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Posts posted by DirtFarmer

  1. Protesters removed barbed barriers at 12:20 pm and the monk demanded the CAPO to send representatives to hold a talk with him.

    Well what do you expect... such a demanding Monk... This facade should have been hosed long ago.

    go back to the dirt......................shame there was no hosing in2010 when the UDD were spraying blood round peoples houses.

    Yeah or when this 'monk" interrogated/detained and perhaps tortured? ..you and i will never really know but his attempt to give his buddy Suthep and his insurrection some sort of reverence faded on day one... get a clue...

    Have you seen the little piggies

    Crawling in the dirt?

    And for all the little piggies,

    Life is getting worse;

    Always having dirt to

    Play around in.

    Have you seen the bigger piggies

    In their starched white shirts?

    You will find the bigger piggies

    Stirring up the dirt

    Always have clean shirts to

    Play around in.

    In their styes with all their backing,

    They don't care

    What goes on around.

    In their eyes there's something lacking.

    What they need's a damn good whacking.

    Everywhere there's lots of piggies

    Living piggy lives.

    You can see them out for dinner

    With their piggy wives.

    Clutching forks and knives to

    Eat their bacon. -George Harrison

    The faces may change but the game stays the same. Reform that is necessary will take decades this power grab will be written as such historically...IMHO of course

  2. Nothing drafted by the RNN and PDRC will be accepted by the people...since they do not include ALL the people in the process...it is ridiculous to even propose tripe like this...so what was the point...he knew that THIS point would be a deal breaker from the start...what happened to his statement that if nobody accepted his plan in a week he would step back?

    Welll of course he is not going to step back so that too was just a ruse same as Suthep saying he's gonna quit after Final push number 36 ...and they have had 6 months or more to draft plans,reforms, ammendments/referendums...but we have yet to see them...and a referendum will surely be disputed and argued forever so the idea that any of this can be completed in the amount of time Abhisit suggests is plain naive.. and yet they say he is shrewd and well educated man...okay I accept that..at face value he is shrewd and well educated... so why in the world would a shrewd educated Oxford gentlemean propose something as porous as this...? Him posting on his FB page bolstering his plan as not in violation of the Constitution is just another tool of the shrewd well educated gentleman...Most Thai People will not and have not read the Constitution and won't in the future...so they follow and adore and take every tidbit he tosses at them for verbatim because he is the shrewd well educated gentleman from Oxford and he must know...right? And these are the "Well educated Bankokians!

    He can stand with Suthep or stand alone and shout into the wind as long and hard as he can about reform...but until the people see what these reforms are and can understand their implications nothing will change The people need to understand the underlying issues, the patron-client relationship that is part of the fabric from which this accepted corruption stems, the duplicity of one group calling the other group out with corruption as the hammer when they are engaged in the same practice every day of their lives...It reqires an understanding of the following and it is common in history here that corruption is always the cry...from one side to another it is what they accuse each other of and are all guilty of.


    SIN NAM JAI which will take decades to shift away from. Along with all the other "reforms" . It is just too much work to happen in a short period of time..too many people to axe, to many people to educate,

    My feeling about this entire 9 point hoax is it is just a disingenuous veil from a shrewd and well educated Oxford gentleman.

    Have elections get a new government in there start reforms from the ground up and the top down and in 20 years there may have been an impact...

  3. More lies and personal smears. The escalated level of violence DID start with Thaksin. That's the point and all you're doing is attempting to deflect from it - and failing. 'it all started...' needs the context to elaborate on what the 'all' is and unfortunately you have chosen to deliberately misinterpret it.

    I had a good look at the Wikipedia version (despite your incorrect assumption) and it doesn't even attempt to describe what happened between 2001 and 2004. I do sometimes use Wiki as a source but it is open to manipulation by those like yourself.

    If you mean impugn ('impune') other sources of history - another lie as I did not cast any aspersions at any other source other than yourself.

    I don't like those whose agenda is the opposite of what they pretend, make dishonest efforts to back up blatantly outrageous statements and shoot the messenger. You are just continuing your misinformation & disinformation for some unknown reason which seems not above board.

    DId you even read the post above mine the one i was responding to? Doubt it.. the ignorance of your arrogance speaks for itself.

    look in the mirror khunken...you are the one distorting facts you are the one disassociating quotes you are the one refusing to read more information except what serves your malice... look at the third link (listed here) I provided you the one from the same Institute you quoted..above did you bother to read it? 95 pages so I rather doubt it (typical) if you had spent half the time you ramble on here reading for more background on all of these topics your underlying self loathing would not be so evident..you are more self absorbed in pretending some sort of superiority than actually trying to expand your knowledge base...Good luck to you ....

