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Posts posted by sandyf

  1. We see every day leave voters admitted they were wrong and had been conned,

    Where? I've not seen any so far.

    My pension. It was paid last Friday, about 10 percent less than the previous payment in early June.

    Nobody would have their pension paid direct to a foreign country every month unless they were completely broke.

    The state will freeze your pension and you are at the mercy of short term currency fluctuations.

    Up to 7 per cent of the people who voted for a Brexit in the EU referendum now regret their choice, new research has found.

    When the survey’s findings are projected on to last week’s vote, they would cut the Leave share by 1.2 million, almost wiping out the majority that gave Friday's shock result.


    The second part of the post I will treat with the contempt it deserves.

  2. I think the UK has suddenly become a much more attractive place to live.

    If I didn't enjoy living in Thailand so much I would certainly now consider living there.

    please tell us what exactly has changed suddenly? huh.png

    My pension. It was paid last Friday, about 10 percent less than the previous payment in early June.

    The post is about what has changed suddenly and I am well aware that 10% is nothing to some so there is no need for any comments regarding its value.

    wrong! my posting was a question to the claim "sudden change made UK attractive". are you trying to tell that this applies to you too?

    It cannot be denied that the sudden loss of income would make the UK financially more attractive to some. I just came back yesterday so the unattractive side is still fresh in the mind and as I have my own home I will probably die here.

  3. Brexit Retirement Pension Effect = Large reduction in pension income. My pension is now well below the 65K level and net week will be at the mercy of immigration as to wether the funds in my bank account will meet the combination criteria for the retirement extension.

    What precisely is your problem? Exchange rates vary. Investment income varies. Capital values vary. All this is entirely predictable. If you were foolish enough to retire without taking these effects into account and allow a sufficiently large buffer against such changes, then you have no one to blame but yourself. Don't blame British people wanting to be free of the EU's pernicious influence for your folly.

    On the plus side, you can go back to the UK and experience an uprated state pension, free medical treatment, and all the wonders of living in a multicultural society where immigrants (both legal and illegal) are considered a higher priority for state handouts than you are.

    I may have a problem with the technicalities of immigration requirements but that does not mean I have a problem. Arrogance is quite distasteful, you have no idea of my circumstances but you assume the right to lecture. You obviously see yourself as some investment guru but there is more than one one way to skin a cat, I have invested and continue to do so in reducing outgoings. Not quite the same as an extensive portfolio but a great deal more self satisfaction.

    I would not make any difference what income level I had, I would still be annoyed to lose 10 percent of it because a bunch of inept politicians damaged the UK economy in pursuit of their own self interest.

    We see every day leave voters admitted they were wrong and had been conned, I accept that none of the leavers on here are likely to stand up and be counted. Its now all about excuses, how did you put it " Exchange rates vary. Investment income varies.". Only the delusional would see the disastrous effect of the referendum vote as market fluctuation.

  4. Brexit Retirement Pension Effect = Large reduction in pension income. My pension is now well below the 65K level and net week will be at the mercy of immigration as to wether the funds in my bank account will meet the combination criteria for the retirement extension.

    What precisely is your problem? Exchange rates vary. Investment income varies. Capital values vary. All this is entirely predictable. If you were foolish enough to retire without taking these effects into account and allow a sufficiently large buffer against such changes, then you have no one to blame but yourself. Don't blame British people wanting to be free of the EU's pernicious influence for your folly.

    On the plus side, you can go back to the UK and experience an uprated state pension, free medical treatment, and all the wonders of living in a multicultural society where immigrants (both legal and illegal) are considered a higher priority for state handouts than you are.

    You obviously believe the damage had nothing to do with the leave campaign. Even the 'leave' leaders are not prepared to accept responsibility, hence the brexodus.

  5. I think the UK has suddenly become a much more attractive place to live.

    If I didn't enjoy living in Thailand so much I would certainly now consider living there.

    please tell us what exactly has changed suddenly? huh.png

    My pension. It was paid last Friday, about 10 percent less than the previous payment in early June.

    The post is about what has changed suddenly and I am well aware that 10% is nothing to some so there is no need for any comments regarding its value.

  6. U.K. will be much better in the long run. Look Swizerland and Norway, much better as EU.

    Did you study their deals with the EU in terms of accepting EU laws, making contributions to the EU budget and accepting free movement of people?

    Switzerland workforce is 20% immigrants against 10% for the UK so we have a fair way to go to catch them up yet.

    But they count people from neighboring countries as immigrants, same language, same religion.

    If the UK were to count Welsh, Scots and Irish as immigrants what would the figures be?

    No they don't.

    Technically the word immigrant only applies to those that do not have the right to reside, those that have the right to reside under the freedom of movement are in fact migrants.

    The word immigration takes on a different context and usually includes both categories. When the UK refers to immigration figures they always quote as EU and Non-EU.

  7. The Footsie 100 is now above the level held before the referendum, and the pound is fractionally better today. It will improve.

    Better than what? It was 55 before Brexit got underway.

    It was 49.5 in February.

    It touched 55 last October and was 47.78 in April last year

    It was never 55 this year anywhere I looked, I brought money in at the end of May and got 51.8 it may have gone slightly higher but I thought I did well, would have loved 55 but anything 50 and above is ok for me, I guess that anything below 45 causes problems for us all.

    Post No 2272.

    The pound peaked at 56 on 24th Aug 2015, last time it touched 55 was on 14th Dec 2015.

  8. Better than what? It was 55 before Brexit got underway.

    Sandy, you are almost correct.

    The last time that the GBP hit over 55 baht, at least according to my daily logging of the GBP/THB exchange rate at KBank was on Wednesday 26th August 2015 nearly 10 months ago. Quite a while before the Brexit gained strength.

