guy win which will toss all of them out and create the political vacuum... as there can be no govt going forward as the lower house cannot be seated ...( yes...? no...? not sure)...step two would then be to provoke some kind of violence... or wait for it... and let the army handle it from there... and an appointed interim PM... more abrogation of the Constitution to suit their needs... and hey guess what... Suthep will claim victory and become a national hero...You are right Kuhn Abhisit..no need for any conspiracy theories... just follow the map from the last time.....and the good old boys will laugh and scratch all the way to the bank... I just wonder how long it will actually be for the new Election...the EC said yesterday 4-5 months...Suthep said 18 months...who knows I sure don't but gets a bit more interesting each week... Conspiracy Theories introduced into the fray are red herrings at this point

    • Like 2
  6. The Thai people lost in 2011 when a proud Pheu Thai said "we won, we have a mandate" and really got started. Thaksin a new passport, issued from floodwater surrounded offices while a larger part of the population was wading through water. 700++ billion 'lost' on rice scheme. 300 Baht / day minimum, but with price pushes worth even less than 200 Baht before. No money for school uniforms or books and no tabletPC either. And of course the blanket amnesty bill push, the ignoring and even illegally blocking the opposition from functioning in parliament.

    Reforms before a new election and binding on ALL

    and I wish that stating that about reforms was possible but the reforms proposed from all sides including Sutheps ridiculous Seminars would take ages...How can you not see that...? corruption is woven into the fabric of Thainess..the elections would be postponed forever if that was the mandate reform before elections is a catch phrase... nothing more a veil for a power grab in order for the next gang to get their goodies... so if indeed that is what the Thai people want... not Democracy but some other form of governance...why not put it to a vote...or referendum ...?the good old boys don't want reform...they want their status quo...seriously ... they don't want change that will affect their MO...

    your zigzagging along a bit there, you should 'clean up' a bit.

    reforms, ridiculous, take ages, how can you not see? etc., etc.

    So, in other words, because you say the 'others' don't want reform lets just skip them?

    your paraphrasing and assumptions are way off but amusing...but gotta feed the kids right now ..may be back in a lil bit Cheers

  7. Get it right? We? Are you her brother? She just lost - BIG STYLE. She's out... are you going with her? She took her bandages off, cos she is ready to run!

    No the Thai people lost... their right to vote... their right to choose... I don't care about red yellow there are no good choices at this point in history..but the BiG losers here are The Thai people...and the abrogation by all political parties of the rule of law... the use and misuse of corrupt officials everywhere from the top down and from the bottom up... but focus on the narrow and you miss the big picture and it is a lot bigger then Suthep vs Shin... a lot bigger

    Why do you continue to deny facts?

    The Thai people can only win once the corrupt S family candiru are eradicated, which is in good and due process. Most Northern Thais lost a legitimate right to vote, after being brainwashed with a few baht, those of the Esan areas of course. Top down, bottom up is all a part of the PTP continuation and enhancement of past events. The focus has to come upon the RTP, local families of each province involved in local expenditure and gain for own gains. Once that's sorted EVERY Thai wins. That's the bigger picture. Changes are coming, even if Monsieur Defarge is afraid of change, and making and wearing different shoes.... nobody is going to hide back in their comfortable cell. That is also a part of the bigger picture. How can you say Thais will lose when this happens?

    Not denying anything... but I know and I think you do also that the entire face of Thai Politics needs a makeover... moreover the corruption issue will take decades to "reform" the removal of one clan is a temporary fix... there are rabid new clans waiting in the wings,,, and I have a funny feeling that as soon as they are in power... the word reform will slowly dissipate... and over time the Thai people will be told it has all been solved and they are clean now... but we know different ...education and reform will take decades... I can't see it happening in a year and a half... and at this point that is what is being fronted...hogwash... ...now the EC says 4 or 5 months till the new election because of the conflict...( what do they know...?) I beleive you are right that she will be gone but the Thai people here are the big losers...because instead of using the channels that these people were told were their rights... another method was used and in using that method.. denied them their rights...how is that winning...?

