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Posts posted by peterb17

  1. I always thought it was a good idea to put the boyfriend through beauty school - does an excellent haircut - saved me a fortune ( maybe) 

  2. 19 hours ago, donnacha said:

    Thailand was, by far, the favorite foreign destination for the citizens of Wuhan. The second most popular destination, Japan, did not even have half as many.

    In the lead up to the busiest time for tourism from China, the Thai government made a decision that supported the interests of their big hotel chains and the Chinese government, at the expense of the citizens of Thailand.

    We can surmise, with some confidence, that this decision has impacted Thai medical services because the Thai government quickly brought in reporting restrictions and harsh new rules for medical personnel who talked to the media.

    We can surmise that there was a conscious attempt to hide the presence of C-19 in the kingdom because they we know the ridiculously narrow criteria under which tests were even allowed to happen, and we know that the protocol applied to those tests was heavily geared towards delivering negative results (two labs, if one got a positive while the other got a negative, the returned result was negative - anyone who has ever worked in a lab knows that this is the exact opposite of how it should work. This approach is unique in medical history to Thailand alone). 

    Perhaps, you might say, the Thai government got lucky. Perhaps those masses of Wuhan tourists were all uninfected, unlike the ones, half as many, who visited Japan. Perhaps the Thai people in January, February, and March were more robust than the Thai people in April, when every Italian tourist seemed to leave a trail of infected Thais in his wake. All those millions of Chinese tourists had no impact at all, but the few thousand European tourists still wandering Thailand in late March and early April have somehow resulted in the current numbers?

    The grotty, horrible truth is that, since early February, doctors have been forbidden, under threat of imprisonment, from calling any of the upsurge in severe respiratory illness Covid-19 unless it is first confirmed with a test ... but they have not been allowed to carry out the test unless the patient had recently been to China. Think about that. 

    Sick Thai's have been sent home to die with little or no medical intervention. The ones lucky enough to die in the hospitals received the wrong treatment. The "official" outbreak was only allowed to start in April once the testing protocol scam became too risky to continue. Now, yes, you are seeing "plausible" figures, but the thousands who had already died in the main Chinese tourists areas will never be acknowledged. It is a Tiananmen event - it never happened, but everyone in the country knows it did. 


    The one thing we have learned is that the virus can infect other people very easily .


    So all these thousands of infected patients sent home would have infected many more -in if villages where extended families ( often with elderly grandparents etc ) there would have been devastation.


    Where is your EVIDENCE? Where are the links to your assertion that medical staff have been threatened.

    Why are the temples not having vast queues for burning ? 
    Social media posts - which are very popular here - where are they .


    I have a suspicion that you might be very frustrated that you are unable to get a flight home and join in with the nutcases burning down 5G masts - same mindset  

    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Now heres a thought, what about all members on here now they are saving money not buying beer, dipping their pockets, and giving some poor Thai people a bit of food, you know just like the Thai man did for farangs.

    I did that, milled about 12-14 kilos of rice, wife handed out to a few poor people.

    Come on you lot, get up of your backsides and do your bit, help poor folk.

    We are doing exactly that - started off with one day giving out 400 meals - now two days a week - probably a 1000+ meals - all from a restaurant in Jomtien. The bars are all doing similar things. 
    The contributions from expats, Thais and people around the world has been heartwarming.

    Pattaya has many organisations looking after the welfare , education of the families in slums etc I’ve given a fair bit - so actually there are many who care . 
    well said . 

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  4. Well at one time in my life - was training as a tea taster - looking to go off to warmer climes to manage tea estates - never quite happened.

    The tea in these tea bags - fannings ( or even worse sweepings) 


    You really need a fabulous tea - perhaps Darjeeling BOP - just the full size leaves from the tip of the plant - use water about 86 degrees - leave for 5 mins .


    Easy to buy in Bangkok - Tesco not sure . 

