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Everything posted by RuamRudy

  1. Why should it concern you at all? If he isn't breaking the law, is he not allowed a private life?
  2. Who is the victim? Claims against BBC presenter are ‘rubbish’, says letter from young person’s lawyer, BBC reports https://www.theguardian.com/media/live/2023/jul/10/bbc-investigation-suspended-presenter-police-latest-updates?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
  3. I disagree that it's off topic but feel free to report it again. The discussion is about allegations of sexual impropriety by public figures. You are convinced that there is a conspiracy to protect the one who has been publicly named - the correlation with the allegations against Osborne are possibly inconvenient for the hard right, but they are totally on topic.
  4. He sent adults messages that they now say were flirtatious and inappropriate but didn't complain about at the time. And he sent a message containing expletives to a 20-something when the 20-something threatened to blackmail him? If that's enough to get the pitchfork mob out, a former chancellor must be beside himself with worry this week.
  5. You may have become aware of the story only in the last few days, but it's several months since the mother of the alleged victim went to the police - oh, sorry, not the police but the Scum. Surely the first stop of any mother, concerned about a crime being perpetrated against their child, would be the police? Or is all this simply a fabricated attack on the BBC, previously held held back until an opportune moment arose, and now unleashed to ensure that George Osborne's wedding went off unsullied?
  6. Are you familiar with the details of the investigation that the Met has undertaken? Do you know how many manhours of policing have been expended on this? It certainly gained a lot more publicity than the other high profile person accused last week of sexual impropriety. It beggars the question of why the Sun sat on the story for so long. Might it be that rather than a conspiracy between the Met and the BBC to protect Edwards, it was a conspiracy between Rupert Murdoch and the Nasty Party to protect a former senior government minister?
  7. Should all proclamations of community be banned? I don't particularly like pancakes. Should I object loudly every Shrove Tuesday? I find motorbikes loud, noisy and stressful. Do you think I should demand that all biking groups disband and never sully my ears again? Or should I just accept that there are things which interest me but disinterest others, and vice versa, and that to get bent out of shape for those which I don't naturally align with suggests that I might be the problem rather than the answer?
  8. How fragile is your sense of self that to walk across a painted road causes you consternation? Are you concerned that it might cause you to doubt your hitherto alpha masculinity, or are you simply alt-right virtue signalling in the most tedious of manners?
  9. A national shame for sure, but totally unconnected to the issue of immigration. Ex servicemen are living and dying on the streets because we have a greedy, corrupt and uncaring government. If all immigration was to end tomorrow, the squaddies' situation wouldn't change one jot as long as we have the nasty party in charge.
  10. Have you been following UK politics much? Evil is possibly a touch emotive, but they are certainly uncaring, greedy, corrupt and incompetent. While there are a few MPs who are clearly amoral, I think the majority are simply selfish grifters.
  11. Possibly mentioned in the past few pages of posts - but has anyone found a way to use the app on their phone while having a VPN installed? I got an update to the app (on Android) and now get the message "Detected Enabled Accessibility Services" - it says that I need to disable the VPN and also my phone launcher to access the app. Seems utter nonsense to me.
  12. I love going into the YouTube rabbit warren and seeing what it throws up!
  13. Oh I wish I could find the tweet I saw earlier today where someone posted 4 of Nad's tweets over the years. The first was a blast at the Lib Dems, accusing them of stuffing the HoL with unqualified stooges. The second was a complaint about the power held by the HoL and it's lack of democracy. The third was a promise to fight to slim down the HoL because it was overstuffed with unelected and untalented peers. The last was her crying because the peerage she was promised isn't coming her way. The poor girl's been treated appallingly. Would bring a tear to a glass eye, so it would.
  14. I know how you feel. My apartment was broken into when I was living in Russia - I wasn't home at the time but I still experienced all the emotions you are feeling, including doubting friends and the people closest to me. I was angry and paranoid for weeks afterwards, but then I made a decision to forgive whoever it was who did it. I still had no idea who it was, and how they knew my apartment was empty that night, but the cloud that had been hanging over me lifted almost instantly. I also beefed up the security of the place significantly - so a lesson learned, albeit the hard way.
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