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  1. What about the other 44 lives lost the same day on Thai roads?. RIP to the families of the 4 young men that have died needlessly
  2. Why does any Thai woman marry a foreigner would be a better question. Prostitutes are more likely to meet foreigners.
  3. Most Thais learn how not to drive when children sat in front of there parents on a scooter. Just passing down the unofficial highway code for the next generation
  4. True, but the baby never had a helmet on.
  5. Thought crossed my mind but tricky to do while riding a scooter.
  6. Nothing will change the 48 a day death total on Thai roads for a long time. Only yesterday I saw a mother breast feeding her baby on the back of a motorbike travelling at speed.
  7. Overloaded transport or loads not held correctly can easily become your problem. Keep out of there way.
  8. Suck it up when you have a criminal offence to answer
  9. I am trying to explain why the Phillipino workers are treated differently than Thai residents
  10. Hundreds of thousands of medical workers from the Philippines working in the UK 50,000 Thai people living with there husbands living of the system
  11. You obviously have little idea what to expect if the UK Government wants to get serious about fraudsters
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