  5. Jingthing 


    Dont be so pessimistic- things have moved on with HIV - is anyone obsessed with it now? The wealthy countries have it under control- so who cares. Only affects poor people 


    Different kettle of fish with the new virus - the markets have collapsed - Wall st. in melt down - that is the difference- the wealthy corporations  are suffering . 


    Vaccine on the way soonish ( I hope so ) 


  6. 6 hours ago, GordyS said:

    Fair play, I have just used that email address in the OP and the reply was inside 30 minutes.

    Good clear information and expedient replies to my queries



    Thanks for that - I’ve met Brian the Ambassador socially several times- he is a really down to earth and pleasant guy - a diplomat - so will not discuss everything.

    After Spain - the Bangkok embassy is the busiest in the world , mostly dealing with people who left their brain at the airport.


    They can’t just bust you out of jail - fly you home or affect the decisions of the Thai government .



  7. 19 minutes ago, brucegoniners said:

    Why don't they implement what really works, stay at home orders, only allowing people out to do things that are necessary, like grocery shopping. Here in Pattaya the traffic is light, but there are still plenty of people out and about. The beaches are still open for some reason. I believe some restaurants are still open. Why is that? Other than takeout they should be closed. If this government does things properly the disease won't get to second base. However curfews don't do a damn thing. Military leaders just have one playbook unfortunately and don't learn from others.


    Do keep up- the beaches are closed, restaurants are not open .


    Last night was really quiet - so the evening curfew is working .


    maybe it’s the term curfew that has got so many agitated - we have curfews during coups etc - tanks on the street etc.


    its more a restriction of movement- only being able to go out for essential reasons - as put in place by many countries.


    As many have pointed out - the Thai way of life for many has to involve trips to the market etc. They don’t have the luxury of living in large houses - with freezers full of provisions.


    In my past home country- we have 500- 600 deaths a day- nothing like that here.


    Stay calm. 



  8. Eggs are really bad for you - especially the yolks - always have a white omelette or white scrambled eggs .


    Sorry only joking - poached eggs are just truly wonderful.


    I probably had to say it - why on earth would you worry about the price of eggs - unless you are an eggoholic 

  9. 18 hours ago, EricTh said:

    What's the difference between Manuka honey and other types of honey? Where can I buy it in Chiang Mai?

    Don’t bother- much of it is so diluted and a considerable amount sold is fake .

    As with most ( nearly all) supplements it is hyped by the food industry, marketing etc - I like honey on toast - will it make me super healthy - of course not.

  10. 29 minutes ago, BigStar said:

    Oh, yes it is. It's purposely mistranslated and exaggerated all out of proportion for the very purpose of being misleading and inflammatory. Just marketing. The idea is stir up the peanut gallery and get page views. Just the usual play on TVF posters' paranoia, bigotry, and love of victimism. Worked brilliantly again, too. It's so good that posters are going to ignore the fact that it's fake even when informed that it's fake!


    Needs to be some kind of regulation on fake news applied here specifically.


    However, don't you dare alter the TVF alteration of headlines & text from other sources!


    Big star 


    Well said , it seems likely ( with some input from Yinn) that allegedly this headline is slightly misleading.


    Maybe we should set up a ‘reality check’ thread on headlines.


    I have a suspicion that would not go down too well.


    if allegedly this headline has been changed so much - it’s disgraceful.

  11. 3 hours ago, likerdup1 said:

    I won't touch any prostitutes at all in Pattaya now. How many foreign partners from China, Korea, Italy and other countries have these girls banged in the last month? How many bar girls are smart enough to seek proper medical care if they get symptoms of Covid 19? It is taking a big chance with your health banging a Pattaya prostitute at this stage of the game. i don't dare do it .... to risky. Go ahead and play Russian roulette with your health.. and that's not to mention catching all the STD's possible to catch if you are stupid enough to bare back freelancers, and their are a lot of witless boneheads who do that.


    Well I’m quite sure the girls/ boys will be breathing a sigh of relief.


    if punters like you did not exist exploiting the local population - then perhaps Pattaya would be a better place ?

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