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Posts posted by peterb17

  1. 29 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    Well it has to be labeled fruit wine if that is the case (not wholly made from grapes) so at least you know what you are getting!!


    As for cheese I buy here.......Italian Gorgonzola, English Stilton and NZ Vintage Cheddar!! 

    You absolutely totally cannot buy  Stilton here - cut from a whole cheese , correctly pampered - never ! 

    • Like 1
  2. 26 minutes ago, tifino said:

    that's why I earlier today referred to Kraft, and their 'Kraft Slices' 

    They make no claim as to the product  being 'Cheese' 


    Do the Melt Test... It will soften, and bend - and will Cinder before it even thinks of eventually melting

    I did not like to mention Kraft - I miss decent cheese here - my home country has more handcrafted varieties than France - which is a bit stuck in tradition.

    Perhaps next time in the supermarket will look at the ingredients of those truly delicious slices- ( personally I think we should have a campaign to wipe them from the face of the earth - not even cheap to buy) 

    • Like 1
  3. Amongst my many sins I have a degree in applied microbiology and a further degree in biochemistry.


    Is it cheese ? Perhaps - but would you say products such as those slimy very highly processed “ cheese” slices are actually cheese . 
    More like a dairy product - horrible.


    Moulds do not apppear by magic or by spontaneous creation. 

    It just seems probable that the “ cheese” was acidic enough to prevent bacterial decay - but the packet was sealed enough to prevent the entry of fungal spores- they are everywhere- you breathe them in all the time!


    PS - don’t buy that processed muck - I know it’s very expensive here in the Kingdom- but you can get the real stuff- and will go deliciously mouldy in no time at all. 





  4. Drat- I had just got a new replacement box and paid for the subscription what they were arrested.

    it was an excellent service.


    It was just foolish to start getting involved with premier league ( I have no interest in football, could not name a footballer ( apart from Beckham) . The clubs , corrupt agents , etc etc are only interested in one thing - money and new Bentleys - they would pursue anyone even to the moon- if they thought they were losing 1 satang.



  5. 2 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    The man is an idiot, one for thinking that a few painted lines on a road in Thailand mean that it is a zebra crossing in the western sense and two, for getting upset when he gets knocked over on one.  Chill man, you're not in Kansas anymore. 

    Absolutely correct - sadly like many posts on this forum- Always quoting back home - in the UK, USA , Australia, France , etc etc - we do not live in Kansas ( wherever that is ) or London , Sidney  etc.


    Personally I like getting away from the totally controlled way of life in the West - within reason you can do what you like - it’s very refreshing. 

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:

    Same in Sydney's CBD. Lots if them! Thai ladyboys walking around, looking for prey. Wonder, whether they have a work permit for escort/massage work...

    Perhaps prey is a bit strong - without any punters they would not be there ( of course Australian men are so butch )


    Back to the OP - the alien mask is a bit weird - but I suppose it is a positive move - where identities of every one was exposed to all and sundry? 

  7. 3 hours ago, billd766 said:

    Sometimes we used to get 40 or 50 baht from the salvage guy or more depending what else I was getting rid of. 

    We live in one of the most divisive countries in terms of income - perhaps you did not read my sarcasm and just pure shock that you sell your recycling.


    Every day you can see sometimes very elderly people trying to scrape a living searching bins - I stop - have a chat and give them money.


    instead of giving - you sell- I have no words- I’m just astounded 


    • Confused 1
  8. 3 hours ago, billd766 said:

    Ours come once a week and take everything, It costs me 30 baht a week and is well worth the price.


    I sort out the empty glass bottle etc and IF the salvage guy comes around he buys them. If he doesn't then I put them out for the trash men and they can make a few baht on them.



    I had never thought of that - we always seem to have bags of bottles , coke cans etc. 
    Everyone is feeling the pinch a bit with inflation, currency exchange etc - what sort of income stream do you manage selling the recycling? 

    • Like 1
  9. 20 hours ago, wisperone said:

    So people work for months to save for their trip, plan for months, spend money on expensive plane tickets, book hotel rooms, travel for as much as 30+ hours to get there.....and all the time wondering am I going to be let in or sent back home. Seriously, is it worth the stress, time, money aggravation?

    Yes - they are tourists on a trip of a lifetime - there is no way whatsoever a family / individual would be denied entry - they do not have a passport full of stamps - don’t be silly 

    • Like 1
  10. I’m always amazed on this wonderful forum with the number of people ( I suspect from one country) who espouse killing any defenceless creature - see a snake - even though it is totally harmless - kill it. 


    As many have pointed out - the reason is a bitch in season. Even my little dog goes a bit berserk - rushes off at high speed on his walks to say hello . A few days later not interested.


    Surely if you have decided to live in a village you must expect these things to happen ? 

  11. Don’t worry at all about the TM30 - it’s not your responsibility.

    I would slightly more concerned you are only renting for a month- which of course is illegal.

    My Condominium is totally strict who they let in- reasonable enough - you would not be allowed into the building.


    Good Luck 

  12. On 9/21/2019 at 3:04 PM, jacko45k said:

    Oh get real.  We are talking about Pattaya, There have been a few Malls and condos chucked up but it still floods every rainy season, Beach Rd looks like a warzone again , it smells of poo and pedestrians get crushed under coaches due to no pavements. Traffic is stationary and lights have to be controlled by policemen! The fact that the power stays on is more by good fortune than infrastructure projects. 

    Interesting- have you ever visited? last time I looked there are pavements / promenade all along beach road .

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