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  1. Forget the individual in this case, and the crime he was eventually convicted of; is it right that people might be sacked in the event that unproven allegations are levelled against them? There are semi-regular cases of men being falsely accused of rape by people with malicious intent. Is it right that these men be sacked? I understand the frustration around a guilty person continuing to receive a salary after serious allegations are made about them, but for those who are innocent the effect of not only being falsely accused but also losing their employment could be devastating.
  2. She has not been given permission to stay in the UK. Her request to stay was rejected so she has the right to appeal; that is what she is currently doing. It is likely that she will lose that appeal and she will be deported. Nothing to see here other than clickbait headlines and frothing people who either don't understand the real situation or don't want to understand it.
  3. As was Margaret Thatcher and Charles Windsor. I guess they were all keen to keep Saville safe.
  4. Your own servility to an incredibly damaging cause, and your refusal to look at the evidence in front of your eyes is as bewildering as it is tragic. But at least you throw in all the maga buzz words with regular, liberal abandon. Well done, POTUS doesn't care about you but he appreciates your backing his actions.
  5. You are missing my point that the president if the US is considered to be the 'leader of the free world'. That is not a role for a clown, a charlatan or someone with the attention span of a butterfly. Yes, he is a stirrer but the responsibility he carries does permit him to act so flippantly without consequence. As the re-assigned phrase goes, when America sneezes, the world catches a cold. Do you really want a directionless. compromised troll in that position? Who could have imagined that in the space of 6 weeks a US president would have neutered NATO, threatened several of its allies with annexation of their lands, castigated and turned his back on a country under constant attack from a long standing enemy of the US, and shown utter compliance and servility to that same enemy country?
  6. I am amazed that we have even got to this point where a sitting US president is threatening to overthrow peaceful neighbouring countries. I would caution against taking it with too large a pinch of salt. He may be thicker than mince, but he is being driven by more cunning forces; they will know the buttons to push and how to foment the reasons for aggressive action. This is the man who thought injecting bleach might cure covid, and that Spain was a BRICS nation - just two of his many public displays of incompetence. I am not sure that strategic thinking is his strongest suit. So neither a serious nor intellectual man.
  7. They are popular because they recognise that populism sells well to a sizeable minority of the population. It's not because they have the answer to the world's problems, just that they know how to exploit frustrations to their own ends.
  8. It would appear that America already has a Russian puppet in charge.
  9. There is ample evidence that the Trump family is corrupt. There's absolutely zero doubt that putin and his cronies are corrupt. Do you have any evidence about Zelensky?
  10. Do you know what consensus means? Decisions must be unanimous.
  11. NATO is a consensus based alliance.
  12. I am assuming that you are American - if not, I apologise. Your president has spent the past month trash talking the victim of Putin's aggression whilst not making one negative word about Putin. Last week he made clear that if Putin attacked Estonia or Lithuania, both NATO countries, he would not permit NATO to defend them. He has, effectively, ruled NATO to be nothing more than a fig leaf. Putin has already wreaked havoc across Europe with his terrorism and indiscriminate murders; he is meddling in democratic elections across my continent. And you have the gall to tell Europeans to wake up?
  13. OK, you are scared too. Nato is worthless and MAD is a fallacy. Look up Chamberlain and you will see the parallels. Or maybe you won't.
  14. Then why so nice to Putin? Is it only trump who is scared? Are you willing to acknowledge that he is the instigator here?
  15. That certainly makes you more mature than either Trump or Vance who have done nothing but criticise the victims whilst staying pliantly dumb about the aggressors in this tragedy - not that anyone expected much else from them.
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