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Everything posted by RuamRudy

  1. If they aren't racist their own senior members would not have declared that they are. I suggest that her lived experience of Tory racism is more valid than your unsubstantiated denial. However if you want to explain to her that she is wrong, you charge on
  2. They did vote for the white person but the white person was useless. Only when the true extent of her uselessness became clear did they vote for the brown person, and only because there was no other option.
  3. Muslim Tory peer Baroness Warsi is in no doubt that the Tories are racist. Baroness Warsi ‘vindicated’ as Tory Islamophobia report criticises PM Johnson Institutional Islamophobia at the top of the Conservative Party: MCB calls for Independent Inquiry
  4. I agree with your outrage at the attacks on innocent Israelis, however the assertion I was referring to pre-dates that awful event.
  5. As I said, I will be on the right side of history whereas you will be seen as an apologist for evil. You seen to be very comfortable with that mantle.
  6. You calling me racist doesn't make it so. I will go to bed tonight, like every other night, confident in my personal integrity. I am also confident that one day your thinking will be seen to be on the wrong side of history, and that people of all races and religions will look back at the horrors of what's currently happening in Israel with aghast bewilderment that so many, seemingly, good people at best did nothing.
  7. To be clear, can I declare my belief that the Israeli government has a long standing history of acting like an unspecified reprehensible historic government without fear of being called out for it?
  8. What others define it as doesn't take away from my point. Except in this case, apparently - if it walks like a duck and squawks like duck, just don't call it out or you will be demonized. For the record, Jew, Muslim, Christian or jedi, I couldn't care less what sky fairy you believe in. If you are a decent person then I have no truck with you. If you behave like a despot then I will call it as I see it.
  9. To equate Israel with Nazi Germany is considered by some to be a trait of an antisemite. What does it imply of those who do the same about British people?
  10. With the normalisation of hard right politics and the acceptance of racists such as Farage, Lee Anderson etc as 'credible' political voices by the media, plus, of course, the fact that the ruling party has been found to be institutionally Islamaphobic, is there any surprise that the UK is riven with such hatred?
  11. Silver Jews - I'm Getting Back Into Getting Into You
  12. No, I mean like empirical data which proves that 90% of anti-semitic posters on social media are affiliated with left wing causes.
  13. It wasn't an article, it was research undertaken by the World Jewish Congress, who's aim is to act as "the diplomatic arm of the Jewish people". I posted this to respond to your ludicrous suggestion that anti-semitism was solely a left-wing phenomena. As I replied to BKK Brian, there is most probably an increase in the level of anti-semitism originating from hard left organisations, but those 90% of hard right bigots in 2016 haven't gone away; they haven't stopped recruiting; they haven't stopped their hatred. The BNP, EDL, UKIP still exists, and where the far right has a home, as is shown time and again, racists are welcome.
  14. The post that I responded too stated that anti-semitism was a left-wing disease. However I provided documented evidence which showed that, only a handful of years ago, 90% of anti-semitic posts in the UK were from people with hard right affiliations. Now I am very willing to accept that there has been a rise in anti-semitism from factions of the left but it would be dangerous and naïve to assume that the hard right has had some Damascene conversion.
  15. So you can provide evidence that the majority of anti-semitic posts in the UK originate from people associated with left wing causes?
  16. But what does a Jewish person in Toronto have to do with the actions of the Israeli government? Unless they are actively supporting it, they are no more responsible for what is happening in Gaza than I am.
  17. This excerpt from a report from the World Jewish Congress suggests that you may be talking out of your hat, I am afraid (emphasis mine). And let's be honest, the BNP, the National Front etc - hardly darlings of the left. "All anti-Semitic discourse in the UK was in English. According to an analysis of user profiles, 90% of posts were made by young white males under the age of 40 with affiliations to extreme right-wing groups." The Rise of Anti Semitism on Social Media - The World Jewish Congress
  18. Ok so now we are getting somewhere... I also share your suspicions that Mr Barry had no specific knowledge of the birth of ER2, let alone her demise. Ergo, the plinth was never designated for her, and any suggestion that Khan is going against some prior agreement is a lie and this whole issue is a fabrication designed to rile the perma-angry Daily Express readers, and to damage the mayor of London.
  19. Anti monarchist is fine by me - you can be supportive of your country whilst objecting to some of its more archaic institutions.
  20. Then explain to me, please, why you consider not erecting another statue to a dead person to be anti British. In your book, is anyone who is not fervently supportive of the monarchy anti British?
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