    These are the 4 links I posted in this thread... I beleive it covers pretty much all of the issues in the south...but you are entitled to yourr rants and your continuous attempts at trying to make me out to be a liar ... FAIL khunken fail





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  4. “ [Reporters] will follow the speaker and focus on what they want to say, and what they have said, and then get the worst comment of the day,” said Mr. Kavi. “They will continue day in day out, without thinking about … whether [their reports] help fuel the political fire at the moment or help to find a solution. ”

    That's what Khaosod does ! And they do it very knowingly, picking the wildest Pheu Thai people to interview, print the wildest accusations, wrap it up, put a ribbon around it and call it a news story. For those who are quoting Jonathan Head but comically ignoring half of what he said ought to be reminded he is talking about both sides of the debate, not just one. But the problem with the reporting has actually more to do what with Mr. Kavi says in the quote above than Mr. Head, because polarization of the media is common in every Western county - most notably in outlets like Fox News as opposed to say, MSNBC. There is bias everywhere. What we can do without are tactics like those employed by Khaosod - in evidence even here of all places - by citing senseless acts - that Khaosod would have us believe only occur on one side. And Khoasod still manages to use a personal thesaurus that inflames anything they feel needs inflaming. " Enter " becomes " storm ", for example. But the worst journalistic no-no of all - refusing to interview anyone from the other side of the debate. These tactics impose the narrative of the " journalists ". Khaosod doesn't achieve balance because they're incompetent. They don't achieve balance because they don't want to.

    While I appreciate and duely register your dislike for Khaosod... they are only one fish... one source... among many many others.. and anyone with a modicom of balance would consider more than one source before drawing conclusions based on any single story or source...however I am not sure that that is the focus of the piece or at the very least it is . a report on the various violent acts perpetrated by different and opposing factions on any and all sides in this mess. Violence in any form should not be a part of suppression of truths nor refelect disagreements with any particular point of view taken. Truth to some is not truth to others..but violence of any kind should not be tolerated or condoned.... just as importantly, slamming a messenger for discussing restrictions and acts perpetrated because of opposing views is in fact a complete defelction from the topic..but is your prerogative... and your right to do so.. regardless of the source be it Khaosod or the New York Times or whomever is your most trusted and ( in your view) most reliable source that you prefer over all others.

    In my opinion the bigger story here is the second part of this topic in the OP ...lest we get sidetracked..


    "Journalists' ability to report freely in Thailand also remains hampered by a number of legal statutes.

    Thailand’s lese majeste law, which outlaws any criticism of the monarchy—however oblique—can result in up to 15 years in prison per offense. Critics of the law say it is widely abused, particularly in times of political conflict.

    The 2007 Computer Crimes Act has also been harshly criticized by advocacy groups like Reporters Without Borders and the Thai Journalists Association.

    The legislation allows the government to arrest reporters for political reasons, as is currently the case with two journalists from Phuketwan news who are facing charges under the law for allegedly defaming the Royal Thai Navy by publishing an except from a Reuters report that alleged the navy’s involvement in the trafficking of Rohingya.

    “Bringing charges under the controversial Computers Crimes Act in a defamation case is indicative of the critical state of freedom of information in Thailand and amounts to an attempt to gag the media,” said a Reporters Without Borders press release in December.

    Ms. Venkiteswaran said the Southeast Asia Press Alliance is working on campaign to amend the Computer Crimes Act, and is monitoring the case of the two journalists from Phuketwan."


    In my opinion that is the bigger story here...

    • Like 2
  5. I would suggest canyons not a crack ....hopefully one day soon the controversial and restrictive laws will be abolished and people will be able to discuss things in a more adult way... though gagging the press and free discussion certainly keeps people chained to the stone age quite well, and allows people to ignore truth, partially out of fear of repercussion and partly because of habit, that custom of untouchable/unspeakable topics... hope Ms. Gayathry Venkiteswaran can keep this topic on the "front page". The truth is out there.

  6. No one said that the deep south problems only belong to one era. In a way Pattani (group of provinces) went from one colonial overlord to another lesser overlord.

    Posting a 'history' from 2004/5 is totally dishonest (as usual) and I went back to 2001 when the activity there increased substiantially. The current problems - the escalated level of violence - do start in 2001. Before that Prem had the situation in a much better level of control. No, it was not totally quiet but Thaksin by his dictatorial decisions bears a large amount of blame for dismantling the SBPAC which was an inclusive body of peacekeepers.

