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Everything posted by RuamRudy

  1. The labels you throw around with such gay abandon are totally without any adhesive, old chap. I know that your primary goal is to get your comment count to record levels but, seriously, could you not put even a little effort into the quality of those comments?
  2. How is he ignoring her? There is a long standing agreement to use the 4th plinth for a rotating series of art works. He is simply allowing that agreement to stand. Why don't you commission a statue of Betty for your front garden? Surely any and every square inch of land should be festooned with her likeness less we all forget her very existence?
  3. How can you possibly interpret my post as being anti British? I presume you are more than simply a bot spewing out meaningless ad-hominems? Is there actual substance to your post?
  4. No doubt, people the length and breadth of the UK will be filled with Rishi fever as they see their bank accounts swell in front of their eyes. The third choice for PM has single handedly dragged us from the economic ruins he inherited from Labour's disastrous tenure, and assured the Nasty Party of another record majority at the next election.
  5. Do we really need another lump of marble to remember her? If the original agreement to continue to use the plinth as a rotating art exhibition is not ditched, are we in danger of the general population forgetting her any time soon?
  6. He had him killed because he wanted to show that he is still all powerful. That it wasn't subtle or secret is not a sign of events out of his control. Much like his global novichok rampages, he is more than happy to let the world, and his foes, see how ruthless and fearless he is from behind his 30ft long table.
  7. While I am not aligned with his politics I enjoyed Clarkson's Farm. He came across as a fractious but generally good natured and self deprecating sort. But that just doesn't sit with the type of behaviour for which he is more notorious. Punching his assistant in the face because he was served a cold steak in a pub is neither quirky nor humorous - it's the actions of a weak narcissist. But then again, none of us are the fully rounded product. So on the balance of things he is not the worst in my eyes. Certainly I would sooner have a pint when him than I would Piers Morgan, who I have never seen demonstrate any redeeming features.
  8. I think that the rot started more than 30 years ago, and was not homegrown. The Italians, the Brits, the US and Russia all had more than a few meddling fingers in the pie.
  9. What an offensive, ridiculous and totally reductive argument. Of course I am not ok with those things, but having lived and worked for the past 14 years in Muslim countries, I can honestly say that I have never met a Muslim person who would advocate for such things.
  10. Distrusting Islam is like distrusting trees - it makes no sense as a blanket statement. There are aspects of the Islamic dctrine which are more than questionable, but the same can be said for Christianity and Judaism, and probably most other religions. But to say that you don't like 1/3 of the world's population because they were born into a religion that the poster clearly doesn't understand is beyond childish. I wouldn't call it racist because Islam is not a race, but it is clearly bigoted - and based upon ignorance, as most prejudices are.
  11. Hey, @Bday Prang, a 10 year-old has logged into your account and is now posting on your behalf.
  12. To be honest, the UK has always been pretty Islamaphobic. Even Tory party grandees acknowledge that. Report shows Tory Party 'Institutionally racist' says Baroness Warsi
  13. On Thursday a new World News topic appeared about some Hollywood nonentity who has posted something Islamaphobic on social media. To date it has garnered 6 comments, the majority supporting her views. I think that is telling in itself. One thing I have noticed is that, in the UK at least, the hard right has quickly resolved its inner dichotomy. In the past, Jews and Muslims were equally reviled by them, however their hatred of Muslims has reached a level where they now pretend that they have always been supportive of Jews. The ultimate irony - a right winger in the UK calling someone antisemitic.
  14. Of course much of the reason that they are 'used to that type of thing' back home is that the west, the Netherlands included, played a significant role in turning their countries into basket cases many years ago, and has done little to improve things since. We are reaping the fruits of our forefathers' actions.
  15. $656k? Not a very ambitious crook then. Of course , the intention of such stories is to discredit the individual but the size of the allegation is so small in relation to the actual graft that goes on in Russia that you have to wonder why suggest such a minute figure. Could it be that they couldn't actually tie him to any corruption so had to settle for a more believable (to masses) figure? Although I am sure that there are very few in Russia who are unaware of the rampant corruption that pollutes every layer of Russian society.
  16. The British don't like her? Don't let the pathetic whining of a traitorous failed chat show host who she once had the good sense to spurn, and for which he has never forgiven her, fool you into thinking she is somehow thought of as her step mother in law was back in the day when her adultery became common knowledge.
  17. A man is ill and possibly dying, but don't let that be a reason not to go wildly off topic and post more of your obsessive bile about his daughter in law.
  18. Best wishes to Charles and the other 1000 or so people across the UK who received a cancer diagnosis yesterday. I hope that they all receive the very best of care and support.
  19. As I stated in my original post...
  20. No, but I have a faint hope that maybe they recognised that most of the contents was of no value to them, and discarded it.
  21. That's the thing although mine was issued in the Netherlands, also yellow, but it's essentially the same thing.
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