    Belay that message. It was on Tuesday, 22 September 2015. Over 9 months ago.

    The pound peaked at 56 on 24th Aug 2015, last time it touched 55 was on 14th Dec 2015. Speculation on the EU referendum being in June came out on Christmas Eve and pound went downhill from then on.

    Speculation on late June 2016 as EU Referendum Date
    December 24, 2015 1:51 PM

    It depends on which bank exchange rate you are using.

    I am using the KBank rate as KBank is the bank where my pension are paid into.

    I have the spreadsheets of the Forex going back to 1990 and putting them onto Excel and then into Libre Office was along and boring job but now I can look back at the rates as they were when I first arrived in 1993.

    Different banks have different rates and some change several times a day.

    Figures are from tthe Thomson Reuters datafeed.

  9. Brexit Retirement Pension Effect = Large reduction in pension income.

    My pension is now well below the 65K level and net week will be at the mercy of immigration as to wether the funds in my bank account will meet the combination criteria for the retirement extension.

  10. What did Brexiteers gain?

    Well as Will Self said "Not all Brexiteers are racists, but all racists are Brexiteers.

    So the majority have gained a life of embarrassment by slowly realising what they have done and who they were in bed with and those racists have now got it into their heads that anyone who doesn't comply with their visual perception of "English" will "go home" -

    In the meantime the rest of us have to put up with the so called scaremongering.

    The pound has now fallen by about 14% against the dollar since hitting $1.50 ahead of the referendum result.


  11. The Footsie 100 is now above the level held before the referendum, and the pound is fractionally better today. It will improve.

    Better than what? It was 55 before Brexit got underway.

    Sandy, you are almost correct.

    The last time that the GBP hit over 55 baht, at least according to my daily logging of the GBP/THB exchange rate at KBank was on Wednesday 26th August 2015 nearly 10 months ago. Quite a while before the Brexit gained strength.

    Belay that message. It was on Tuesday, 22 September 2015. Over 9 months ago.

    The pound peaked at 56 on 24th Aug 2015, last time it touched 55 was on 14th Dec 2015. Speculation on the EU referendum being in June came out on Christmas Eve and pound went downhill from then on.

    Speculation on late June 2016 as EU Referendum Date
    December 24, 2015 1:51 PM
  12. The Bank Of England have wanted a weaker pound for a long time. The Brexit has been used as a catalyst but it would have fallen even if we stayed in the Anti-democratic EU.

    Soon as we get political stabilisation the pound will gain strength. Just hope the right person is chosen for the job and gets Article 50 underway. Then we can all move forward.

    We need Angela Leadsom to be the Next Prime Minister.

    Theresa May would be a disaster.

    It went up when the Gibraltar result came in.

  13. I quite enjoyed Theresa May´s comment on Boris during her press conference this morning.

    “The last time he did a negotiation with the Germans, he came back with three nearly new water cannon.”

    Almost Thatcher-like..... 555

    I saw the speech live, very strong but seemed a bit nervous in the question session. Apparently the comment related to a true event.

  14. Some time ago I researched the maximum weekly pension achievable from the state including the basic pension, graduated pension and SERPS ( syn:SP2 and Second State Pension).

    The figure came to just a touch short of £270/week. I suspect that the number who get this amount would be very few.

    My state pension is about 1/3 of that even having paid contributions for 44 years.

    Bill, you did more service time than I did so you were contracted out for a lot longer. You will be getting a lot more service pension than I do, you cannot consider the state pension in isolation.

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  15. Yes.

    Many will not now qualify for 12 month extensions.

    That's got to really suck. I wonder if there are countries in SE Asia other than Cambodia that are an option?

    No. They should go home and help make Britain great again.

    That would increase net migration, something the leave campaign promised to stop.

  16. If you only get the state pension then you will not pay tax as your personal allowance is higher than your state pension.

    And your state pension is always paid without tax being stopped. However, the state pension is still taxable income and tax will be stopped from your other income source if your combined incomes exceed your personal allowance.

    I do not know where you get that from. My pension is not far from the personal allowance and I was nowhere near being a high earner. There will be a lot on state pensions above the personal allowance.

    He's referring to the STATE pension. If you are receiving a state pension near the personal tax allowance rate

    You are doing very well.

    Why do you automatically assume people are stupid, of course I was referring to my STATE pension.

  17. If you only get the state pension then you will not pay tax as your personal allowance is higher than your state pension.

    And your state pension is always paid without tax being stopped. However, the state pension is still taxable income and tax will be stopped from your other income source if your combined incomes exceed your personal allowance.

    I do not know where you get that from. My pension is not far from the personal allowance and I was nowhere near being a high earner. There will be a lot on state pensions above the personal allowance.

    With a personal allowance of 11,000 for 2016-2017 you would have to have a state pension of over 211 pounds to pay tax on it. I doubt if there are a handful on that much, if any at all. (State pension, not private, company or annuities)

    I got my state pension in 2012 at £192/week and I know many got much more than that, some around £250 mark.

  18. Congratulation to Britain; most are proponents either politically informed completely wrong or just plain stupid. Good Luck GB

    You should get the facts right, England voted to leave, Scotland and Ireland voted to remain, just happens there are more people in England.

    Scotland will now pursue a second referendum and Ireland wants integration not separation, the UK/EU border is not going to help the political process.

    It is a historic day, the beginning of a Dis-United Kingdom.

  19. If you only get the state pension then you will not pay tax as your personal allowance is higher than your state pension.

    And your state pension is always paid without tax being stopped. However, the state pension is still taxable income and tax will be stopped from your other income source if your combined incomes exceed your personal allowance.

    I do not know where you get that from. My pension is not far from the personal allowance and I was nowhere near being a high earner. There will be a lot on state pensions above the personal allowance.

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