    Pretending not to defend Thaksin is just more dishonesty when his interference had such a negative effect.

    YOU said

    "It all went wrong from 2001 when Thaksin took power."

    That is patently untrue it had been going on for generations.

    Stop with the convenient lie bs khunken .. nothing I posted was dishonest I posted a link from wikpedia... look at the whole link once you take of your narrow vision glasses... it in fact supports the idea that there was an increase after Thaksins stumble... and one after the Sonthi junta and yet another spike after Abhisit became pm and their failed attampts as welll so your selective referencing to my posted links are as.. feeble as many of your diatribes

    and I reference another link from the same source as you did...The Lowy institute... so your attampt at casting aspersions again are defunct and purely inflammatory and childish...


    focus on the OP instead of trying to impune external sources of history...they are neither written by you or I.

    And as a matter of fact I was responding to the post above mine by 'than' who said it all started under Thaksin...I made no critical comment or name calling only posted links that might make the picture clearer that it did not in fact start with Thaksin

  7. So any guesses on what the "minor reform is" the famous Abhisit "Proposal"? LOLOL..... Is it Shins don't run I won't run...? Suthep wants to run them out of the country so he says... how is this position by the Dem Party spokesman Chavanon any different than the one they have been fronting since the start? ...do they already know it is dead in the water...? they seem to. Apparently they don't see their numbers having increased exponentially as some people would have us think (polls/projections/stats) that they could win an election... Why else would they play this card now before anybody in the public knows what the Amorphous Proposal is from Kuhn Abhisit.

    Nobody knows the proposal yet but we do know the disclaimer for "either/ Or"... either you accept the Abhisit proposal or we won't play again... { I tried...I tried...I tried to bring peace to the country I tried I Challenged I offered I warned I advised I offered, but nobody listened and I can't participate in an election that I cannot win..It doesn't make sense if I can't win! I tried with a proposal but they refused it I tried, they didn't. I tried I tried. Kuhn Suthep your cat is not listening to me! Why not?"

    SO now where are we...? another blocked election... another boycotted election,, more insurrection from the mugs on the streets...som nom na

    those so called mugs arent sitting on a keyboard giving it johny big potatoes why not just wait until we all know what the proposals are..mrs winston will laugh when i tell her shes a toby jug...you and i know nothing.......

    you're right we know nothing..

    what is a toby jug...? never heard that before

    • Like 1
  8. Select text would infer that Thaksin was responsible for the Southern insurgency "

    "It all went wrong from 2001 when Thaksin took power."

    This is patently untrue... he stumbled as all PM's stumbled in handling this problem since 1948...


    It has been going on Since the Thais took the land from Malaysia back in1785

    According to Pattani sources, about 4,000 Malay soldiers were enslaved as POWs and the most muscular of them were made to work on system of khlongs in Thailand�s new capital Bangkok. To further humiliate Pattani, the symbols of its military strength � the Seri Patani and Seri Negara cannon - were brought to Bangkok. (The Phaya Thani is a prized cannon that once belonged to the Sultan of Pattani This gigantic cannon has a length of 6 meters and today stands in front of the Thai Ministry of Defense in Bangkok. This cannon was confiscated by Thai troops after their conquest of Pattani in 1785 and the defeat of Rattanakosin the Sultan of Pattani. This cannon was brought by the victorious Thais to Bangkok and was presented as war booty to the Thai king Rama I.


    The length and breadth of this conflict is not limited to a Thaksin Era.. It is a much bigger story and one that if seriously addressed and resolved could be a huge coup both nationally and internationally as Thailand goes forward...while violence did increase over the Thaksin years they also increased again when the Sonthi junta took over.

    I neither infer nor deny Thaksin or any other Thai PM is less or more is responsible for any of this as it has been going on for centuries. It is clear it should be a concern for all Thais and one that if a solution was reached would be an immense positive step going forward

  9. The Dems have already announced they will not run if Abhisit's Proposal is not accepted...I laud this guy for coming out and having the guts to speak for elections but I fear he didn't get the memo from Chavanon..

    " He noted that an election will provide the solution to the ongoing political crisis, provided the polling can be held in its entirety.

    He also suggested the Democrat Party enter the July 20 race, because politicians are obliged to partake in elections.