  8. Ha ! Nepotism bites her in the ass again, he was removed from the position so that one of the family could be installed in his place, sadly unsurprising and typical behavious by the gang of fools. Nepotism should not be allowed in politics, if a member of a family is in a position, no other family member, even in the extended family should be allowed. This would be a much fairer system.

    Agree wholeheartedly...but they only do what they can get away with look at all the Thai politicians..Shins aren't the only ones. fronting family .... they all should be banned as well.... it is ages old here.. has to do with changing laws and such but I don't think it is one that appeared anywhere in any of the forums to date..or did I miss it...?

  9. Get it right? We? Are you her brother? She just lost - BIG STYLE. She's out... are you going with her? She took her bandages off, cos she is ready to run!

    No the Thai people lost... their right to vote... their right to choose... I don't care about red yellow there are no good choices at this point in history..but the BiG losers here are The Thai people...and the abrogation by all political parties of the rule of law... the use and misuse of corrupt officials everywhere from the top down and from the bottom up... but focus on the narrow and you miss the big picture and it is a lot bigger then Suthep vs Shin... a lot bigger

    The Thai people lost in 2011 when a proud Pheu Thai said "we won, we have a mandate" and really got started. Thaksin a new passport, issued from floodwater surrounded offices while a larger part of the population was wading through water. 700++ billion 'lost' on rice scheme. 300 Baht / day minimum, but with price pushes worth even less than 200 Baht before. No money for school uniforms or books and no tabletPC either. And of course the blanket amnesty bill push, the ignoring and even illegally blocking the opposition from functioning in parliament.

    Reforms before a new election and binding on ALL

    and I wish that stating that about reforms was possible but the reforms proposed from all sides including Sutheps ridiculous Seminars would take ages...How can you not see that...? corruption is woven into the fabric of Thainess..the elections would be postponed forever if that was the mandate reform before elections is a catch phrase... nothing more a veil for a power grab in order for the next gang to get their goodies... so if indeed that is what the Thai people want... not Democracy but some other form of governance...why not put it to a vote...or referendum ...?the good old boys don't want reform...they want their status quo...seriously ... they don't want change that will affect their MO...

  10. LOL they are throwing everything brown against the wall hoping it will stick what a tangled web...


    But hey when ya can't win an election according to the laws and the constitution it is incumbent to try any means possible...right? The old shotgun theory ...

    I sincerely hope for all Thais they know what the alternative is... ...

    you left out...when you can't run the country according to the laws and constitution....

    Neither could Abhiset Leekpai Suthep or most of the others...so ... that is why you are here... to be sure we get it right...Thanks

    Get it right? We? Are you her brother? She just lost - BIG STYLE. She's out... are you going with her? She took her bandages off, cos she is ready to run!

    No the Thai people lost... their right to vote... their right to choose... I don't care about red yellow there are no good choices at this point in history..but the BiG losers here are The Thai people...and the abrogation by all political parties of the rule of law... the use and misuse of corrupt officials everywhere from the top down and from the bottom up... but focus on the narrow and you miss the big picture and it is a lot bigger then Suthep vs Shin... a lot bigger

  11. LOL they are throwing everything brown against the wall hoping it will stick what a tangled web...


    But hey when ya can't win an election according to the laws and the constitution it is incumbent to try any means possible...right? The old shotgun theory ...

    I sincerely hope for all Thais they know what the alternative is... ...

    Where in the laws of the constitution does it state that the following are legal and constitutional practices?

    A convicted fraudster is allowed to put a party forward into an election to run Thailand.

    Vote buying is acceptable.

    Intimidation from a party's militia is allowed.

    Paying off village heads to force villagers to vote for a certain party.

    Using huge amounts of tax payer's monry to throw at a specific voter base is allowed.

