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Tom Parkinson

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Everything posted by Tom Parkinson

  1. We all know what happened to the Airport Link express trains. I wonder if they’ll contract for spare parts and maintenance this time?
  2. I also like the Turkish Airlines connection to NYC, because it breaks the trip into two manageable 10-hour flights. Even better, stop over in Istanbul for a few days.
  3. That is correct. He was found liable in civil court, not criminally convicted. I hope that makes you feel better.
  4. I think the comparison of Trump to Hitler is absurd. Comparing him to Mussolini, however, might be spot on.
  5. The US has always had stupid people. But now the internet has given them a voice. And Donald Trump has given them a champion.
  6. All these points are true. The tax savings alone could be significant, given the announced tax changes. Also 90-day reporting becomes 1-year reporting. And for those in Bangkok, all paperwork done at Chamchuri Square, rather than Chaeng Wattana.
  7. it doesn’t help the Thai guy trying to sell his condo. But it does help the Thai guys who want to buy a condo. And there are more Thai buyers than Thai sellers.
  8. The only evidence I see supporting the claim that he stole the key was the assertion by the hotel owner. Perhaps there was no theft at all, but simply an enraged and upset hotel owner.
  9. Another example of a lack of critical thinking skills at work!
  10. Try Srijinda Mansion, Sukhumvit at Soi 22. Five-minute walk to Asoke…. https://en.apartmentsinbkk.com/srijinda-mansion-sukhumvit-road
  11. Well, one witness claimed the victim was bloodied, but still alive, after the initial attack. If so, dragging him behind a motorcycle and dumping him to die in a canal seems both premeditated and murderous.
  12. Has anyone confirmed that the man who cut the lock and drove away on the motorbike is actually the owner?
  13. Certainly exchange rates in Thailand are better than those in the west. But bank TT rates are not necessarily the best. I walk by Siam Exchange in BKK (Sukhumvit near Soi 18) every day and note the USD:THB rates. The spread is typically only 0.18, sometimes as low as 0.14.
  14. I applied on 4 September 2022, three days after the LTR program was announced. The only hiccup I had was that I had to run to Hong Kong to renew my Permanent Residency there while Thai immigration was processing my BOI-approved LTR application. Immigration then canceled my application because I was abroad (for a total of 18 hours, as it happened). Once I got the BOI involved again, they sorted it all out very quickly. Yes, it was the usual bureaucratic hassle, but it sure beats doing the annual Chaeng Wattana shuffle.
  15. The article states, “they discovered around a hundred other Thais being coerced into working as call centre scammers.” But they only rescued these three? That seems odd. 🤔
  16. I was chatting with a casual acquaintance at a cocktail party years ago. I asked him what he did for a living. He said he was a lawyer for an insurance company. I asked him what that entailed. He said in all seriousness, “Mostly I send threatening letters to old ladies telling them to accept our measly settlements or else…” Pretty much sums it up, in my opinion.
  17. I appreciate your point. But if you think that “the concept of principles” exists in Thailand, you must be fresh off the boat.
  18. The headline reads “Minivan driver’s alleged sexual assault of teenage girl sparks investigations”. In the Thaiger article on Monday, the grandmother claimed that the police had not even questioned the driver. So I’m thinking it was not the assault that triggered the investigation, but rather the Thaiger article and Channel 3 news story that kicked the police into gear.
  19. How do they know these images are AI-generated? Is it possible that they are just trying to bury “offensive” but very real pictures of monks misbehaving?
  20. I can only imagine a lot of expats will opt for the BOI-supported Long-Term Resident visas, which specifically exclude from taxes all income from outside Thailand.
  21. Is this the same Donald Trump who as US President delayed $20 billion of federal aid to Puerto Rico after thousands of people died in Hurricane Maria in 2017?
  22. According to the article, “military sources say they believe Pita supporters may rally ahead of the PM vote, in a bid to put pressure on senators.” So the military is saying that MFP supporters may rally to put pressure on senators. Via their scare tactics, are the military themselves not trying to put pressure on the senators? What other possible reason could they have to spread such alarms?
  23. There are two issues here. The first has to do with BB policies on moving money. I don’t know of any way you could wire money to the US remotely, unless you have previously executed a wire transfer authorization (for example, I have one in place at Fidelity). It may be possible, but given how hard it is to do any banking here, I would guess not. if you wife is here, she should be able to withdraw cash from your joint account. I don’t know whether she could wire transfer from the joint account (but I don’t see why not). But she should be able to wire cash via a service like DeeMoney or open a bank account in her name and wire from there. The other issue has to do with restrictions on transfers out of Thailand imposed by the Bank of Thailand. I had to look into these when sending money to Dubai last year. To send money out of Thailand, a foreigner must be able to show that he previously moved an equal or greater amount into Thailand. A Thai person has to state the use of the money to be transferred. I don’t know if some uses prohibit transfer. Good luck!
  24. I thought the Personal Data Protection Act of June 2021 does not allow taking a video of another person without their consent, even if they are engaged in an illegal act. The person taking the video is liable for civil damages.
  25. I’ve done six extensions at Chaeng Wattana. I used to take a copy of my condo lease as proof of residence. But the officer would always hand it back, so I no longer bother to take it. All they do is ask me to draw a little map of where I live.
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