    Asked whether he will meet Mr. Abhisit for talks, ACM Prajin said this would not be necessary, as the armed forces commanders would confer with the supreme commander, who already spoke to Mr. Abhisit, regarding this matter.

    According to him, the Air Force will be ready to lend a hand in ensuring that the general election is conducted in its entirety.":

    Good onya bud!

    I do feel sorry for you dirty, the way you are clinging to this crazy belief that Thailand actually holds "free and fair democratic elections" as your crowd loves to say, over and over and over and .....................................................................

    If only they were free and fair, and politicians from parties opposing the PTP were not threatened and intimidated by a gang of red shirted thugs and gutless hitmen. Where grenades were not launched at peoples' homes and businesses, left on front gates etc.

    Keep dreaming dirty. thumbsup.gif

    Back atya cowface .. Keep dreaming about your gutless yellow bellies... all I did was laud what the man said...but you go on with yer badseff You know so much more ...more about everyone who did what to whom who planted the grenades who threw them...ya got squat I say.... you can speculate all you like... I just supported a guy who spoke what HE believes in..LOL... MOOOOO!

    • Like 2
  10. I told you, Democrats are not standing at elections.

    Democrat MPs, you can see he's not making preparations to run for elections, and we can see it. So he has no intention of letting the Democrats run for elections.

    This means you will have no job, and your supporters have someone elses voice in Parliament.

    So why not jump ship to a different party now? You have only a few days left, the registration will be early June, you have to be in a different opposition party 30 days before then. This means you need to switch to a new party now.

    Section 101. A person having the following qualifications has the right to be a candidate in an election of members of the House of Representatives:

    (3) being a member of any and only one political party for a consecutive period of not less than ninety days up to the date of applying for candidacy in an election, or being a member of any and only one political party for a consecutive period of not less than thirty days up to the date of applying for candidacy in an election in the case where the general election is conducted on account of the dissolution of the House of Representatives;

    You will win the seat, the democrats will be boycotting, you will have the vote for that seat in the next parliament. Better still you will have a party leader who wants to lead, and wants to get elected, and a chance to win elections.

    Man the lifeboats, Captain Abhisit is scuttling the ship!

    You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day..

    Like ( lol ) would be a lovely curve to throw (clapping)

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  11. It's really fascinating to watch Pheu Thai supporters make a field day out of Abhisit. Here is someone who is attempting to do what no other politician inside ( or outside ) the country is trying to do. Fancy that. Who is the person who is trying to reach out, meet parties, and reach some form of consensus ? Who is the person who is willing to step down if it will forge an agreement ? Is it Yingluck ? Is it Surapong ? Perhaps it's Chalerm ? No. The only person doing so is Abhisit. Yingluck, Surapong, Chalerm haven't even made the faintest attempt to even look like they're interested. Abhisit has not only put his career on the line for this, but has had to do it while Nattawut " I will take responsibility, my brothers " Saikua pieces together a silly video, while put downs are offered from such erudite men as Prompong and every other unsmiling Pheu Thai spokesman who flashes by the camera. Abhisit makes a very good point about politicians that are willing to step down. It's a rarity in politics. But he is willing to do it. The question is, is Thaksin ? Yingluck - as expected - has scheduled a date completely unconcerned about any consensus initiative Abhisit had - as if anyone really believed that she cared in the first place.

    Chavanon said if Abhisit's proposal for bringing Thailand out of crisis were to be rejected, the Dems would once again boycott the elections... so to even suggest that this whole Abhisit Amorphous Proposal might have a chance and everybody should sit up and take notice of what a noble gesture he has made.. has just been trumped by the Dems Party announcement... Unfortunately Abhisit jumped the shark long ago and is now just a candle in the wind and undoubtedly will not get the historical reverence he believes he deserves..

    And again since I am not privy to the noble gesture offer he has supposedly made I cannot assign it as either noble or ignoble... he might not run but he is not stepping down He will continue to be the Party leader...yes? He's not stepping down... and we don't know the details yet...unless I missed the latest flash

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  12. The Dems have already announced they will not run if Abhisit's Proposal is not accepted...I laud this guy for coming out and having the guts to speak for elections but I fear he didn't get the memo from Chavanon..

    " He noted that an election will provide the solution to the ongoing political crisis, provided the polling can be held in its entirety.

    He also suggested the Democrat Party enter the July 20 race, because politicians are obliged to partake in elections.

    Asked whether he will meet Mr. Abhisit for talks, ACM Prajin said this would not be necessary, as the armed forces commanders would confer with the supreme commander, who already spoke to Mr. Abhisit, regarding this matter.