    Please show us where in the constitution it allows all this to go on.... If you can show me where, then I will accept your statement.

    Good luck with that one.,

    Pathetic and clueless!!!!!

    Pointless to have a discussion with cement...


    type what you want to.... all the members know you are in the corner on this one.

    Once again.


    And you type what you like... I don't care what you or all of the members think...that is their right... think what they will and you too... keep the blinders on and all will be well I am sure... and perhaps you will be saying I told you so and perhaps not...and it matters not as does anything we may say or do.. you or I ..What matters is the Thai people get what they want...and hopefully through cognitive thought.. reasoning minds and study of history will get it right in the next generation.....but I might suggest you broaden your horizons a bit and take a look at this history...and sources outside of Thai Media.. perhaps that will diffuse your angst.. give you a better perspective and lower your blood pressure.,.

  12. LOL they are throwing everything brown against the wall hoping it will stick what a tangled web...


    But hey when ya can't win an election according to the laws and the constitution it is incumbent to try any means possible...right? The old shotgun theory ...

    I sincerely hope for all Thais they know what the alternative is... ...

    Where in the laws of the constitution does it state that the following are legal and constitutional practices?

    A convicted fraudster is allowed to put a party forward into an election to run Thailand.

    Vote buying is acceptable.

    Intimidation from a party's militia is allowed.

    Paying off village heads to force villagers to vote for a certain party.

    Using huge amounts of tax payer's monry to throw at a specific voter base is allowed.

    Please show us where in the constitution it allows all this to go on.... If you can show me where, then I will accept your statement.

    Good luck with that one.,

    Pathetic and clueless!!!!!

    Pointless to have a discussion with cement...


    type what you want to.... all the members know you are in the corner on this one.

    Once again.


    DirtFarmer, on 02 Apr 2014 - 14:26, said:snapback.png

    LOL they are throwing everything brown against the wall hoping it will stick what a tangled web...


    But hey when ya can't win an election according to the laws and the constitution it is incumbent to try any means possible...right? The old shotgun theory ...

    I sincerely hope for all Thais they know what the alternative is.

    There is my original post you replied to... The OP states they will proceed with a case... I linked one they threw out my comment was they are using a shotgun effect...throwing it all at the wall...no where in the wide world of sports did you ineffectual pea brain take you...you introduced all kinds of garbage that wasn't even in my post...so you Dear Nemises /Whoopersdo...are indeed cement LMAO!

    And It is true that they can't win an election...or are they winning under the rock from out of which you clamored...?

  13. "The court demanded that Yingluck defend herself within 15 days."

    Far too busy, can you make it 15 years???


    A judicial coup in the making. This is going to get very messy.

    Any decision made by the CC will have to be ratified by the Senate. If they don't support the CC, then YL remains innocent and is free, once again, to be PM.

    This was the importance of Sunday's senate election that so few Thai's understood.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Yes and it seems it will be down to 13 or so SEN Members according to preliminary numbers...and Pundit's guesses...so indeed a tight one!

  14. LOL they are throwing everything brown against the wall hoping it will stick what a tangled web...


    But hey when ya can't win an election according to the laws and the constitution it is incumbent to try any means possible...right? The old shotgun theory ...

    I sincerely hope for all Thais they know what the alternative is... ...

    Where in the laws of the constitution does it state that the following are legal and constitutional practices?

    A convicted fraudster is allowed to put a party forward into an election to run Thailand.

    Vote buying is acceptable.

    Intimidation from a party's militia is allowed.

    Paying off village heads to force villagers to vote for a certain party.

    Using huge amounts of tax payer's monry to throw at a specific voter base is allowed.

    Please show us where in the constitution it allows all this to go on.... If you can show me where, then I will accept your statement.

    Good luck with that one.,

    Pathetic and clueless!!!!!

    Pointless to have a discussion with cement...

  15. LOL they are throwing everything brown against the wall hoping it will stick what a tangled web...


    But hey when ya can't win an election according to the laws and the constitution it is incumbent to try any means possible...right? The old shotgun theory ...

