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Posts posted by Davidhere

  1. Thaksin hasn't been this close to Thailand than when - well, since he was there last, or the time before, or in Cambodia - inside or outside of cabinet. The journey over the bridge is quite brief, but he'll never, ever make it. Because although he has a fondness for making merit, he's seriously scared of jail. That's about the extent of his conviction. So there you have it - comfortably nestled in countries which have almost no human rights. He's right at home.

    If you think thaksin hasn't been back to Thailand since the start of his self imposed exile then you don't really know much about Thailand

    So educate us please.

    When and where did Thaksin return?


  2. "sigh" Care to check the details of the drug cartels then, their fall and the numbers of drug addicts for a good few years after whistling.gif , are you trying to say it didnt stem the tide here like no other attempt before or since ? if so your talking out your backside.

    You are so full of yourself and <deleted>. Much of the drug business is carried out by the police or under their protection, and they used Thaksin's "open season" to reduce the competition.

    Trying to justify extra-judicial murder as beneficial to society is simply a wank. Other countries spend billions on drug related problems, but I'm yet to hear of any other willing to engage in wholesale slaughter to solve the problem. And I'm quite sure there are others similarly lacking in respect for their citizens who might consider the method IF there was any proof that it actually worked.

    While I disagree with the death penelty for drug trafficing there are currently 33 countries wolrdwide with this policy and 13 of them carry a manditory death penelty if caught, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore just to name a few.

    How many of those 33 countries implement the death penalty without a trial for the accused?


    Thaksin's drug war "policy" is without equal anywhere in the world.



  3. When oh when will the shinamafia realise their game is over? Soon it will be time for them to explain their doings in the courts.

    This image was taken 2 weeks ago when Thaksin was in Singapore. He doesn't look like a winner IMO. I hope he realizes that too and stops creating a culture of fear.


    I wonder how he injured his right-hand ?

    Repetitive-strain injury, from shaking-hands with his poor Thai rice-farming supporters, would seem unlikely.

    Repetitive-strain injury alright, but it's from having to continually pull the puppet strings.

  4. I couldn't say I've ever seen a true monk dress in such a shoddy way as to reveal his gut......... until I saw the above photo.

    Phra Issara, or whatever he likes to name himself, is in no way a true monk. I am confused as to who this man actually is, and what his real function is there.

    Something very weird about this guy, despite his attempts to negotiate for what seems some kind of equilibrium against violence.

    Or is somebody going to tell me that's his hand?? wink.png

    Another expert on Buddhist clergy regulations ...

    He is in the process of being defrocked of his monkhood now! Can't be a monk and an activist at the same time..


    They can be monks and activists if they are red shirt activist monks. That's ok because that's different.


    "Buddhist monks lead anti-government 'Red shirt' protesters."



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  5. I can agree that Yingluck should be sued for negligence of her duty as PM.

    Her government should also be prosecuted for stealing the rice money if it can be proved.

    This is a good move by Suthep.

    I am not surprised if Yingluck tries to counter with nasty tactics to stop Suthep.

    I feel sorry for the farmers.

    They are the real victims and the government should take care of the issue ASAP.

    Instead of real money, they are just being continually fed manure by a convicted liar:

    Pheu Thai Party spokesman Prompong Nopparit

    "Our party will never abandon farmers,'' he said.

    Too late, Prompong, you already have for months and months... And farmers recognize manure when they see it.


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  6. Sue with what Suthep? you plank! Being as they for the most part don't even have enough cash to live, wasting money on a useless lawyer seems pretty stupid at best.

    Team up with the Law Society of Thailand and get pro-bono lawyers.

    Problem solved.


    You aint been here long David, I'm guessing........

    Long enough to know the Law Society of Thailand is no friend of Thaksin

    From over 5 years ago:

    Law Society of Thailand condemns Thaksin's phone-in


    Or did you have some other point in your non-sensical non-reply?

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  7. Another fine populist policy brought to you by the insane clown posse that run the current three ring circus that is Thailand

    An infantile post that helps nobody. Perhaps you have issues against children. After all you must know the Ministry of Education holds the view that Thai children will benefit from this project.

    At last, a post which isn't just the usual abuse of this government that we always see on TV. Actually, tablets are being introduced into schools in other countries too, including in Europe.

    And they are doing so in a knowledgable and conscientious manner with proper tablets, not the crap Thailand bought, and doing so with proper infrastructure in place first, not like Thailand with schools without wifi or even electricity. They are also doing with proper well-trained teachers, not like Thailand.

    In Thailand's case, the entire program has been riddled with corruption, incompetence, lack of foresight, and in the end, no true concern for the students.

    The complete disaster of this scam has been the result.

  8. Time for Yingluck and the PTP to just drop the tablet program.

    Just come out and say something like "We had the best of intentions with both the Free Tablet policy and the Rice Pledging Scheme but they were both mistakes and so we are dropping both programs effective immediately"!

    There's far too much money to steal from both programs that the disastrous results are well worth the flack they generate.

    That would also require a degree of genuine compassion that the Shinawatras have continually shown they are completely devoid of.


  9. I find his statements very self serving or "Suthep" serving, it is of the utmost importance that Yingluck remain PM until after the official announced vote is made public.

    If she is not wanting to continue as head of state inform her party before the appointment of a vote for the new PM!

    Democracy in Thailand needs her, to survive the onslaught of the rich elites plans to take over with a Undemocratic unelected government with the backing of the military.. The only way that can happen (without a coup) if she resigns, and causes a "power vacuum" that can be exploited by the fascist!

    Hang tight, Yingluck you have much support in the country!


    Nothing to do with Suthep (yes, he's a clown), but everything to do with YL's own ineptitude and Mis-handling, and the result should be her removal. Bottom line.

    It would seem the pro-Shinawatra posters are desperate to divert attention away.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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