    According to him, the Air Force will be ready to lend a hand in ensuring that the general election is conducted in its entirety.":

    Good onya bud!

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  13. "Abhisit can never hope to be seen as an "honest broker", but if he can start the "peace process" rolling, he will have made a significant contribution towards preventing the outbreak of violence at this very fragile juncture."

    First part I agree with but by joining this "significant contribution towards preventing the outbreak of violence now... is a day late and a dollar short in my mind...There has been all kinds of violence and had Abhisit actually not supported Suthep and his mugs early on...and had the eggs to stand alone and truly become a beacon for Democracy by advocating anything ( which we have yet to see) that contributed towards preventing the outbreak of violence last year when the first protests against the amnesty bill took place and it was defeated then I might agree..but unfortunately that is not the case...he played his cards and now he needs to fold...he does not have "the" much less "a" winning hand.

  14. The South Thailand Insurgency is an ethnic separatist insurgency taking place in Southern Thailand, predominantly in the Malay Pattani region, made up of the four southernmost provinces of Thailand. In Thailand it is known simply as Unrest in southern Thailand (Thai: ความไม่สงบในชายแดนภาคใต้ของประเทศไทย). The former Sultanate of Patani was conquered by the Thais in 1785 and has been governed by them ever since. Thai ownership was confirmed by the Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909. Although low level separatist violence has occurred in the region for decades, the campaign escalated in 2004, occasionally spilling over into other provinces... more much more here...


    to include...

    In July 2005, Thaksin Shinawatra, then Prime Minister of Thailand, assumed wide-ranging emergency powers to deal with the insurgency. In September 2006, Army Commander Sonthi Boonyaratkalin was granted an extraordinary increase in executive powers to combat the unrest.[6]

    Soon afterwards, on 19 September 2006, Sonthi and a military junta ousted Thaksin in a coup. Despite conciliatory gestures from the junta, the insurgency continued and intensified. The death toll, 1,400 at the time of the coup, increased to 2,579 by mid-September 2007.[7]

    Despite little progress in curbing the violence, the junta declared that security was improving and that peace would come to the region by 2008.[8] The death toll surpassed 3,000 in March 2008.[9] During the Democrat-led government of Abhisit Vejjajiva, Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya noted a "sense of optimism" and said that he was confident of bringing peace into the region within 2010.[10] However, by the end of 2010, insurgency-related violence had increased, confounding the government's optimism.[11] Finally in March 2011, the government conceded that violence was increasing and could not be solved in a few months.[12]

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  15. Division, taking sides, pointing fingers is the foundation of party politics..if everybody agreed on everything and everybody there would be no need for party politics. Politicians realize this... and that would put them out of a potential career... so it is in their best interests to continue to divide the masses, appoint people loyal to "their" cause and attack those who oppose... Imagine if they had just stopped after the defeat of the amnesty bill and then moved on to something more positive...now in my mind had anyone of the opposition been really sincere about moving the country forward they could have put all the millions (billions?) of baht, all their political power..( including the shadow-players) on healing the problems in the south. In Suthep's back yard where I am sure he has even more clout than in Bangkok They could have mounted an incredible peace campaign and could have fronted potential new leaders for the future of the country overall by giving them a successful campaign platform of solving the problems in the South.. Leaders that could unite Thailand... leaders that stood for something, leaders that led something...what an incredibly positive achievement. one that All Thais would be proud of...and perhaps could unite rather than divide further. Now that would have been a victory worth claiming...a victory for all Thais. Sadly it will not be the case because this is a power grab pure and simple with the personal possession of the trough as the only prize. They spent it all on division. taking sides. making threats and destabilization.

    Reform was a paper tiger from the start and will take a long time...not two weeks not two years maybe two decades..and now unfortunately Thawil will just bide his time till retirement.

    ( not saying he could have done anything anyway ).

  16. all about a greased exit now...I think Blue nosed Codger nailed it...

    Abhisit said a week... it's been a week... the meetings have taken place... he has done daily press about everyone politely receiving him and agreeing changes need to take place...where's the beef? Only hear the bull. No announcement of his "minor reform" only a shifting to a greater reform that will take a lot longer...and cannot be implemented before July 20 ...wants to encourage YL to postpone the July 20 date and as an aside decides he may not run... so he will not lose again and can get out from under having to answer whether or not the Dems will even contest the election... but won't step down from party leader.... guess there is more covering to do Please let me wake up and hear something of substance..his "generous offer" as some characterized it is " I win by not running...because by not running I can't lose.." and in any case his buddy Suthep still contends there will be no elections...so still a few more days away... ( again) guess things have slowed everywhere lotta time buying now.. Democracy time shares ...