    I sincerely hope for all Thais they know what the alternative is... ...

    It will all stick as PT is corrupt to it's core because TS is in charge and YS is a puppet.

    The alternative is clear - less corruption and less money stolen.

    Maybe ... I just hope you are as adamant about the next group...because this isn't about anything but a power grab...alll kinds of things will be coming to bear in the not too distant future which may very well change a lot more than the puppets...you are delusional if you think corruption will ease... it may just be more cleverly veiled...for awhile... but with the information age here and gaining... all the back room deals are gonna be harder and harder to hide...from all factions...

    and please provide links or proof of money stolen... I await your reply...

  16. LOL they are throwing everything brown against the wall hoping it will stick what a tangled web...


    But hey when ya can't win an election according to the laws and the constitution it is incumbent to try any means possible...right? The old shotgun theory ...

    I sincerely hope for all Thais they know what the alternative is... ...

    you left out...when you can't run the country according to the laws and constitution....

    Neither could Abhiset Leekpai Suthep or most of the others...so ... that is why you are here... to be sure we get it right...Thanks

    No, I am here to delouse the forum as needed wink.png

    Carry on then!

  17. LOL they are throwing everything brown against the wall hoping it will stick what a tangled web...


    But hey when ya can't win an election according to the laws and the constitution it is incumbent to try any means possible...right? The old shotgun theory ...

    I sincerely hope for all Thais they know what the alternative is... ...

    you left out...when you can't run the country according to the laws and constitution....

    Neither could Abhiset Leekpai Suthep or most of the others...so ... that is why you are here... to be sure we get it right...Thanks

    • Like 1
  18. In fact, the whole process of her appointment was corrupt. She was not the preferred candidate of the selection committee. In spite of that , the then AG, offered her the job. He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for that piece of corruption. The Contitutional Court ruled her appointment invalid. She refused to leave and tried to involve the monarchy in the process.

    Evidently, she believed it was ok to appoint her son as her secretary ( on the govt payroll and without due process) and to take her 2 adult kids on a taxpayer funded trip to Russia.

    When the rural doctors group lodgers a complaint about her lack of transparency on some issues, she countered by instructing the Ministry to investigate the doctors.

    She is a piece of work and is sure to be one of the "good people" in line for seniority. What a joke.

    She is one of the few (ok the only) that was elected that will cause issues for the caretaker government. Even my wife, who is junior to her at Chula, says she is a piece of work. How did the PTP miss her?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    I think she benefits from the same protections Suthep does.... ..given the circles she travels in... ( my guess)

  19. Clearly Anti-Thaksin and she can be anti whomever she pleases... just like the rest of us... but what looms on the horizon is that she may also be considered to be fronted as the Senate Speaker should any of the many ongoing processes prohibit or impede the normal channels... in the news paper we cannot quote yesterday there was an article about her and how making her Senate Speaker would be a watershed event... for various reasons not the least of which because getting that gig could put her in the catbird seat for picking an interim PM... and the drama continues to unfold...

    I was thinking along similar lines. She is iconic, more than most any previous speaker has been,

    and she is an outspoken, take no prisoners straight talker. I am sure every POSSIBLE rule will

    be looked at to prevent her from getting in as long as possible if not absolutely.

    And several utterly inappropriate rules will be applied just to waste more time.

    Don't know about the straight shooter part of her... but well aware that she is being groomed as one of some others to front should it go that way... she certainly would be unable to nominate a neutral PM given her considerable efforts on behalf of the Dems...and her clear and vocal opposition to Thaksin...so there will be alot of static from that ,/// but who knows... there are no clean fish in this kettle..it is still the Wild West..and if you are in you are in and neither one of us are in so we can speculate till we are blue in the face... I do not however think she would necessarily be a good choice... mostly because I believe that the old dogs need to go and younger leaders need to start to take over the landscape... Cheers!

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