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  1. Then it's got nothing to do with politics but states clearly that the sitting president has no confidence in the impartiality of his judiciary. That's a hell of a message to send to the country and the world.
  2. The event hasn't happened because common sense led to the decision to do the opposite to what you seen to be wishing for. How does economic theory become out of date?
  3. If people, quite rightly, object to Trump evading justice, the same outrage should be expressed towards Biden Jr. Biden has lost any moral high ground he may have held and cheapened his legacy.
  4. Bear in mind that this is a one off payment, not a regular allowance. To set up a team of people to vet the nation's pensioners for a one time payment surely seems, from any perspective, to be administratively wasteful. But if you aren't convinced, try this: Universal Benefits Are Actually Cheaper Than Means-Tested Ones
  5. Maybe because they like it's antonym, the gammon?
  6. It's cheaper than means testing - that's the only factor that matters.
  7. This is a World News post and all should feel welcome to comment on all topics. I wouldn't let self appointed gate keepers try to tell you what topics your contributions are welcome on. Please feel free to add to the mix.
  8. The Romans didn't invade the UK. They conquered what they called Britannia and is now called England and Wales. England and Wales are not the UK.
  9. The cost of means testing it would exceed any savings made. This way the Scottish government can ensure that all pensioners get vital help next year.
  10. That's true to an extent but I am skeptical that they can produce key components - compressor bearings, dry gas seals etc. Even the rail network is at breaking point because of the lack of availability of high integrity bearings. These types of items seem relatively trivial in isolation but they are all critical components of an integrated system. At the extreme end, think why Taiwan is so critical to chip manufacturing - if it was easy, the Chinese would have copied it years ago
  11. I don't claim to be a Russia expert but I lived in Eastern Russia for 8 years, working on a Russian /European multi billion dollar oil and gas joint venture. The largest Russian content contribution to the project was... concrete. Everything high tech or precision engineered came from abroad. They may have a space program but I bet it relies heavily on imported technology and components.
  12. That's great if the supplier trade only within BRICS, but in a global economy, that's unlikely. As for commodity trading, not many non government actors have the means to deal in oil. Precision engineering, aircraft parts, high spec bearings, electronics - all the things that Russia is incapable of manufacturing domestically and must be procured from international players.
  13. Russia still needs to buy imported goods - triangular arbitrage means, if my memory serves me correctly, that the value of the rouble against the Tenge, Yuan or whatever currency they wish to trade in will still reflect the USD value. Imported everything will be more expensive.
  14. Your gaslighting is getting boring now.
  15. OK so you have added the word "allowed" to your proposal. I think they are already allowed to wear badges etc, so your post was redundant. Unless, of course, "allowed" wasn't actually omitted by accident.

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