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  17. Read my post... I never said she was a fantastic PM anywhere..... you play a game of disassociate reasoning by trying to inject your suppositions into my text..I never mentioned anything about PTP... you have them haunting you I guess... go rant your rants on a relevant post but try and stick to the topic here... and don't attempt to insert conjecture in my text with your suppositions... I deny nothing things are what they are.. I merely made a comment about a hopeful resolution and given all the negativity it may have some kind of positive outcome the two of them talking and him trying... but I rather doubt it because he to date has been the least effectual one in the whole scheme of things..

    So who is the caretaker Pm now...?

    Yingluck is not in a position to do any deals, she is crawling-trying to be a sweet mouth.

    Had 3 years -new exactly what her party were up to, got into big time Dung, now in mega trouble and losing support every day.

    Yingluck is trying to save as much face as possible. Wish I could believe her good intentions, her history she gave to me doesn't sway me.

    It even looks like --"I'm sorry" time, so do what you can.

    Well until the ruling she is still there... no matter what you think will happen or are convinced will happen or have knowledge of that I don't...she is still there she did not capitulate within any of the deadlines or declarations by Suthep ... she did not fold, she did not topple with all that Suthep and his mob threw at her and you can be as happy as a pig in a poke when and if she is finally toppled by the judiciary coup,,, or an actual military coup but until then... all parties are now in a face save mode... so we will still have to wait a bit longer... i still believe a lot of us will be surprised with the final outcome.. some maybe even delighted...

    Are you trying to tell me she is still there ?? she did not fold you said---she did not topple---she was toppled -it was self inflicted and well you know it --do not give me this Suthep tripe. I don't give a fig for her or the PTP as it happened they were the party that was not democratic, I would have given any party hell if they abused the same as they did. I do not feel sorry for her one bit, she and PTP abused power and are paying for it.

    Who Is the caretaker defense Minister now...? and all the other caretaker cabinet members continuing to keep this whole thing running...?

    The ones getting the decrees? the ones attempting to get people paid... the ones committed to doing what they are mandated to do until a new election or other occurrences that may change the game...?You...? You are now the caretaker everything..? Darn..I missed that one! Sorry to have disrespected you omnipotent one... Go on rant your rants ... you keep repeating them over and over... that is fine... but no matter how much you spit into the wind the fact remains she is still at this moment the caretaker PM despite of the millions and millions of baht and hundreds and hundreds of demands thrown at her... by the un democratic _Democrat Party, Suthep and all his cronies... and anybody with a sober.. look at all of this can see that every Pm here as far back as there have been PM's probably have had things go badly or flat out been exposed for corruption... including the party that you may cheer for now so at this point self- righteousness is ill spent... and I care not who you pity, or you you feel sorry for..it has nothing to do with the OP

    You are trying to tell me what--what a fantastic PM she has been ??? PTP have performed flawlessly???

    They are attempting to get people paid ??? you think every one is stupid ?? they had the money to pay before any protests and they didn't. WHY ??

    My posts are not rants I try to put facts down but that goes against the grain of posters like you in denial--yes it it the same rhetoric but why do you reply with denial remarks all the time, you should be ashamed of yourself for aiding and abetting a regime. BUT it is your choice-freedom of speech and all that.

    Try not to twist my post--I said quote "are you trying to tell me what a fantastic PM she has been, ??? PTP have performed flawlessly"


    You said you merely made comment about a hopeful solution. LOOK AT THE REST OF YOUR POST.-- I read your post and replied truthfully---YOU twisted it--read again.

    No you are wrong Kimosabe... you said;

    You are trying to tell me what--what a fantastic PM she has been ??? PTP have performed flawlessly??? (which I did not)

    They are attempting to get people paid ??? you think every one is stupid ?? they had the money to pay before any protests and they didn't. WHY ??

    My posts are not rants I try to put facts down but that goes against the grain of posters like you in denial--yes it it the same rhetoric but why do you reply with denial remarks all the time, you should be ashamed of yourself for aiding and abetting a regime. BUT it is your choice-freedom of speech and all that.

    But I am not going to sit here and play semantics with you.. you inject whatever you want into whatever you want... you do most times anyway and you won't change so enjoy while you can... and good luck to you...
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