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Everything posted by FinChin67

  1. They are busy creating killer products, like covid vaccines.
  2. I did two days ago, 15 days in advance, around noon and it was approved later in the afternoon. No issues.
  3. Thaksin is back just on time for this.
  4. https://modernity.news/2023/12/22/left-wing-politician-who-campaigned-for-mass-migration-brutally-beaten-by-north-african-men-in-france/ Another example.
  5. Does that really work? Thinking of getting one. Which type or vaccine and does it work against all variants? Reply to myself, worth reading: https://www.thaitravelclinic.com/blog/vaccineinfo/dengue-vaccine-for-foreigners-travelers-in-thailand-should-i-get-it-update-2023.html
  6. They do it now in US too… No surprise that Thailand does this as it’s run by Chinese already.
  7. https://jalopnik.com/tesla-owner-charged-21-000-to-fix-rain-damaged-battery-1850933156 and when it comes to Chinese vehicles they are "really really good" covering all issues...
  8. Instead of tourist tax at immigration there should be a check for a mandatory insurance covering these accidents. Nothing of course covers for stupidity like not wearing a helmet, DUI or inexperience... Near where I live an elderly guy crashed his bike and did not wear a helmet. Now he is in hospital with severe head injury.
  9. In Europe you get housing, money and healthcare...
  10. He wiped it clean before placing it on his chest. The police have ruled it a suicide now what I heard. What I have heard and know about it, it was not.
  11. On public Finnish FB page "Thailand friends" there is a mention from one writer that he sold his property in Finland and moved to Thailand. Bought 4 million house, car, motorcycles, Sauna and so on. This wife attacked friend of his once. He says that his life situation was in order but the close circle (meaning family) here in Thailand was not. I think it's easy to say - for the wife - that the guy had suicidal thoughts etc. at home in Finland as she well knows that Thai police will not check it and wants to close to case quickly. There's nothing in for them (maybe). I'll update if I see or hear anything else. + after seeing the photos of him he is quite a big guy and I think he must have been drugged before slitting his throat or he was sleeping (if that's the case, but I personally do not believe in suicide). Hopefully they do an autopsy and there are some people in contact with police with background info.
  12. Remember to wear a mask always. Specially when riding a motorcycle. Helmet optional.
  13. Börje, Svante & Ulf (in photo) have been really naughty, very typical Swedish vodka tourists.
  14. Prime Minister Prayut Chan ocha has given the police chief his backing to get to the bottom of the latest affair linked to the force ????????
  15. Thailand supports the "One China Policy." Thailand is (IMO) province of China.
  16. Taiwan? No such country says CCP. So I guess police just corrected a mistake made at immigration counter and charged a small fee ????
  17. China together with Russia will be so goooood master for all of us. Not.
  18. For example this type of room that he offers needs more increase than a petty $8 to cover the costs? Just about 8k per night... https://www.avanihotels.com/fr/riverside-bangkok/rooms/avani-panorama-river-view-junior-suite Will never visit any of his brands again and it seems I did on few occasions before.
  19. Mobilization "Refugees" as we have had in Finland. They should not be allowed out or entering any other place but Putin's war in Ukraine. That could maybe put a stop into Putins plans. What I know of the situation 70-80% of them are supporting the war, if not more. However the ones having the money to flee do so. Few of my Russian friends have asked help to get ticket or doctors notice arranged (to avoid service) but I have declined.
  20. MG is Chinese ( SAIC Motor Corporation Limited)...
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