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Posts posted by choochoo

  1. Maybe they could have the engament in The Thai Visa Lounge. Free snacks and balloons provided courtesy of TVF

    Is Thai Visa Lounge any different than any other bar.?

    I would have thought to invest the thai visa goldmine into solid growth mutual funds....but thats just me.

    They seem to be following the same same MODEL.....no customers................lol.

    Seriously bar business is tough as NailS. You need hot chicks -aplenty. Too bad hot chicks dont like their ass poked from behind during a game of billiards.

  2. She's probably already married to a thai from young age and they have 2 kids. TIT.

    Yeah she's married to a thai and her husband allows her to spend a couple of weeks at a time with a ferrang who is giving her no money. Likely story "TIT"

    It's not just common, it's routine, quite normal in Thailand.


    MJP is correct.

    If you ever want to see it for yourself, sit at the Big Dog bar and watch the parade of Thai guys dropping of their wife or girlfriend at Nana Plaza or pick them up later.

    Not only can the girls differentiate between "work" and "love", their husbands much prefer the money to buy whiskey and watch TV over actually having a real job.

    It's quite common.

    That the perfect word. DIFFERENTIATE. Why cant ALL guys do the same. I pay for bargirls but i darn know well i am a customer.

    Those boys dropping the girls off i always thought were moto sai taxi- not boyfriends.................lol. Knowing your barfine has a real boyfriend kind of takes away some of the fun...................lol.

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  3. I don't know what the prices are in the States, but here are some QuickTime prices I picked off a Loblaws flier in Ontario Canada and a meal from Swiss Chalet Restaurant.

    CHICKEN Breast $8 per kilo ฿240

    Pork Side Ribs $11 per kilo ฿330

    ButterBall Turkey $4.38 per kilo ฿132

    Lean ground beef $13.21 per kilo฿396.3

    T-Bone $30.84 per kilo ฿925.2

    Bacon $14.64 per kilo ฿439.2

    Sinus medicine $.25 per pill ฿7.5

    Restaurant meal. Quarter chicken and shrimp dinner $13.99 ฿420.

    I think Canada is considerably more expensive, at least than my area of Isaan.

    It is clear that most things costs much more in Canada than in the US due to taxes.

    No disrespect meant, but the thread is about the US and the US is far cheaper than Canada, the UK, or Australia due to tax structures.

    taxes due to socialism.

    coming soon to usa-the transformation will be completed soon. ca can expect higher than high taxes as they will need more than police on donkeys for deefense.

  4. things are worse than i thought. Meaning op is less intelligent than i thought. Who in the world wants a bargirl with a babie? Your whole life is going to be centered around thai prostitutes..............lol. Its passed on from generation to generation-a cycle that almost impossible to deviate from.

    I bet all modern day hooker had moms who were servicing army men....................lol.

  5. She drinks tequila shots. What she does is get a guy to buy her a drink and egg him on to drink it so she can get more bought for her. That is definitely true as she did that with me when I first met her in the bar. I ended up necking most of her tequila shots. She also forces herself to throw up sometimes.

    Scooter...you are pretty new to the scene, but she is showing many years of experience.

    From the photo, age somewhere between 26 and 32.

    Assume she started working at age 20, assume 1-2 customers every day.

    6 years at 500 per year (5 day working week), that's a minimum of 3,000 customers.

    theres some very pretty Rainbow girls who have worked a long time and many many shifts who i do think have hit this magic 3,000 number.

    It just boggles my mind how these girls after so many sessions atill remmain quite fun.................lol.

  6. I spoke to some veteran bargirls tonight. A few threw up laughing when i said theres bargirls that dont go with customers..................lol.

    Overseas boyfriends are customers- you dang fools! one bargirl said.

    They asked if i could intoduce them to one.. They wanted to se the UniCoRn live.

    That's opinion of a couple of bar girls. We've had someone come on say today they know 2 girls in a bar that don't bar fine so it is possible.

    They said overseas boyfriends. How you think they got them? Im sure it started with a barfine- customer!!!!!!!

  7. Two years ago, a bought my MIL a western-style washing machine to replace her Thai-style one that had died 3 times in two months. Not only was that look there, but she still hasn't stopped talking to her neighbors about it.

    Another thing I do is keep her knives and garden tools sharp. Out here in our little village in Isaan, it's the husband's job to keep the tools sharp, and face comes into play. Well, my FIL died 33 years ago, and unless she bought a new cheap knife, she only had dull ones. Well, now she's quite happy to sit out in the front of her house and prepare veggies while talking with friends and neighbors, and showing off her sharp knives.

    But the entire family has never asked me for anything except rides to doctors or funerals. If they did, and if I could afford it, I'd help my Thai family, just as I help my western family.

    What would have happened if you didnt by the wash machine. Would she love you as a son in law?

    Marring into dirt poor family isnt like marrying into a western family. Lot of differing dynamics.

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  8. call a spade a spade. Bribing them to like you.

    Enough with the phrase HELPING a family. Just give what you want to promote family harmony. Like previous guy said they live a long time wo your 2$ im sure they will live a long time wo it also.

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  9. I say the same thing, I love my wife so within limits I help them. People do the same in the west. If your wife's mother has to go into a nursing home and they can't afford a good one, but you can, you'll help them out, it's natural, so why should it be different here. The only difference is here most westerners are married to poorer farm girls so their families tend to need more help than a western lady's family. Oh within limits means excluding good for nothing relatives that do nothing to help themselves

    Which west do you come from? People where i come from do everything in their power to get the old infirmed on government paid nursing homes.

    Very few can afford top quality care on their own dime.

  10. You have known this girl for two months. Not very long. Not long enough. I would give it six months before you make any hard and fast commitments or investing large amounts of money in the relationship. Trying to not being cynical, just urging caution and restraint. If it is real you have plenty of time. This is Thailand, not a problem if you supplement her income. If she wants to work, let her. Her own money and good for her self esteem. In six months you will get to know the girl and her family better. Take a trip to the hometown and visit the parents. My girl is 52 and we have been together for 18 months. She owns a 20 rai farm in Issan and periodically goes home to administrate the farm and see her 95 year old mother. When she is here I give her 13K a month for spending money. She has a mini farm in the garden and raises some vegies to sell at the local market. I consider my girl to be solid gold. I hope yours is too. You will be a happy man. If she isn't you will be an unhappy, poorer and hopefully wiser man. Good on ya' as the Aussies say.

    Are you saying the farm is full of manure-in other words it doesnt produce income. These stories just dont make cents.

    If you trying to prove a point dont say you are a major source of income.

    52 old thai girl better be gold when man providing $400 a month....lol.

  11. Your question “did I buy a gf”

    Yes you did, but you didn’t pay much. Much less than any relationship costs back home,and you wouldn’t get a 30 year old. Or the attention and sex you’re enjoying. So what’s the alternative?

    Enjoy it while you can, and if you are lucky she may begin to appreciate you and need you just for you.

    Good luck I hope it works out for you both

    without photos we dont know if he overpaid or underpaid............lol.

    a 30 year old girl who accepts so little in upkeep must be dirt kind of like in looks. Looks does affect how much one needs to pay.

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