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Everything posted by RuamRudy

  1. Those are simply boring, repetitive tropes used to criticize the man without the critics alluding to his true 'crime' (in the eyes of the right wing 'patriots') which was marrying a woman of African American heritage.
  2. The Roman empire exists only in history books. There are none of it's institutions left to atone. But we continue to thrive.
  3. Can you not see it for what it was? That wasn't reparations going to benefit those who were directly impacted by Britain's shameful slavery past, that was the taxpayer paying off the rich for their financial losses. Why is it that Tories love to socialise payments to the wealthy?
  4. Alleged? Are you suggesting that Britain never committed genocide, never massacred countless thousands of innocent men, women and children, stole billions of pounds from other countries and irreparably damaged their economic development? Acknowledging that much of the relative wealth of the UK over the centuries is a result of the vast amount of rape and pillage conducted in developing countries, and that a lot of the problems in those countries today are legacies of the evil that Britain carried out all over the world is a start. But there should be formal apologies, full return of stolen artefacts and financial atonement from the individuals and institutions who enjoy today the fruits of their ancestors' evils.
  5. The word misogyny was taken from a quote from one of the people mentioned in the report. It's hardly an opinion piece.
  6. Yes, because heaven forbid you get exposed to an alternative perspective.
  7. In the same 12 months, at least 2 Tory MPs will find out whether they are going to be charged with rape, and who knows how many more will feel the old bill sniffing around them? The public outrage at the billions of pounds of money that Tory cronies stole during the pandemic isn't going to go away - in fact I predict the outrage will grow as more evidence comes to light. The staggering incompetence shown in their handling of HS2 is going to also become even more problematic. And let's not dismiss this week's confirmation that Johnson saw the economy as more important than lives during COVID. And, of course, brexit isn't going to suddenly look like a wise decision, is it? No, Sunak will soon be able to go back to his multi millionaire lifestyle and, once again, be proudly able to declare that he isn't friends with any working class people.
  8. The grifters have been put on notice - only 1 more year to fill their pockets and hide the evidence. “strategists regard a Halloween election next year as the most likely timing. “October 31 is a Thursday,” a source said. “That is what people are working towards.” https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/why-hunt-must-bite-the-bullet-on-tax-in-the-autumn-statement-l23lvvcsm
  9. The illusion of strength may be an attraction but the reality is that the Johnson government was handed an 80 seat majority with only 40% of the votes. Democracy is not served by FPTP.
  10. From the article above: "A prosecutor said the priest was suspected of “failing to provide assistance to a person whose life is at risk” for having allegedly tried to bar paramedics from entering the apartment."
  11. I don't think that the Pope has the power to sentence Polish people for offences alleged to have been committed in Poland.
  12. You may be right. I don't actually think that she has the capacity to feel shame. But feel free to enlighten us on your understanding of her efforts to avoid paying UK tax. Akshata Murty may have avoided up to £20m in tax with non-dom status https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/apr/07/rishi-sunaks-wife-says-its-not-relevant-to-say-where-she-pays-tax-overseas
  13. That certainly goes a long way to explaining why the UK has become such an international laughing stock over the past 10 to 15 years; why infrastructure has crumbled; why inequality has rocketed and the standard of living enjoyed by most has fallen while the corrupt cabal at the top are coining it in like never before.
  14. Has Sturgeon had any allegations of tax avoidance leveled at her? Your desperation to protect your beloved Nasty Party is clear, of course, but that means you simply fall into fantasy whataboutery. As for Sunak's multi billionaire wife, I am sure that you are aware that she had to be shamed into paying tax in the UK. In fact, I would be surprised if you were unaware because normally you are so swift to denounce the possiblity of dark skinned foreigners coming to the UK to live off the taxpayer.
  15. Is anyone surprised? You don't become filthy rich by being honest and fair. That goes especially for the mediocre children of filthy rich people - the corrupt Sunak and his tax avoiding wife being prime examples.
  16. I don't think that they are advocating for the removal all the advances mankind has made to date due to hydrocarbon extraction - what they are saying is that the cost of continuing to exploit the earth's hydrocarbon reserves are too great and that we should now be diverting our resources towards securing more sustainable and less harmful forms of energy.
  17. Are you suggesting that incitement to commit criminal damage should be ignored?
  18. Are those the ones made in Poland? Despite the removal of the EU flag, I like them - they are pretty sturdy and have a good feel of EU quality.
  19. Please don't make this a habit or I may need to re-evaluate my principles.
  20. To be fair, whilst my post was, indeed, off topic, it was a reply to your original off topic post about allegations of financial impropriety. (I would quote it but I am on my mobile and it's on the previous page...). But I agree, this thread is about financial incompetence, not financial impropriety.
  21. Because the original thread is directly relevant to the current news... You do realise, don't you, that you are not compelled to contribute. In fact, as bizarre as it may sound to you, you are free to sit some threads out entirely.
  22. No, I brought up again because she and her 49 days of incompetence are in the news again. Note the headline from yesterday's FT: Liz Truss makes defiant return to political fray Nowhere does it say that I dragged her back into the nation's consciousness. She did that all on her own.
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