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Posts posted by jaytaylor84

  1. when I lived in Thailand I was able to get a Bangkok bank acct. without a work permit or business visa....Bangkok bank also had a new York branch where my USD would be deposited first and somehow I saved a bit on the exchange/wiring fees


    all I'm looking for is the most tourist friendly Vietnamese bank where I can open a simple savings account where my USD can be deposited monthly and not be hassled over exchange fees or visa requirements too much etc


    I'm not interested in loans or interest rates.. just a safe bank to have access to my country while living in vietnam


    can anyone help?

  2. nick or tutsi


    would either one of you mind if i asked you a few questions in pm regarding living  in vietnam?


    i dont want to clutter up the forum and it would be nice to have a short conversation on a few aspects before moving



  3. values on numbeo cite saigon/HCMC as being cheaper than bkk on almost every level




    ...am i missing something?




    if da nang has some decent nightclubs and at least 1 western mall i think ill be ok


    ...it isnt like pattaya is it with hookers accosting me at 9 am trying to buy milk from 7?


    or mercenary vendors who follow you for 100 ft and never <deleted> trying to sell you shitty bracelets?

  4. i have lived in bangkok 3 years and just recently flown back to visit family and take care of my parents a bit and while i did enjoy it in certain regards(cost of living, quality of life, great shopping, food, tropical environment) i began to severely dislike certain aspects... namely the xenophobia, caste system mentality, emotional manipulation and extortion,and crime(someone robbed my hotel 6000$ before flying home the next day)


    that being said... i really had few if any problems that i can speak of when i was living in thong lor and was single ..so i can imagine the same could be true of saigon or da nang?


    if i find a great neighborhood similiar to thong lor in district 1 or 2 saigon will i be afforded some level of respect and people there generally good people?


    i heard vietnam even had a better cost of living than thailand...


    i had a nice 35 sq m modern condominium in thong lor with beautiful pool, palm trees, nice freezing cold fitness room and european sauna for $500 a month


    can i find the same in da nang or saigon?

  5. thanks for all the replies guys.. helped me immensely in making a decision

    honestly i just think korean women are the most beautiful asian girls.. im 31 and was hoping to settle down at some point but ive been burned by thai women.. being seen for the most part as a status accessory and as a supporter did something to my self worth in this country..

    ive interacted with other asian women mainly

    japanese and chinese in bkk and they just seem so much more educated, down to earth, and less manipulative which is a breath of fresh air..

    considering everything thailand and more specifically bkk seems to be the place where my dollar will go the farthest and ill just try sukumvit 33-39 to meet a nice japanese or asiateque for a chinese girl and maybe move to a more farang oriented soi

    i think the best advice in thailand is to just date and make friends with those at or above your own income level.. less problems

  6. great... so can anyone tell me wheres the best place to try my luck with another 1 year non o? i feel like the embassy in pnom penh may not be so liberal in giving me another.. the consulate officer who helped me sounded like a nice guy and offered but the other thai or cambodians working there seem to only want to be rude and get money off their guys promoting expedited visas..a bit extortion-ish looking

    if i submit documentation in the way of deposits for the last 6 month from government to my bangkok bank account, DD 214, lease agreement, letter from VA will I be ok?

    the consulate officer who called me in pnom penh says me comming there to get single entry tourist visas seemed a bit silly and offered to give me a 1 year non o because i presented "a strong case"

  7. so i went to cambodia today to activate the second 3 months of my 1 year non o and they just gave me the 30 days on arrival visa..

    granted i have a new visa, i lost the old one and believe it or not bkk immigration transferred the old

    visa to the new..

    did having a transferred visa and new passport cause some confusion?

    will bkk correct this for me you think?

  8. Here is an outline of the Thai Judicial Process


    generally a preliminary investigation would occur after a police report has been filed in which i would be contacted by phone or by police at my condo..

    cops try hard not to clog up the court system with paltry stuff, ive ceased contact with the lady after a brief apology text and this was a one time deal

    they could contact me by mail but why bother when they have my phone number and address?

    so im assuming its a done deal.. we'll see

  9. any idea when i might get such a notice? she gave them my condo and room number, my line, and my phone number... i mean im not too hard to find

    feeling the need to tell me the police will

    be informing immigration and my embassy when in all likelihood thats exactly what the police probably arent doing makes me feel like shes just blowing smoke and frustrated in the police's lack of interest in something pretty minor

    just so tired of scare tactics in this country... would like some resolution now even if that would mean going to a police station and asking if im clear

  10. yeah i have no idea why she felt the need to tell me my embassy would be getting a call unless shes just frustrated and trying to scare me.. lesson learned..'hoping in all likelihood its just a scare tactic..

    wasnt conpletely nude and i only asked her to sleep with me... not a string of graphic language or obscene pictures

    ok will not call police... just wait

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