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Everything posted by arjunadawn

  1. Va Disability is not Pension. VA Pension is pension. VA disability is emphatically declared NOT Income in the US Code, even the IRS can’t touch it. Pension is touchable. (I know. The IRS sought to levy my money and could not. It’s protected as not income).
  2. Again, VA Pension differs from the primary VA program, Service Connected Disability Compensation. They are NOT the same. Only Compensation is excluded from tax or as income under US Code. Pension is a very different VA program.
  3. For clarity, VA Disability is not VA or Military Pension. VA Disability Compensation differs from VA Pension, which is counted as income, and means tested. Even the US IRS cannot levy VA Disability Compensation.
  4. I’ve known 3 people who’ve had “super sight surgery” at BKK hospital, Patayya. They each swear by their $6,000 investment. One told me he got reimbursed by US Tricare because glaucoma.
  5. I had a sleep study in BKK last month. They gave me zolpidam/ambien. It has a very shirt have life so 3 hours later I woke (chronic insomnia) they told me I could also take my existing Thai Rx of Clonezapam- long half life- in order to sleep. In any event, no one is getting these meds easily.
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