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Posts posted by kaveh

  1. He would need to contact a school and pay a deposit for the enrollment to get the documents needed to apply for a single entry non immigrant ED visa at the embassy. They would send the documents to him. The visa would give him a 90 day entry that he could then extend at immigration.

    He should do this before leaving Iran because he would have to return to Iran to get the visa later. He cannot get a visa anywhere else.

    There are several schools that offer classes in English and Thai. See the Language school courses forum for more info.

    thanks for the useful answer

    so this way you mentioned, he can get some sort of primary visa (90days) and extend to 1year/6months (based on the enrollment) in Thai Immigration and no need to comeback to Iran? so a return ticket is enough?

  2. believe me, this solution works so fine:

    forget about all limitations! open up the doors to your kids! no filter, no parental control!

    only use passive and hidden monitoring!

    use a simple keylogger and/or activity (web/apps/screen shots, ...) logger

    use the data and information you gather from your kids' activity (once a month/week) to analyze them, to know them better than before, and then try to teach them the right way

    in my experience, anybody facing a narrow limited situation, sure they will try to escape :)

    I know you may laugh to this idea, but I've found it more useful, more effective than any forced limitations

  3. I've never had bugs in my rice since following these simple rules:

    1. don't use bags for storage, use regular glass or plastic box/container

    2. keep in dry place

    3. put a few iron nails in between (don't forget to separate before cooking :). I use 5 to 8 big long nails for 10 15 kg bucket of rice

    4. never ever use chemicals!

  4. hi folks

    I know this topic may have no interest to you but I have a friend in my country that he prefer to stay 6 to 12 months in Thailand and study English language there, so the country of residency is Iran and the goal is staying minimum 6 months in Bangkok/pattaya.

    and the question is, can he get a longer VISA (not tourist visa and min=6months) from consulate in Iran before flying to Thailand? shall he contact a school in advance and tell them to send letters to embassy of Thailand in Iran? I'll be thankful of any advices

    P.S :my friend cannot speak English good so I manage his issue. he wanted to learn Thai language as well but I told him he cannot do this without knowing basic English language. so please also tell me which English courses is good for the first choice (not beginner, but for a better understanding of English gram and conversation).

  5. you can easily use a "light dimmer" as a "ready-to-use-rheostat" and change the fan speed. don't drop the current to much for a ac motor, it coz a noise in rotators

    only consider the power/current factors, or simply wattage and/or amperage (that I think it should be below 700w for a regular fan)

    you probably know how to attach it:

    ac(live)----------- dimmer ----------------- fan


  6. oh come on! did you ever see or hear anything, more frightening than guns in America?! someone easily bring guns into a school and make a Rambo movies right there! soldiers shoots each other in camps! and maybe you haven't heard of cops in US.

    if you want to drop a country, it's easy and if you want to bring them back, you can do it in just one night, only with politics

  7. You probably should know that LAN and Internet speed test are two different issues, so don't use an Internet-based test.

    LAN speed test usually engage complex software to calculate transfers over wire from different Medias. Ex. Different hard drives via LAN

    But for a manual LAN speed test consider these issues:

    - You should always have a benchmark measurement on your Ethernet LAN to compare with

    - be aware of any router/switch on the way and consider you LAN physical and logical segments. Segmentation can speed up or down your network

    - simply transfer a large bunch of packets over you line; means large file transfers. And measure the time

    - for accurate results, dont use any name conversions methods like NetBIOS or Samba protocols and always use pure TCP/IP

    You also can use commercial software, for ex. Famous totusoft suite

  8. 1. I always recommend under ~5000 THB, it is ABSOLUTELY enough (NOT GAMING)

    2. why don't you go for a 500GB HDD? nowadays we have almost everything online

    3. any mainboard with Intel chipset if you going to use Windows platform

    4. always get the latest CPU from the last generation (not the current generation) and match it with the most basic MBs of current generation. I call it a simple budget solution which is ready to upgrade if needed)

    cpu=Pentium 4F 3.6GHZ

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  9. simple rule: if you haven't changed anything (I mean hardware or software configuration) after storm, so it's not on your side.

    If you talk about this right after the storm, it could be any NOISE on your LINE (wired) which could be caused by WATER leaking to forbidden areas (cabling issues).

  10. VPN would not fix your speed problem for sure, it's like a Tunneling protocol, so you're only setting up a tunnel into your current connection and this not only wont solve speed problem but also it will be more problem there.

    consider a more deep evaluation of your internet connection. sometimes you have DNS problems and web pages load slowly not because of the whole bandwidth but just for lack of DNS optimization and also check your line latency by PINGing an address like:

    c:\>ping google.com

    and send numbers here to check your net connection latency.

    remember that 4pm to 11pm is rush hour in any local area

  11. that's true, all the things you said regarding Thai women but I think what exactly a Thai woman is completely based on what you are! the situation.

    if you're a newbie to Thailand, all people there loves you. not just thai women, everyone!

    but when they found out that you're a thai-pro, everything changes!

    someone who talks thai good, know the girlie trickts, on a budget pocket, ... no attraction to thai women. and when you have not attraction, there will be no caring, no happy behavior, no nothing!

  12. I\d not seen anything like this in Thailand, never before!

    I call it "Protest Season"; even it's not like a regular or severe low-season!

    I was in Hua Hin, Koh Tao , Samui and Bangkok in the middle of the March and even in the worst time of low-seasons, I had never seen dead cities like this. shops and business had no customers and exchange booths were close most of the times. it was not about security or scaring of facing with protests it was people, they feel lazy and I could see in their eyes; no hope for tomorrow!

    maybe you guys telling me I'm sort of exaggerating this issue, I hope to hear your voice :)

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